
Apparently someone jumping on a trampoline in a dorm room hit a sprinkler head and flooded multiple floors of Gray Court.

We didn't have sprinklers in Wood or Moore halls back in the day. Concrete blocks, baby. I don't remember ever making it past the lobby of Gray Court.
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I don't remember ever making it past the lobby of Gray Court.
Three of us did first night back to school when new Gray opened. We were on the second floor welcoming the residents back to school out the window. I believe it was Officer B who met us at the exit door leading to a subsequent meeting with Dean Mateer. We were sentenced to a “double secret probation!”
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An awful mess......tough on the students whose possessions were soaked..........meanwhile on the memory lane train ....worst we had in Jeter Hall in the 60's was someone lighting the contents of an in room trash can on fire and the fire department showing up to put it out.....................
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Fire alarm used to go off all the time in Gray Court back when I was in school. Gray court has been through a lot over the years and could use a shower….

In all seriousness, glad everyone was reported safe and hopefully the process of reimbursement of damaged items will happen swiftly.
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Gray Court is 50 years old this year. Holy crap, I'm a fossil. Even good old Wood Hall wasn't that old when I lived there in 1972-73.

I loved Wood Hall. And Moore the next year, when I had one of the three dormer rooms in 4th floor A section.