OOC 2018-2019

Just looking back as far as ten years ago, it seems that from 2008-2014 we played games on December 28, except for twice when we played on the 29th. Since then we have played games away. And to reiterate, I get that this is completely selfish on my part, because I don’t want to spend an entire vacation week at my in-laws’ house (who does?) in order to see a game.
Not sure how intentional it was. 2015 Texas Tech away Dec 29, 2016 Texas Tech Home was Dec 16. I wonder if they set that schedule? Only game close in 2016 was Davidson away. Last year 2017 Davidson was at home on December 30.
11/9 Longwood
11/14: St. Francis (NY)
11/16: IUPUI
11/19 Loyola-Chicago*
11/21 BC/Wyoming*
11/25 Hampton
12/1 Wake Forest
12/15 Oral Roberts
12/19 ODU
TBD at Georgetwon

* Fort Myers, Florida

So we know 10 games on our schedule (I’m pretty sure we play at Georgetown this year even though date isn’t official). 7 home games, 2 neutral, and 1 away so far. Hopefully we get 13 OOC instead of 12 this year.

Very interesting website. So by this I think UR's WEAK OOC schedule is ranked at 264th and 12th hardest of A10 teams. Mooney is coaching SCARED and playing not to lose. Not to lose his job that is.

My observation is Mooney's hoping he can at least coach out his contract without getting fired and make his transition to a weaker conference easier. Good for him, do that or get into politics. Mooney says as little as possible without the public understanding a definite goal for the team exists.