
It may come as a surprise to you that every other college and university is focused on these things as well but most of them are able to accomplish these goals while achieving success in athletics more often than once a decade
You should tell them that directly. I am not on the board.
80s, serious question, do you get the feel that the Trustees and/or administration believe a "successful" sports program can advance the recognition of the University on a national basis (see W&M)
UR80sfan, you are seeing the light. I hope your contacts feel the same. I think you can get it done. You are giving me a ray of hope, MO DA CHAINS 🕷🕸🕷🕸
They are focused on things like increasing diversity on campus, dealing with student protests, renaming building, improving all major areas of study, keeping the faculty happy, helping all students get internships that want one, prioritizing new building projects, enhancing the quality of the campus, continue the policy of need blind based admission, Covid 19, increasing applications for the school. helping student get jobs their senior year, raising money and the list goes on and on.

BTW, I have edited my original post to be slightly more negative. Mooney needs to turn the ship around or he is not getting an extension.
If they lowered admissions just a tiny little bit and recruited accordingly for the major sports they would knock a number of those items off of your list.
80s, serious question, do you get the feel that the Trustees and/or administration believe a "successful" sports program can advance the recognition of the University on a national basis (see W&M)
When you look at who runs the school there are a number of groups that have input with the most influential being the faculty. They are basically a unionized group that can't be fired and the school can not operate without them. I would think they do not put a lot of importance on athletics.

Next you have the administration, which historically has been run by an academic. I have met Kevin Hallock a couple times and think he is a great guy. I do not know him very well, but I would think he wants our teams to do well, but it is not going to have a major impact on admissions and moderate on fund raising.

Next you have the board of trustee, which is made up of a big group of people with the 2 most influential rolling off the board (Paul Q and Susan Quisenberry). Both of them were big sports fans. Not sure who will replace them. The board has a lot of priorities and Sports is probably lower on the list. I suggest you take the time to read the bios of our board members and it will tell you a lot about what they are interest in.

All of this is my opinion and I could be wrong.
When you look at who runs the school there are a number of groups that have input with the most influential being the faculty. They are basically a unionized group that can't be fired and the school can not operate without them. I would think they do not put a lot of importance on athletics.

Next you have the administration, which historically has been run by an academic. I have met Kevin Hallock a couple times and think he is a great guy. I do not know him very well, but I would think he wants our teams to do well, but it is not going to have a major impact on admissions and moderate on fund raising.

Next you have the board of trustee, which is made up of a big group of people with the 2 most influential rolling off the board (Paul Q and Susan Quisenberry). Both of them were big sports fans. Not sure who will replace them. The board has a lot of priorities and Sports is probably lower on the list. I suggest you take the time to read the bios of our board members and it will tell you a lot about what they are interest in.

All of this is my opinion and I could be wrong.
Sadly (the way I feel), I think your assessment is spot on. It's becoming more apparent to me that no matter how much that I wish things were different they're just not going to be. If anything they're headed in the opposite direction. It's really becoming more and more difficult for me to cheer for athletic teams that are restrained from being the very best. My frustration level may go way down if I just move along and quit caring so damn much. Uncle.
Agree with the previous two posts. Is it possible that the school's administration is just (and not so covertly) telling us, "guys, you need to stop caring as much as you do"?
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It was in response to a question, what is the board of trustees focused on that is a higher priority than basketball.
Fair enough. You don’t need to spend a ton of time to know that our athletics department is not heading in the right direction. I believe the board should spend time on all of the issues you mentioned earlier and this should be their priority. However, recognizing these athletic issues and finding a new AD or suggesting it’s time for a new coach in football/basketball shouldn’t take up too much of their (arguably) precious time.
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They are focused on things like increasing diversity on campus, dealing with student protests, renaming building, improving all major areas of study, keeping the faculty happy, helping all students get internships that want one, prioritizing new building projects, enhancing the quality of the campus, continue the policy of need blind based admission, Covid 19, increasing applications for the school. helping student get jobs their senior year, raising money and the list goes on and on.

BTW, I have edited my original post to be slightly more negative. Mooney needs to turn the ship around or he is not getting an extension.
Is it possible to be excellent in academics and athletics? Some other schools do. All we are asking for.
If sports are a low priority and being "woke" is the top priority then we are all wasting our time caring about Spider Athletics (and the school for that matter, in my opinion).
Wasted decades and money
Sadly (the way I feel), I think your assessment is spot on. It's becoming more apparent to me that no matter how much that I wish things were different they're just not going to be. If anything they're headed in the opposite direction. It's really becoming more and more difficult for me to cheer for athletic teams that are restrained from being the very best. My frustration level may go way down if I just move along and quit caring so damn much. Uncle.
I know your response was to someone else, but let me add this. I'm not sure it's a question of prioritization. I believe it's a question of competence and lack of leadership.
There are loads of studies that athletics enhances a university’s profile, which in turn promotes stronger admissions and deeper alumni engagement. I’d say our problem is that we have not had successful athletics to actually show the value stated above.

So it’s a bit of a catch-22. I don’t think our BoT, administration or faculty are anti-athletics as some suggest, but I don’t think anyone is inclined to rock the boat barring a substantial impact to something like fundraising or similar type concern.
There are loads of studies that athletics enhances a university’s profile, which in turn promotes stronger admissions and deeper alumni engagement. I’d say our problem is that we have not had successful athletics to actually show the value stated above.

So it’s a bit of a catch-22. I don’t think our BoT, administration or faculty are anti-athletics as some suggest, but I don’t think anyone is inclined to rock the boat barring a substantial impact to something like fundraising or similar type concern.

The value of winning a game or two in the NCAA's for a mid-major is enormous and it has nothing to do with the unit credits. Everyone in the country talking about your school and googling you for that week or two is everything.
I have given Mooney credit many times through the years for being able to retain his job repetitively even though his performance demands his termination. That demonstrates a level of skill, some would call it a bullshit artist, others a master manipulator. But, the fact is that he continues to be able to snow enough people like you who have never played the game competitively, that he keeps his job. The situation (his performance nor the BS) will not change in the foreseeable future. It is Mooney's choice.

What I don't understand is why Mooney hasn't figured out is that success for him lies in the commentator business. All agree that Mooney presents well with his looks, that he is articulate (though a bit full of it), and that he has enough sense of the game to be someone that others might find entertaining. He has coaching experience, and the networks would be clamoring to book him for as much as he wants, all at a good rate of pay.

The money would not approach what he has taken from Richmond, but he is already a multimillionaire, so money shouldn't be a major concern. He would work less, have no critics, and his "run around in circles" (safe) talk would be non-controversial, and garner much praise from those who don't know the difference.

Mooney and Richmond would be wise to negotiate a deal that would pay him some money, but would also get him off of the hot seat and into a cushy part-time retirement where he would have it made. When he finally figures this out, he will discover that his new career is right up his alley. Seth Greenberg Mooney.
If he's doing color on a game, and the play-by-play guy asks him a question, he can't get away with "Gee, that's a really good question. Let me think about it and get back to you."
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The value of winning a game or two in the NCAA's for a mid-major is enormous and it has nothing to do with the unit credits. Everyone in the country talking about your school and googling you for that week or two is everything.
Successive Admins don't get this. Myopic. No vision. Hopefully Hallock makes a difference. We shall know soon enough.
Successive Admins don't get this. Myopic. No vision. Hopefully Hallock makes a difference. We shall know soon enough.
We’ll see how strong of an administrator Hallock is regarding Mooney. He hasn’t been around long enough to be
loyal to Mooney or Hardt, It’s going to fall into his lap to put-up or shut-up, when it comes to our athletic programs.
I want to believe he knows and supports the concept of winning for recognition sake, if nothing else.
Ever heard of Gonzaga 15 years ago?
Next you have the administration, which historically has been run by an academic. I have met Kevin Hallock a couple times and think he is a great guy. I do not know him very well, but I would think he wants our teams to do well, but it is not going to have a major impact on admissions and moderate on fund raising.

Wow he sounds so awesome!!

I love how these Trekkie presidents always come in and need a year to make any decisions anyway. Gotta go on a listening tour around the country talking to various city alumni groups first. It's like a f'n prerequisite. That and acting like it's always the Pres and wife equally in the job as if we hired the wife as co Pres.

Keep calm and carry on!

The Robins Center in January, more life altering than a week long South American vacation.

JOC is not going to be critical we know that but the pictures that come w his articles r consistently good esp of Moon. Maybe that’s his non verbal subtle way tho I doubt he chooses those pics but who knows. Today’s was the classic dueling booger eating w Hovde.

& did Mooney drop the classic “this is why YOU came back” line again?? I’m sure the guys loved hearing that patronizing bull.

the moving of the goalposts has begun.
I don’t know how many times I’ve beat this point home but you see any other mid major roster with the kind of talent and experience that this one has and they are never at 9-6, 0-2 in their conference. Those kind of teams are typically only losing a few games all year and are top 10-15 teams and second weekend in the tournament. Think SDSU, butler, Wichita state, Dayton a few years ago, and even vcu. This ain’t it guys and the point I’m making should make it very clear. Blow this thing up.
JOC is not going to be critical we know that but the pictures that come w his articles r consistently good esp of Moon. Maybe that’s his non verbal subtle way tho I doubt he chooses those pics but who knows. Today’s was the classic dueling booger eating w Hovde.

& did Mooney drop the classic “this is why YOU came back” line again?? I’m sure the guys loved hearing that patronizing bull.

the moving of the goalposts has begun.
If you've been following JOC long enough, pretty clear he loathes Mooney. He is a professional journalist and of course won't let that color his work, but the tells are all there. Love it.
Many of you want to highjack every post with negative comments about the coach, so let discuss Mooney. The conversation should not be fire Mooney, because that is not going to happen. It should be will he get an extension?

The school is not going to spend millions and buy out his contract. The school’s expenses have increased significantly because of Covid and they potentially lost their number one donor, who has helped funded most of their majors projects over the past decade, which is going to cause them to tighten their budget.

Since the billboard went up and the school made a recommitment to Mooney, the team has done well before this year. They should have qualified for the NCAA, then last year they had the highest ranking in the school’s history and despite multiple Covid interruptions and injuries, still made it to the 18 team NIT. This year, despite some bad losses, we still have a chance of going to either the NIT or if we win the tournament, the NCAA. If we make a tournament he probably gets an extension. In addition, he looks great compared to the football coach.

Starting with Golden and Sherod’s recruiting year, the quality of Mooney’s recruits have improved significantly, which should lead to better teams in the future.

He runs a clean program and the players are extremely loyal to him. With the new transfer rules this is a valuable asset for a coach. It is also an indication that the player’s think he is doing a good job.

Bottom line is that Mooney is a good coach, but not a great coach. He has not done a great job of having the players play up to their potential as a team, but still has one of the top records in the A 10 since the billboard went up.
Here is what I don't understand for the Mooney loyalists. Whom is your loyalty to? Is it to our program, our university, OUR PLAYERS, or is it to Mooney? Because after 11 years of not making the NCAA tournament is ABUNDANTLY clear that Mooney does not possess the tools to get our program to the NCAA on any type of regular basis.

It is beyond sad that we have had so many great legendary players over the past decade plus, come and pour their blood, sweat, and tears into achieving the one goal that every college basketball player has and to come up empty, EVERY SINGLE TIME. They deserve so much better than that.
It’s telling that CM speaks of “growing” and “getting better” when you have this much experience going into the season. We shouldn’t need to grow or get better with this crew, they’re arguably at the pinnacle of their game after this much time.

I hope there’s less subtlety in the locker room than that.

Keep calm and carry on!

The Robins Center in January, more life altering than a week long South American vacation.
Most likely some VCU marketing grad chose the picture, but it’s very appropriate. Picture shows the famous Mooney look during the last few minutes of every game we have seen for 17 years. Maybe they need to lower the dose in the little cup.
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Most likely some VCU marketing grad chose the picture, but it’s very appropriate. Picture shows the famous Mooney look during the last few minutes of every game we have seen for 17 years. Maybe they need to lower the dose in the little cup.
Take away the little cup Mooney uses during the game.
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I know some of you don't want to jinx yourselves, but at the current rate there's no chance Mooney gets extended. it's a weak A10 so there's a chance we get on a hot streak. but if we go say 9-9 in conference with 23 year olds, there's no chance he's extended.
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I know some of you don't want to jinx yourselves, but at the current rate there's no chance Mooney gets extended. it's a weak A10 so there's a chance we get on a hot streak. but if we go say 9-9 in conference with 23 year olds, there's no chance he's extended.
I thought that it was a no brainer to can CM when we had back to back 20 loss seasons after not making the tournament for 6-7 years.

Our ADs have shown remarkably little spine when results warrant action. I’m not real confident anything is likely to change, look at what just happened with Huesman.
The only difference is that the 20-loss teams could claim youth and inexperience, even though both were direct results of Mooney screwing things up. But this team is the most experienced in NCAA history. That excuse won't fly.
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