

Jan 28, 2018
Many of you want to highjack every post with negative comments about the coach, so let discuss Mooney. The conversation should not be fire Mooney, because that is not going to happen. It should be will he get an extension?

The school is not going to spend millions and buy out his contract. The school’s expenses have increased significantly because of Covid and they potentially lost their number one donor, who has helped funded most of their majors projects over the past decade, which is going to cause them to tighten their budget.

Since the billboard went up and the school made a recommitment to Mooney, the team has done well before this year. They should have qualified for the NCAA, then last year they had the highest ranking in the school’s history and despite multiple Covid interruptions and injuries, still made it to the 18 team NIT. This year, despite some bad losses, we still have a chance of going to either the NIT or if we win the tournament, the NCAA. If we make a tournament he probably gets an extension. In addition, he looks great compared to the football coach.

Starting with Golden and Sherod’s recruiting year, the quality of Mooney’s recruits have improved significantly, which should lead to better teams in the future.

He runs a clean program and the players are extremely loyal to him. With the new transfer rules this is a valuable asset for a coach. It is also an indication that the player’s think he is doing a good job.

Bottom line is that Mooney is a good coach, but not a great coach. He has not done a great job of having the players play up to their potential as a team, but still has one of the top records in the A 10 since the billboard went up.
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The past 17 years have been more than enough. Even if Burton returns next year. It's a long rebuild with Mooney. Going to take another 5 years just to make the NIT probably. Being relevant every 5 years isn't a good. Stop bringing up the 24 win season. Dayton was clearly the top team in the conference that year. We would matchup with VCU in A-10 tournament and basically lose. Then head to the wonderful NIT. Mooney history is so predictable its ridiculous.
Thanks for this thread, Mrs. Mooney, but SEVENTEEN YEARS is a goddamn eternity and then some in Division 1 college basketball. No other school at our level accepts this type of mediocrity for so long. Not one.
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Many of you want to highjack every post with negative comments about the coach, so let discuss Mooney. The conversation should not be fire Mooney, because that is not going to happen. It should be will he get an extension?

The school is not going to spend millions and buy out his contract. The school’s expenses have increased significantly because of Covid and they potentially lost their number one donor, who has helped funded most of their majors projects over the past decade, which is going to cause them to tighten their budget.

Since the billboard went up and the school made a recommitment to Mooney, the team has done well. They should have qualified for the NCAA, then last year they had the highest ranking in the school’s history and despite multiple Covid interruptions and injuries, still made it to the 18 team NIT. This year, despite some bad losses, we still have a good chance of going to either the NIT or if we win the tournament, the NCAA. That type of performance is going to get a coach extension. In addition, he looks great compared to the football coach.

Starting with Golden and Sherod’s recruiting year, the quality of Mooney’s recruits have improved significantly, which should lead to better teams in the future.

He runs a clean program and the players are extremely loyal to him. With the new transfer rules this is a valuable asset for a coach. It is also an indication that the player’s think he is doing a good job.

Bottom line is that Mooney is a good coach, but not a great coach. He has not done a great job of having the players play up to their potential as a team, but still has one of the top records in the A 10 since the billboard went up.
This sounds, well, mediocre...
The school is not going to spend millions and buy out his contract. The school’s expenses have increased significantly because of Covid and they potentially lost their number one donor, who has helped funded most of their majors projects over the past decade, which is going to cause them to tighten their budget.

The university’s financial position is stronger than ever. The endowment added almost a BILLION dollars last year. A few million to buy out a contract would be a rounding error.
Many of you want to highjack every post with negative comments about the coach, so let discuss Mooney. The conversation should not be fire Mooney, because that is not going to happen. It should be will he get an extension?

The school is not going to spend millions and buy out his contract. The school’s expenses have increased significantly because of Covid and they potentially lost their number one donor, who has helped funded most of their majors projects over the past decade, which is going to cause them to tighten their budget.

Since the billboard went up and the school made a recommitment to Mooney, the team has done well. They should have qualified for the NCAA, then last year they had the highest ranking in the school’s history and despite multiple Covid interruptions and injuries, still made it to the 18 team NIT. This year, despite some bad losses, we still have a good chance of going to either the NIT or if we win the tournament, the NCAA. That type of performance is going to get a coach extension. In addition, he looks great compared to the football coach.

Starting with Golden and Sherod’s recruiting year, the quality of Mooney’s recruits have improved significantly, which should lead to better teams in the future.

He runs a clean program and the players are extremely loyal to him. With the new transfer rules this is a valuable asset for a coach. It is also an indication that the player’s think he is doing a good job.

Bottom line is that Mooney is a good coach, but not a great coach. He has not done a great job of having the players play up to their potential as a team, but still has one of the top records in the A 10 since the billboard went up.
Unbelievable! Back to definition of stupid versus ignorant! You will get pass on this post.
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The university’s financial position is stronger than ever. The endowment added almost a BILLION dollars last year. A few million to buy out a contract would be a rounding error.
Maybe I dreamed this. Somewhere I thought the endowment dollars are restricted. Not to be used for sports, including coaches salaries.
My greatest wish is not just to see Mooney sent packing but that there was somehow, some way that these Mooneyphile rainbows and unicorns pom pom squad chumps could get their wish and be stuck with Mooney coaching their team until the end of time and the rest of us could get a new, young up and coming coach with fire to coach our team because eventually he will be gone and it is unfair for his adoring, blind fans to benefit from his replacement like the rest of us will since they fought against him leaving so vehemently for what will be 20+++ years!
Almost exactly half of the endowment is restricted by the donors’ wishes. The other half can be used however the university wants.
The money must be spent on great suits and renovated the Robins Center. Continue to build new facilities and fix what you have. Find big doners donating to the spider club. I can't even remember the last time I donated to the spider club. Oh wait it's not even called the spider club anymore?
The university’s financial position is stronger than ever. The endowment added almost a BILLION dollars last year. A few million to buy out a contract would be a rounding error.
Unfortunately, that is not how endowments funds work. They usually only payout about 4.5% of assets per year and the calculation of assets is usually on a rolling 3 year average to help smooth out the payout from year to year. In addition to the extra expenses of Covid 19, they also will have to deal with rising inflation at 6.8% (University's operating inflation has been rising faster tan the CPI).
One to to the NCAA tournament with a new coach pretty much pays the buyout. Take a calculated chance. Miller took one on Mooney and it bombed. Let's try this version.
Unfortunately, that is not how endowments funds work. They usually only payout about 4.5% of assets per year and the calculation of assets is usually on a rolling 3 year average to help smooth out the payout from year to year. In addition to the extra expenses of Covid 19, they also will have to deal with rising inflation at 6.8% (University's operating inflation has been rising faster tan the CPI).
UR’s formula has two components…30% is based on 5% of a five year average, lagging one year. The remaining 70% is an inflation-based calculation.

So no, the 40% gain in the endowment in just one year isn’t factored in just yet, but there’s a whole bunch of money ramping up over the next few years.

They did also get $6.1 million from the government for COVID expenses. Doesn’t cover all of it, but it certainly helps.
My greatest wish is not just to see Mooney sent packing but that there was somehow, some way that these Mooneyphile rainbows and unicorns pom pom squad chumps could get their wish and be stuck with Mooney coaching their team until the end of time and the rest of us could get a new, young up and coming coach with fire to coach our team because eventually he will be gone and it is unfair for his adoring, blind fans to benefit from his replacement like the rest of us will since they fought against him leaving so vehemently for what will be 20+++ years!
I think it is in appropriate to call fellow posters derogatory names. Please articulate your response in a logically unemotional way.
Many of you want to highjack every post with negative comments about the coach, so let discuss Mooney. The conversation should not be fire Mooney, because that is not going to happen. It should be will he get an extension?

The school is not going to spend millions and buy out his contract. The school’s expenses have increased significantly because of Covid and they potentially lost their number one donor, who has helped funded most of their majors projects over the past decade, which is going to cause them to tighten their budget.

Since the billboard went up and the school made a recommitment to Mooney, the team has done well. They should have qualified for the NCAA, then last year they had the highest ranking in the school’s history and despite multiple Covid interruptions and injuries, still made it to the 18 team NIT. This year, despite some bad losses, we still have a good chance of going to either the NIT or if we win the tournament, the NCAA. That type of performance is going to get a coach extension. In addition, he looks great compared to the football coach.

Starting with Golden and Sherod’s recruiting year, the quality of Mooney’s recruits have improved significantly, which should lead to better teams in the future.

He runs a clean program and the players are extremely loyal to him. With the new transfer rules this is a valuable asset for a coach. It is also an indication that the player’s think he is doing a good job.

Bottom line is that Mooney is a good coach, but not a great coach. He has not done a great job of having the players play up to their potential as a team, but still has one of the top records in the A 10 since the billboard went up.
This is a good post and agree with many of your points.
I do not think he gets an extension and likely leaves for another job to save face.
My biggest compliment about Mooney is his players are extremely loyal and he runs a clean program as you noted.
My biggest complaint is he is a horrible in-game manager. He never seems to make the right substitution, call the right timeout or make the necessary adjustments. Let’s not even get into rebounding.
I was as optimistic as anybody on this board about this upcoming season and the St Joes game took the air out of me. I thought 2020 was a great year and last year had some COVID issues that clearly impacted the season. Hard to explain what is happening right now other than Mooney not getting the team ready to play, and that includes not bringing the team back earlier after winter break.
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Great post, Paul. I like this part - Bottom line is that Mooney is a good coach, but not a great coach. He has not done a great job of having the players play up to their potential as a team…
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Off topic but since it was raised in this thread, what is the current endowment?
Many of you want to highjack every post with negative comments about the coach, so let discuss Mooney. The conversation should not be fire Mooney, because that is not going to happen. It should be will he get an extension?

The school is not going to spend millions and buy out his contract. The school’s expenses have increased significantly because of Covid and they potentially lost their number one donor, who has helped funded most of their majors projects over the past decade, which is going to cause them to tighten their budget.

Since the billboard went up and the school made a recommitment to Mooney, the team has done well. They should have qualified for the NCAA, then last year they had the highest ranking in the school’s history and despite multiple Covid interruptions and injuries, still made it to the 18 team NIT. This year, despite some bad losses, we still have a good chance of going to either the NIT or if we win the tournament, the NCAA. That type of performance is going to get a coach extension. In addition, he looks great compared to the football coach.

Starting with Golden and Sherod’s recruiting year, the quality of Mooney’s recruits have improved significantly, which should lead to better teams in the future.

He runs a clean program and the players are extremely loyal to him. With the new transfer rules this is a valuable asset for a coach. It is also an indication that the player’s think he is doing a good job.

Bottom line is that Mooney is a good coach, but not a great coach. He has not done a great job of having the players play up to their potential as a team, but still has one of the top records in the A 10 since the billboard went up.
That is delusional. He is an over paid under achiever. Best facilities in the conference, big salary, and he can’t win his own conference. I can only assume you don’t actually believe this you are just stirring the pot
Thanks for this thread, Mrs. Mooney, but SEVENTEEN YEARS is a goddamn eternity and then some in Division 1 college basketball. No other school at our level across this type of mediocrity for so long. Not one.
Great post! Required reading for enablers of mediocrity.
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I’m sure it does. It’s the financial statement for the whole university.
I’m not certain it works that way. I only question it because the school has tended to hide/ignore etc that football was endowed, thank you Mr Robins (and the matching donators). I saw Cooper denied it existed, until he checked, Ever since I’ve been cautious about where that money is going.
Interesting post, and I should probably not reply but I will. First my explanation as to why I should probably not reply: I am firmly of the belief only a very few college coaches should stay in the head position of a primary sport at one school for more than about 7 years. I don't believe it is good for the coach or the school to stay longer. Few Coaches achieve the label of great while at one school, few coaches continue to create hype, sell tickets, or create interest that leads to donations by staying to long. Of our two primary sports the only ones we have had in modern history I would like to have seen stay are the Great One (who we succeeded in keeping until he retired) and Dave Clawson. College sports are about hype and energy -- you do not get that with many 17 + year coaches.

In spite of our endowment success I think our development team has been lazy in that they do not locate or create many big time donors. If we are totally reliant upon one big donor we are soon destined to fail. If the biggest donor totally leaves as you hint then I believe the donor was more interested in the glory than the University, and the University may be better off if the donor leaves. Strength is in numbers. Look how Heilman had a knack for making every student and every alum, and non-alum donors feel special and appreciated. People wanted to be associated and active. It saddens me to see as many active alum, donors and fans as I have seen in the last 5 to 10 years say they were done, they will not make the donation they have been making, or will no longer attend events. As for attendance our announcer says we can just get new ones. And never apologizes for the comment.

If the Administration is happy with slightly above average they will extend Chris; if the Administration is striving to achieve greatness they will not. One year of dancing with the number of seniors we currently have should not merit an extension under any circumstances.
Yep 54%…..mediocre. Would Jim Miller have hired him if he knew 54% and 2 ncaa’s in 17 seasons?
No . Jim was concerned about losing him. After the sweet 16 year. Give Mooney a big contract and we keep a great coach or get a big buyout. Ask him
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I’m not certain it works that way. I only question it because the school has tended to hide/ignore etc that football was endowed, thank you Mr Robins (and the matching donators). I saw Cooper denied it existed, until he checked, Ever since I’ve been cautious about where that money is going.
I would be astonished if it’s not in the university numbers. Would be significant audit risk if it was off the books somehow.
In spite of our endowment success I think our development team has been lazy in that they do not locate or create many big time donors. If we are totally reliant upon one big donor we are soon destined to fail. If the biggest donor totally leaves as you hint then I believe the donor was more interested in the glory than the University, and the University may be better off if the donor leaves. Strength is in numbers. Look how Heilman had a knack for making every student and every alum, and non-alum donors feel special and appreciated. People wanted to be associated and active. It saddens me to see as many active alum, donors and fans as I have seen in the last 5 to 10 years say they were done, they will not make the donation they have been making, or will no longer attend events. As for attendance our announcer says we can just get new ones. And never apologizes for the comment.
Great post overall but, in particular, this paragraph. It will be interesting to see if losing the Queally "backboard" forces improvement at all levels.
I would be astonished if it’s not in the university numbers. Would be significant audit risk if it was off the books somehow.
It’s more an issue of who’s books. Is the Athletic Department a separate entity? Isn’t the Spider Club? I certainly don’t know. I’d like to know what is the football endowment valued at currently?

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