Mo Allie Cox

There go the rebounds we heard about earlier. Sounds weak to me so far.
I would feel worse about this if the VCU fans did not go to such lengths to bring ANO's situation to light - which occurred while in high school, and was a PRACTICE FIGHT, against a known thug. And was not a girl. Love how the VCU fans are justifying him punching her and the girl is drunk, and crazy and started it, etc. Too funny how they can have such a double standard when a kid that is being considered for the NFL allegedly punches a girl. Probably fit right in, maybe this should be reported to Goodel, like the VCU fans reporting to the times-dispatch????
I would feel worse about this if the VCU fans did not go to such lengths to bring ANO's situation to light - which occurred while in high school, and was a PRACTICE FIGHT, against a known thug. And was not a girl. Love how the VCU fans are justifying him punching her and the girl is drunk, and crazy and started it, etc. Too funny how they can have such a double standard when a kid that is being considered for the NFL allegedly punches a girl. Probably fit right in, maybe this should be reported to Goodel, like the VCU fans reporting to the times-dispatch????
Mo's victim pressed charges against him which resulted in Misdemeanor battery.

ANO was charged with Felony Battery, which he then pled down to a misdemeanor. He has that on his record as he pled guilty. Mo's been charged with a misdemeanor he may, or may not be guilty of. A bit different, but both disappointing.
Money Bags/Big Hair Ed is likely on the phone now talking to the young lady's parents trying to coax them into having their daughter drop charges against Mo
in order that he is able to continue his All Academic studies(stop laughing,please)and participate on the roundball team."It was all a terrible misunderstanding that young people make".....

"Can I keep some of the money and go back to Chatty"
I just read the Ram message board and every post i read was making an excuse for Mo and not one critical of what he did. Big Hair Ed will probably suspend him from a practice and one pregame meal once the season starts. had a thread on the topic "Mo Accused of Assault" and it has not been shut down in favor of a more innocuous thread title for of "VCU Media mentions". What a joke these guys are.

Has Charlie Diradour weighed in with local "news media" on this topic yet?
Looks like Lambnation "Cox Blocked" the Mo Allie Cox thread, and redirected users to the "Media Mentions" thread where the Lambs continue to wring their hands/hoofs over this unfortunate event that implicated one of their best returning players and best student.

Dumpster fire indeed...
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Over/under on the number of days until Boy Blunder gets caught with a prostitute on Grace Street? At this point, I'd say go big or go home!
Lol. Austin is expensive, how much does a professional a$$ kisser make? I might listen to it for a while if Matt is on.
So you are the type of guy who thinks it is OK to hit a girl, as long as you get away with it. Got ya. At least we know where you are coming from troll.

You got that all from my one post? Great. If you can't understand the very basics of accused/convicted and how it relates to this instance then I cannot help you. Troll on.
You got that all from my one post? Great. If you can't understand the very basics of accused/convicted and how it relates to this instance then I cannot help you. Troll on.
So you think there's a chance he didn't hit her in the face?
One has been convicted, the other has been accused - of a lesser crime (misdemeanor/felony).

And one was in high school and a juvenile, who hit another high school basketball player with quite an illustrious rap sheet of his own. While the other was an adult, college graduate, who allegedly hit a woman in the face in a bar.

Context is everything.
And one was in high school and a juvenile, who hit another high school basketball player with quite an illustrious rap sheet of his own. While the other was an adult, college graduate, who allegedly hit a woman in the face in a bar.

Context is everything.
This should clear things up, 97:
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty but one thing is for sure.. I would not want to get hit in the face by Mo!
You got that all from my one post? Great. If you can't understand the very basics of accused/convicted and how it relates to this instance then I cannot help you. Troll on.

Goph, out of curiosity, where did you land on the "Shawndre Great Finger Incident of Aught-16"? You actually seem reasonable, but I have to say, I think you're defending what is likely to be a less than defensible situation.
I think we all should just wait for the facts to come out. I'm not condoning or condemning anything now. We know few facts, other than an accusation was made. I hope justice is done, though I respect, that it is sometimes not entirely realized, either. If Mo is innocent, I wish him a great season. If he's not, he'll have to deal with that, in time. had a thread on the topic "Mo Accused of Assault" and it has not been shut down in favor of a more innocuous thread title for of "VCU Media mentions". What a joke these guys are.

Has Charlie Diradour weighed in with local "news media" on this topic yet?

Charlie's an idiot.
So you think there's a chance he didn't hit her in the face?

She followed him outside of society to ask if he meant to hit her, he said he never did.

Far more likely is that he was breaking up the little fight between this woman and the woman she "grabbed by the hair" but didn't mean to - according to her own sworn statement. The other woman was part of Mo's group.

I wasn't there, neither was anyone else on this board. What we do know is the victims story through a sworn statement given to the magistrate. What it looks like to me, is that she petitioned the magistrate for a warrant. It is my understanding that someone can do this but only the PD can charge in a felony case (this is all from a practicing VA attorney on our board). It would make sense that he'd only be charged with a misdemeanor if she's the one who brought it forward after the police didn't think anything of it. If the Richmond cops thought a 250 pound man punched a girl in the face, I'd imagine they'd bring felony charges.

This is all conjecture and rumor, outside of her sworn statement we have nothing to go on. I'm in favor of reserving judgement until the verdict is reached.

Regarding Shawndre's picture: too easy to edit picture these days. He obviously flipped the bird, but can't tell if he added F VCU or not. Either way, I've had UR fans say "F VCU" to me in person - I'm sure the opposite has happened for you guys. Worst for us though is GMU fans for some reason.
well, at least you aren't the VCU fan who assured us that snapchat pictures are impossible to alter!
I hear UR is only referred to as FUR on your sheep board. I think RPI is bit more tame than that. That being said, I will wait and see how this plays out in the court system. I have a feeling it will be settled quickly and we won't hear another word about it after today.
Gopher, you actually seem like an intelligent, reasonable guy, why are you a Ram fan? JK, the facts will come to light soon enough. We should all reserve judgement until then.
Guilty or not, I predict he will be playing for RPI next year. They have proven time and time again that they have no standards. Just look at Larry Sanders and Weber last off-season for proof. The only way this blows up on them is if they get tremendous outside preasure because he hit woman.
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Far more likely is that he was breaking up the little fight between this woman and the woman
A lot of conjecture here as well. Like I said in the original post I really hope he didn't do it, but Rams fans are really conjecturing away without knowing the story either. In fact, will look like some class A rubes if a smidgen of the story is true, and they are attacking a woman that was punched by one of the strongest players in college hoops, and a sure fire NFL player to boot.

Does not it seem likely that Mo was very upset and emotionally unstable after being jilted by his father figure Shaka leaving him? Unfortunately the story has hit nationally:

A lot of conjecture here as well. Like I said in the original post I really hope he didn't do it, but Rams fans are really conjecturing away without knowing the story either. In fact, will look like some class A rubes if a smidgen of the story is true, and they are attacking a woman that was punched by one of the strongest players in college hoops, and a sure fire NFL player to boot.

Does not it seem likely that Mo was very upset and emotionally unstable after being jilted by his father figure Shaka leaving him? Unfortunately the story has hit nationally:


That's not national. Check out USAToday and CBS.
Really an unfortunate situation for all involved. If the accusation is true, he should get everything coming to him. Embarressing. Would you let someone like that around your daughter?
Guilty or not, this is great for us, as it is another cloud of negativity over their program, especially at the national level. And it's happening right during a key recruiting time, and also at a time when their identity is certainly in question. Factor in that two of their big corporate donors, HDL and Lumber Liquidators (yes, I know they sponsor us some too), are facing federal investigations, and it's quite a fun time to be a non-Lamb fan!
Ulla, It has been posted that calling someone a thug is also another way of using the N-word. Surely, you do not mean that?