So, will Spike Lee, DiCaprio, and Obama come see William Wade's team play?
So far, here is what I now know of WW:

Learned press from Billy Donovan, also compared as fastest young rising coach since Donovan
Taught Dean Smith the four corners
Jump started Harvard program for Amaker
Jump started VCU program for Havoc. I mean Smart.
Works 22 hours per day. Sleeps one hour in the basketball office. I have sources working on the other hour per day.
Wipes his butt with Princeton degrees.
Will make VCU fans forget Shaka Smart faster than you can say Shaka Khan.
Looks young, but is an old soul.
Relates to young ballers, grandmas, and fat smelly horned bastards.
Can teach Havoc, mayhem, chaos, and any other words he may think of.
Also can teach a match up zone, man to man, half court O, and half court D.

Be afraid.
Does he walk on water, or just know where the rocks are located?
Made me laugh out loud, too.

Just watched a 4+ minute segment on NBC12, most of which was an interview with Will Wade. After the commercial, there was another 1:30 about Wade. I want to vomit.

That much about Wade, when the sports report on the four networks is never that long anymore, period? Face it - VDU doesn't need a marketing department - they have the Times-Disgrace, Greg Burton, and every other conceivable component of the media marching down Broad St. waving the flag.
It is this simple. The local media loves VCU and ignores UR. When the next coach at UR is named, the local media will give a 30 second blurb on the local stations and there will be a short paragraph on the last page of the T-D.

Why should we expect anything else in local coverage? UR is viewed by the local media and Richmonders as a school with rich snobby Yankees and international students and a quickly dying out elderly fan base (ie alums from the Commonwealth of Virginia)!
This post was edited on 4/9 3:43 AM by FrontRoyalSpider
hey guys, rpi gave a job to a local sports guy and guess what? yep, he promotes rpi on his show, i would too and you would too, if in his shoes. think it was pretty smart, no pun intended, for them to do that, they get tons more unpaid for pub that way, worth ten times as much as they are paying him. instead of complaining about it, we should look into hiring a talking head in the future but really the bottom line is, they are dancing every year and that creates pub on its own. we have to do better in all aspects of our athletic dept if we wish to compete instead of just complaining.
23, Let's be honest here, certain fans of any program can be enamored with their coach and embellish selective traits. Ulla has in the past and probably will in the future update similar narratives tailored to Coach Mooney!
Bob Black is a good example of when we had a hired guy employed as local sports talk radio. Bob like Greg lacked objectivity when it came to discussing the entity that buttered his bread. I was glad when Bob got out of the sports talk radio biz and came over to us permanently.

It is an inherit conflict of interest. If you want to be and sell yourself as "sports media" than do that. Likewise, if you want to be a hired sports PR guy for a team, that is fine as well. The rub is when you try to do both and still bill yourself as "media".
Media is supposed to be objective (yeah, I know it often isn't for other reasons) but it is impossible to have objectivity when you getting paid by one of the entities you are covering. That is Burton's problem. I think it is fairly big one, as it takes away any and all credibility he has as "sports media" because he is not media, he is hired sports marketing.

The saddest thing is he is too far gone to even realize the difference at this point.
I recall telling someone how Wainwright only slept 2 hours a day, and spent about 20 hours a day scheming and planning practices, etc. They called BS, I guess they were right. Of course, it is not WWWW (World Wide Will Wade) telling us his work and sleep habits, it is other folks. With Jer, he was very good at banging his own drum.
Mr. Wade did say that he would win the national championship while at Vcu.
With Greg it's not so much that he has a preference in city teams, it's the giddy, giggling, gushing school girl crush he has on the RPI program that drives the rest of us crazy. It's just unprofessional and goofy for a middle age man to be that way.

This post was edited on 4/9 11:16 AM by SpiderK
Originally posted by spider23:
So far, here is what I now know of WW:

Learned press from Billy Donovan, also compared as fastest young rising coach since Donovan
Taught Dean Smith the four corners
Jump started Harvard program for Amaker
Jump started VCU program for Havoc. I mean Smart.
Works 22 hours per day. Sleeps one hour in the basketball office. I have sources working on the other hour per day.
Wipes his butt with Princeton degrees.
Will make VCU fans forget Shaka Smart faster than you can say Shaka Khan.
Looks young, but is an old soul.
Relates to young ballers, grandmas, and fat smelly horned bastards.
Can teach Havoc, mayhem, chaos, and any other words he may think of.
Also can teach a match up zone, man to man, half court O, and half court D.

Be afraid.
WOW! How fortunate RPI is to get this legend as a head coach
Wow, 4 pages. Was there a fight and did it involve the Morris twins?
Originally posted by SpiderK:
With Greg it's not so much that he has a preference in city teams, it's the giddy, giggling, gushing school girl crush he has on the RPI program that drives the rest of us crazy. It's just unprofessional and goofy for a middle age man to be that way.
Thankfully we all get the Washington Nationals interruption from the school girl crush stuff today.
Originally posted by I-M-UR:
Originally posted by spider23:
So far, here is what I now know of WW:

Learned press from Billy Donovan, also compared as fastest young rising coach since Donovan
Taught Dean Smith the four corners
Jump started Harvard program for Amaker
Jump started VCU program for Havoc. I mean Smart.
Works 22 hours per day. Sleeps one hour in the basketball office. I have sources working on the other hour per day.
Wipes his butt with Princeton degrees.
Will make VCU fans forget Shaka Smart faster than you can say Shaka Khan.
Looks young, but is an old soul.
Relates to young ballers, grandmas, and fat smelly horned bastards.
Can teach Havoc, mayhem, chaos, and any other words he may think of.
Also can teach a match up zone, man to man, half court O, and half court D.

Be afraid.
WOW! How fortunate RPI is to get this legend as a head coach
I'd be careful. Based on what I'Ve observed and read he sounds smarter than the previous coach.
Whampas, in all seriousness - he probably can coach half court X's and O's better than Smart, and may well be harder worker and more intelligent - at least that is what they are all claiming on the RPI board
. BUT, one thing Smart was good at was using cheap motivational ploys to rally his guys. Who can forget the burned calendar page of February that spurred a final four run??? Will Wade have such a bag of tricks and be able to play it with such mock sincerity to push the buttons of his top 100 guys? That is a question that remains to be answered.
If every job in the A-10 was open right now, how many of the schools would have Will Wade as their #1 coaching target other than VCU? I would suspect 0, maybe 1 or 2, but no more than that.
I thought it was interesting in WW's interview that he said the No. 1 thing VCU hoops had going for it -- the thing he was most excited about -- was the brand. Sure, brand is big with recruiting and putting butts in seats. But it just shows where the focus is on Broad Street. Brand and image are ultimately what others think, not who you are. Can you imagine if our coach said that brand was most important? Sure, we don't have the tagline, urban charm or an on-campus Brand Center, but it probably wouldn't make the top 5.
I don't disagree with anything said. Proof is in the pudding. But he may be better than the previous 3. Nobody knows. And how many A10 schoos would hire Mooney today?
Originally posted by whampas:
I'd be careful. Based on what I'Ve observed and read he sounds smarter than the previous coach.
Really? Kenyon College vs. CLemson? Academically I'd say Kenyon has them beat.

And how many would hire MOoney? If they had to pick a coach right now? I'd say at least the following:

Rhode Island
La Salle
St. Joe's
George Mason

That's over half....
This post was edited on 4/9 10:27 PM by wr70beh
Originally posted by wr70beh:

Originally posted by whampas:

I'd be careful. Based on what I'Ve observed and read he sounds smarter than the previous coach.
Really? Kenyon College vs. CLemson? Academically I'd say Kenyon has them beat.

And how many would hire MOoney? If they had to pick a coach right now? I'd say at least the following:

Rhode Island
La Salle
St. Joe's
George Mason

That's over half....

This post was edited on 4/9 10:27 PM by wr70beh
Rhody is pretty happy with the other Hurley right now and Davidson's coach has his name on their court, but agree on the others.
FYI, I typed in Will Wade on Google, and there are hundreds of hits regarding the hire from, Washington Post, etc.

I typed in Chris Mooney on Google, and most of them are about a science journalist at the Washington Post.

Seems that fat boy (VCU's minister of social media deception) is hard at work making sure Will Wade's name is trending on Twitter, his name comes up in every search, and making sure the Havoc moniker lives in the Costco Center.
It is interesting that all three recruits are jumping ship. Shaka stuck it to the sheep worse than they thought. Shaka is down in Texas laughing with his "Horn Havoc" t-shirt on.
Originally posted by wr70beh:
FYI, I typed in Will Wade on Google, and there are hundreds of hits regarding the hire from, Washington Post, etc.

I typed in Chris Mooney on Google, and most of them are about a science journalist at the Washington Post.

Seems that fat boy (VCU's minister of social media deception) is hard at work making sure Will Wade's name is trending on Twitter, his name comes up in every search, and making sure the Havoc moniker lives in the Costco Center.
What would you expect. They named a new coach, so obviously Google will pick up the news. What would they pick up about Chris Mooney, that he ate breakfast and reviewed some recruiting film. Understand the point, but that's not the best example.
How many hours of burning the midnight oil did Wade work already only to not be able to keep just one of their incoming recruits from exploring their options.

As Fan1, said we have 2 open ships right now. Kenny Williams indicated one of his main draws of going to VCU was that it was right down the "street". Not sure what street he lives on but the RC is only 6 miles away from Costco.
Not expecting that we will land Williams, because he had a ton of offers elsewhere, BUT if he is good to go academically, I hope we are making the call as soon as he is released.

I thought Wade probably alienated these three recruits in his press conference or on Burton's show when he said "Anyone who doesn't want to be here, we'll find someone else who does."

I get the point, but if I were one of the recruits, I'd say 'Peace, I'm out.'
Originally posted by Eight Legger:
Not expecting that we will land Williams, because he had a ton of offers elsewhere, BUT if he is good to go academically, I hope we are making the call as soon as he is released.
Won't hurt to call, but yes we weren't in on his recruitment so seems doubtful that he would come here, espiciallly with some of the other offers he had on the table.

Maybe Wade should have spent less time doing the typical VCU self promotion tour in his first 48 hours on the job and more time trying to convince Shaka's committed recruits to stay with him. Cause he isn't getting guys near this caliber if these guys leave.
Regarding Williams, i suspect there's connection to JP Tokoto of UNC declaring for NBA Draft yesterday.
If Wade loses all 3 of the incoming recruits, then I may have to revise my earlier statement that the wheels will not come off at VCU in just 1-year.

Lose all 3, and possibly 1 or more current players, and he will be digging out of a pretty deep hole.
I didn't respond earlier because I thought you guys were kidding around. there's no way a VCU signed recruit will end up at UR. if they ask for a release they'll get one, but it will be conditional. probably no A10 team, definitely no UR allowed.
I don't think we'd end up with any of those guys either, but if VCU starts putting conditions on their releases, they are going to get raked over the coals and probably should. You either grant a release or don't, IMO.
I don't think we are in the running for any of their recruits either, but these aren't transfer were schools can put restrictions on where can former players can go. These guys signed LOI, nothing more.
UR never offered Williams or the other two, which is surprising as Williams is local: problem with grades????

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