Oh wow! Connections made!! Look at that! Tech.
The concern of UR being a dictatorship.... Well... I mean... Yeah... Of course it is. Do you think Roy Williams was hired at UNC via crowdsourcing? Gregg Marshall hired via election? Each of these schools, like UR, and ALL OTHER UNIVERSITIES, has an athletic director who is responsible for these things, and that AD reports to a president directly, and a board of trustees indirectly, and sometimes they get their comeuppance when donations go down, and ticket sales go down.
Our voice is through our wallets. Nothing more, nothing less. Perhaps bad press will hurt the school, but there has been bad press for much more significant things than "a men's basketball coach who's a good man but who's just not very good at coaching anymore (or maybe ever)" over the past couple years, and it seems not to have been hurt badly in the least.