Hardt on the Status of the BB Program

John Hardt, Richmond's new AD, addresses Spiders basketball struggles


Richmond Athletic Director John Hardt

Mix a demanding non-conference schedule with a young team that’s without A-10-level upperclassmen because of transfers, and there is Richmond, halfway through its regular season.

The Spiders (3-12, 1-2 A-10), who play Dayton (7-8, 1-2 A-10) at the Robins Center Tuesday at 7 p.m., haven’t been this unsuccessful through a 15-game, season-opening stretch since starting 3-12 in 1977-78, which UR completed 4-22.

On Jan. 1, John Hardt began his tenure as Richmond’s athletic director. Hardt had been Bucknell’s AD for 18 years. Hardt’s first day in his new office was Monday, and he spent part of it addressing three questions from The Times-Dispatch:

Fifteen games into a 30-game regular season, do you have a message for Richmond supporters accustomed to more success than this?

“There’s certainly more success on the horizon. It’s just a matter of when we get there and secure it. Nobody’s please with our current 3-12 record, certainly not Coach (Chris) Mooney and the guys on the team. But I think when you look at the overall youth of the team and the fact that this group is just now into the season where they’re starting to really understand what playing together is all about ... I think I have to be patient and assess the situation going forward.

“I think as we entered this season, talking to Coach Mooney, there was some concern about the youth of the squad and the fact that these guys haven’t played together, and that it was going to take some time for them to jell as a unit, and I think that’s really what we’re experiencing right now.”

Based on what you’ve seen and what you know of Richmond basketball, how did the Spiders get to this place?

“I haven’t done an extensive drill-down at this point, but I think it’s a combination of things. I think it is what it is in the sense of we find ourselves with our best chance to build the kind of championship program that Richmond strives for and desires with this group of youngsters on the team. There’s no use in crying over spilled milk when it comes to folks who are no longer on our roster or no longer at the university.

“That combination of things has left us with this young group, and I think Coach Mooney and his staff are doing the best they can right now to develop the talent that’s out there and, again, I think better things are on the horizon.”

Could you offer some insight to those who wonder about the future of Coach Mooney, who’s under contract through 2021-22?

“I really do think it’s premature to be talking about Coach’s future, particularly in light of Chris’ tremendous success during his tenure leading the Spider men’s basketball program. I will say that my evaluation is ongoing but really won’t occur in full until after the season is completed. And then, again, it’s taken in the context of the coach’s overall record, overall achievement, the kind of quality experience the student-athletes are having, and also where we’re moving towards the future.

“I have every bit of confidence in Chris Mooney’s ability as a coach. It’s just difficult when you’re going through a tough patch as the Spiders currently are.”
He did not explicitly state that he is behind Mooney or that Mooney will be the coach next year. That is my only take-away, everything else is is just empty talking points.
Did he say we are joining the Horizon League :p

He said Mooney is going nowhere and that it’s a waste of time writing about it on the Basketball board.

But the fanboys will write graffiti with punctuation anyway on Mooney being let go.But it won’t happen,fanboys.
Two things, I really like about this.

A. Hardt manned up to the media and talked openly about our struggles and how we need to do better. That is a breathe of fresh air from the Gill era who avoided the media like the damn plague.
B. His evaluation of the coach is ongoing and will make a full evaluation at the end of the season. If firing Mooney at the end of the season was out of the question, I think his words would have been a little more affirmative of coach and his status. Sounds like all options are on the table.
Two things, I really like about this.

A. Hardt manned up to the media and talked openly about our struggles and how we need to do better. That is a breathe of fresh air from the Gill era who avoided the media like the damn plague.
B. His evaluation of the coach is ongoing and will make a full evaluation at the end of the season. If firing Mooney at the end of the season was out of the question, I think his words would have been a little more affirmative of coach and his status. Sounds like all options are on the table.

I am also encouraged by Point A. I have been wanting to hear 'we know we aren't very good and we need to win basketball games' and haven't heard enough of that.

Let me hear that there's some accountability. Plain and simple.
Two things, I really like about this.

A. Hardt manned up to the media and talked openly about our struggles and how we need to do better. That is a breathe of fresh air from the Gill era who avoided the media like the damn plague.
B. His evaluation of the coach is ongoing and will make a full evaluation at the end of the season. If firing Mooney at the end of the season was out of the question, I think his words would have been a little more affirmative of coach and his status. Sounds like all options are on the table.

A. Yes

B. Wrong.Mooney ain’t going anywhere.
Discouraging interview IMO... almost certainly quashes any mid-season change rumors and (to me) makes end of year change pretty unlikely.
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Have you ever read an interview with a new AD where he/she says, "I'm going to fire the coach at the end of the season?" Of course not.

Let the man do his job.

Exactly. There won't be a mid-season firing but there is hope at the end of the season.
Discouraging interview IMO... almost certainly quashes any mid-season change rumors and (to me) makes end of year change pretty unlikely.
The only way a coach gets fired at mid season is some type of scandal. Performance related firings almost always take place at the end of the year. Although perhaps part of that interview was done to prevent any media hiccups like last week when the University had to deny reports of Mooney's firing. OK, not perhaps, that certainly was one of the missions of Hardt in doing this article.
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I had the same take as 32Counter on first read. Talking about Chris' "tremendous success" as if he's had us competing for the A10 Championship consistently does not bode well for the #FireMooney crowd.

That combination of things has left us with this young group
What combination of things? Did RTD edit out that portion of the interview? Because he certainly didn't list any "things" and just said there's no use crying over spilled milk.

What has left us with this young group is Mooney.
Excellent point about "That combination of things has left us with this young group". What combination of things? Huh?

That made no sense. He only listed one thing, but I think he was trying to avoid saying recruiting failures.
This guy is clueless. This bb program is going no where but in the toilet. It is completely worthless putting in even an once of emotion into being a Richmond Spider fan. His words are beyond disappointing. He placed all of the failures of this team and the program ON THE LEVEL OF TALENT..meaning he is blaming it all on the players. Disgraceful!!! And rejoicing about all of the tremendous success Mooney has had???? What??? Do you think we are all morons? Give me a break Hardt!!
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This guy is clueless. This bb program is going no where but in the toilet. It is completely worthless putting in even an once of emotion into being a Richmond Spider fan. His words are beyond disappointing. He placed all of the failures of this team and the program ON THE LEVEL OF TALENT..meaning he is blaming it all on the players. Disgraceful!!! And rejoicing about all of the tremendous success Mooney has had???? What??? Do you think we are all morons? Give me a break Hardt!!

I don't think there is a single AD in the country who would come in and say something more negative than what Hardt said in the interview, and if you expected anything more or a mid-season firing you are truly delusional. To me, this does not look good for Mooney.
Right, Hardt is just coming out and saying something publicly. He can't say much right now. To me, he is saying he will evaluate everything after the season. He certainly didn't say "Chris Mooney will be our coach the next 4 years."
I only hope we keep losing basketball games. Then at the end of the season, there shouldn't be any excuses for the level of play. We are stuck in mediocre till the end of the season.
The encouraging thing for me, like many of you, is that Hardt said something. Gill would never do something like this.

What gave me pause is when he said Mooney has had tremendous success. I really hope that's just media talk for publicity purposes and not how he actually feels because I certainly won't call Mooney's tenure as a tremendous success.

All in all, it's hard to read between the lines in what Hardt was saying. He is certainly not going to bad mouth our coach or say he is going to be fired while the season is going on. That is a bad look and not good for morale.

What I want an answer out of Hardt is from these questions:

What do you consider a successful season? Please give objective answer I.e. Make NCAA tournament, win at least 20 games, best VCU. Anything where we can objectively measure whether or not that goal was achieved. For instance, I don't think saying "For us to compete for A10 championships" is a good answer. Define what "compete" means. I want an answer that is unambiguous and clear to anyone in whether the success was achieved or not.

As a follow up, what course of action would you take if a coach repeatedly fails to meet the expectations you deem for a successful season?

How Hardt answers those two questions will then help me see whether we actually care about basketball success at this school or it's just a facade.
That made no sense. He only listed one thing, but I think he was trying to avoid saying recruiting failures.
Totally agree we haven't lost anybody to early graduation or injury. This is a direct result of poor recruitment and player development. A statement like that truly makes me wonder about Hardt. The tone of the statment is Mooney finds himselft in a mess, I'd agree, but Mooney created the mess.
Yes the definition of "tremendous success" is what Dick Tarrant accomplished as our head coach. The zenith of Mooney's career at Richmond was the Sweet Sixteen in 2011. The overall body of work particularly since 2011 would not be described by any impartial observer as "tremendous success." Dayton's record for the past 4 years with 4 straight NCAA tournament appearances and Elite Eight in 2014 may be described that way. But now they have a former Broad Street coach and are struggling.
At least the question is being asked publicly. He said what I would expect of someone 8 days on the job. Mooney is in trouble. Maybe I'll buy tickets for 2019. We'll see.
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The more I read the statement the stranger it gets what significant transfers have we had? I just don't remember them.
For the most part he gave vanilla responses. He's not going to go out on the limb & tell us how he really feels. Hope how he really feels will be learned sooner rather than later. If he lets this season of probably less than 10 wins with only marginal improvement next year, and if Mooney is still in the house, then we'll know our answer.

As others have pointed out, and I agree that I find his statement very curious if not overstated to say that "Chris’ tremendous success during his tenure leading the Spider men’s basketball program". This guy is a long term AD & has been around sports for his career. If he labels Mooney's body of work as tremendous success, I don't know what he would label as unacceptable or not successful.
The only thing I can say about this article is that Hardt was under some pressure to do and/or say something (precipitated by the local TV Sports guys, no doubt), so he said something without really saying anything. I would imagine that Gill would probably still be hiding in his office (his home office in DC) if he was still at the helm.

Didn’t say much but didn’t give his coach a glowing atta boy!
Youth ...young...youngster...I think he probably celebrate a players missed three pointer like Coach
Also, it’s interesting that while JOC mentioned in his third question the contract in place thru 2022, Hardt didn’t acknowledge the contract or make any statement that’s he’s beholden to it.
Spider05 oh supreme leader, can you ask Hardt for us two questions:

How often should the Spiders be in the NCAA tournament as a measure of a successful

Based on our admission standards, can we recruit the level of player we need to compete and finish consistently in the upper tier of the A10?
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again what transfer affected this team? I really can't think of any significant transfers. Can anyone with a better memory than me recall someone who could have helped this team, leaving
In fact if Cline hadn't transferred in, last year could have just like this.