Jonathan Beagle - Albany Transfer - Commit

Well put. Again finishing last in the NCAA in any statistical category should be cause for at least a recalibration of approach. It's not like any of us are asking him for to completely change his approach to coaching basketball, but hey, this area didn't go well this year, so maybe we put a little focus on changing up our tactics.
I disagree. Finishing last in 3 pointers allowed, May not cause a recalibration…
I disagree. Finishing last in 3 pointers allowed, May not cause a recalibration…

I hope it would. If we are last in 3 pointers allowed we are giving up a boat load of 3s. Think you meant first.
Beagle doesn’t look like a typical Spider big based on the short highlight video. He is most effective on the offensive rebound tip-in, so seems to be counterproductive to instruct him to not play to his strength. It will be interesting to see what happens. Walz is definitely miles ahead on the usual Richmond offense.
Mooney will just alter Beagle’s effectiveness and make him a system guy instead.
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TJ, GG and Quinn were big. but they're not above average run/jump athletes. they're not quick twitch guys.
guys like Burton and Bigelow are. and they rebounded here.

I personally don't expect Beagle to put up the same offensive rebounding numbers here as he did at Albany. if he's below the foul line, sure ... he should go after rebounds. but our big man is sometimes top of the key. he shouldn't be running in to rebound from there. that's a system thing.

I've always thought our ideal big man should be a shooting threat because of where we play him early in our offense. it was sometimes a problem that big defenders could pay off Quinn there and clog the lane. so in that way, Beagle isn't perfect for us. but we certainly need rebounding with Quinn and Bigelow gone. and he's the top rebounding big man we contacted.
So I think you’re agreeing with me without stating it? Beagle seems statistically to be an effective rebounder, particularly on OR. We don’t know that he’s a quick twitch guy, nor do we know he’s not. Likely he’s a positional rebounder. So are we going to make him play an in the circle pivot where by your logic he can’t really go after rebounds? That’s a philosophy issue, and has little to do with if we have guys who rebound well.
I actually predicted that we would end up with Beagle back in December to myself. I also successfully predicted the other transfers we are getting, but just for fun, I'll let you guys wait and find out for yourself in a few weeks. You're welcome.
If that’s the case congratulations on your knowledge and sharing it.
I have been wondering if Jordan King’s success has had any impact on Beagle’s selection of UR,
I have been wondering if Jordan King’s success has had any impact on Beagle’s selection of UR,
I’m not sure I’d pin it on King as they are totally different players, but I think CM can show the success of our recent transfers getting not just good playing time but also having success. That I expect goes a long way with anyone trying to transfer, particularly if they’ve demonstrated they can play.
I’m not sure I’d pin it on King as they are totally different players, but I think CM can show the success of our recent transfers getting not just good playing time but also having success. That I expect goes a long way with anyone trying to transfer, particularly if they’ve demonstrated they can play.
My question relates to King’s residency in Albany and Beagle playing in Albany.
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For a while we were very unlucky with big man transfers. Since TJ Cline
we have turned the corner.
So I think you’re agreeing with me without stating it? Beagle seems statistically to be an effective rebounder, particularly on OR. We don’t know that he’s a quick twitch guy, nor do we know he’s not. Likely he’s a positional rebounder. So are we going to make him play an in the circle pivot where by your logic he can’t really go after rebounds? That’s a philosophy issue, and has little to do with if we have guys who rebound well.
assuming Beagle just plays the 5 and not at all with Walz, I believe Mooney will use him like he's used every 5.
so he'll start the set up top.
but like Walz (and Quinn), he will often eventually get to the block.

when he does I assume he'll offensively rebound more like Walz than Quinn, and probably more than Walz too. because grabbing 9.5 rpg isn't just a scheme thing. that's a rebounder.
His rebound average would have put him in top 33, and top rebounding average in A10 this past year, guessing lack of games he was not eligible for this list:

Yes, I believe you have to play in 75% of your team's games to be eligible for the list, and he only played in 22 of 32 (69%).
Just seeing this. Great needed positional pickup that stats say he's a player. As stated agressive rebounder that doesn't appear to be a great assist big, but maybe time to lessen that as focus on the offense?

Don't know if more big men than usual in this year's portal, but if recalling correctly P6 were quick to grab the bigs. Good job Mooney and Co.
The inside scoop on this guy is that he is a terrific pickup. It is very hard to get quality bigs in the transfer portal. He has previously had interest from some big time programs and we are adding him despite having very high opinions of Walz and Soulis. I would not be surprised to see multiple bigs on the floor at a time, but this depends on who else we pick up.

In my opinion, this guy has potential to make one of the all conference teams.
The inside scoop on this guy is that he is a terrific pickup. It is very hard to get quality bigs in the transfer portal. He has previously had interest from some big time programs and we are adding him despite having very high opinions of Walz and Soulis. I would not be surprised to see multiple bigs on the floor at a time, but this depends on who else we pick up.

In my opinion, this guy has potential to make one of the all conference teams.
What was his selling price?
What was his selling price?
A vast majority of players in the transfer portal are making their decision based on multiple criteria. The U of R NIL collective is one of the best in the A-10 and getting better each day. With that said, we are not going to be able to outbid major programs in the power conferences. The amount of NIL money we pay to each player is confidential. Some of the other things we could offer include:

1. A center positions that is involved in most offensive plays. This is a big deal to many players.

2. Culture of the basketball program. As mentioned in previous post, Albany’s basketball program suspended their coach for a game based on mistreating a player. Our basketball team culture is completely different and it helps that our 3 previous centers were all successful and happy to assist in the recruiting process.

3. The quality of education and the beautiful campus can be strong selling points to some players, although there are others that prefer an urban environment, which would not be a good fit with our university.

4. Longevity and continuity of the head coach. Players want to play for the coach that recruited them and hopefully continues to be with the program after the graduate. One of the things you might not know is how involved the coaching staff is after the player's college playing career is over. The staff stays involved in their careers in everything from helping to pick an agent and get into tournaments that will help show their talents to scouts, along with giving career advice and letting them use the basketball facilities over the summer.
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that was enough 5 years ago. it's all still a factor. but NIL is really important.

picture being a kid in the portal. literally every school calling you and inviting you to visit is telling you everything you want to hear. you're a priority. we want you. we need you. you'll have a big role here.
then you leave and the next kid shows up and hears the same pitch. it's all just words. it's coaches doing their job to try to fill out the best roster they can get.

the NIL offer is a comparable way for a recruit to feel how much a school really wants him. and kids talk. they know how much is being offered to other kids. so if a school can't put together much of a package, the kid will feel the school doesn't value them as much.

just like if you're coming out of school and Bank A offer you a $80k salary and Bank B offers you $100k, you're going to feel more valued by Bank B.
I get the point tho. If Bank B churns through employees and you'll be set adrift in a year or two, that extra 20k may not seem as valuable as the idea of being a contributor for 2-3 years at a place with the same coaches, system and support in place, which you're familiar with and vice versa. I think it is a balance. Unlike most of us on this board who likely view money with an eye toward family/retirement, not sure that's how 19-22 year olds are viewing it. That kind of money at that age would have basically seemed like Monopoly money to me.
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true. the extra $20k shouldn't matter if you KNOW bank A is a better situation. but there's really no way to be certain that you'll be happier or more successful at the school with the lower NIL either.

we want kids to pass on high majors to have a better career here. but I'm sure schools from lower conferences than the A10 are saying the same thing. why go to UR and be a piece when you can star here.
After you hit a certain salary things like location, career growth opportunities, how much you like your coworkers, and work-life balance start to become relatively more important when looking at job opportunities.

Not sure if this is helpful for the metaphor.
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King and Beagle have known each other...occasionally worked out together when Jordan returned home in the offseason.

Some good quotes from Beagle about his rebounding, his "late-bloomer" development, and his awareness of the success we've had with bigs that drew him to UR. Planning to arrive on campus in mid-May.

Nice Collegian piece with quotes from Beagle and Mooney. Sounds like we'd been touch a bit when he was in the portal last year before he decided to return to Albany.

sounds like Mooney plans on a big lineup next season. right now we kind of have to, pending more portal activity, unless a freshman is ready or if we play Noyes at big forward.

not surprising but Beagle talks of the connection our team has. we know that's a big part of why (for the most part) we've kept together in this crazy portal world. but from the quotes I get the feeling he didn't have that at Albany.
Hometown interview with Beagle...

“It really is crazy, my time in the portal was very stressful,” Beagle said. “It is a lot to deal with at first because you have so many people at different levels reaching out to you because they don’t know what you want… Last year was my last time doing it, at the end of the day you do have to enjoy it. I couldn’t have dreamed of this when I was younger.”

For Beagle, Richmond had everything he wanted and felt the connection immediately after visiting.

“They are in a really good conference and have won a lot. Coach Mooney has been here for 20 years and has instilled a culture that when you step on campus you feel it. The second you walked in our locker room and the second I walked in on the visit I felt the culture. It was a perfect spot for me, I was born in North Carolina. Being down here, I felt really comfortable and I have already learned so much from being down here. I knew Richmond was the spot for me the second I got here,” Beagle said.

“I have learned more here so far than I really ever have in my college career. Coach Mooney has been doing it for 20 years, he has had NBA players, he knows what it takes. It means a lot playing at Richmond, it is a smaller school. We take a lot of pride in it. Day-by-day we are getting better, and I love it here already. I’m taking it all in and appreciating being here,” Beagle said.

Jordan King, a local product who played high school basketball at CBA and played both his freshman and sophomore season at Siena, was a help to Beagle in making his decision. King played his graduate year at Richmond and was named A-10 Co-Player of the Year.

“I have worked out with Jordan for almost three years. When I entered the portal, Jordan contacted me and was telling me that Richmond was the spot for me. He thought that I would fit in perfectly, spoke to me about the people, coaches and the culture here. He was so high on Richmond so it made me feel comfortable about being here,” Beagle said.

Good stuff. For all the stuff I have banged on Mooney for over the years, the longevity and family culture is really paying off in this portal era. For all the guys looking at the $NIL as number one factor, I think there are quite a few like Beagle where the fit and feel - coming of probably not great situation - is working in our favor. Great to see King putting in a good word.