Golden to University of Florida - Hovde to follow?

The article made it sound like the coaching staff overall was somewhat involved, possibly. Hope that's not the case.
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Sounds like Golden is fighting it - which is a bit strange. If their are text messages or pictures involved - that will be difficult to fight. But he stated he is looking to file a defamation suit.

I would imagine the assistant coaches are not involved or would hope - in terms of participating in the stalking, pictures, etc. BUT - hard to imagine they didn't know it was going on and stayed quiet or suspected it and didn't do anything about it. That is what is more likely to be the case, and still would look bad on them. Unfortunately - if this comes to light for any of them, it could be a career ender. You pay players or cheat your way to the top - that can be forgiven in due time. But when it comes to harrassing students, especially female students - I don't see a way back from that.

All this means is that Florida could have a job opening soon. Two big schools - UVA and Florida - may be looking for new coaches after this season.
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The allegation that this includes the entire coaching staff seems like a lot of conjecture/guilt by association. I doubt the head coach is showing his d*ck pick posts with his coaching staff and having laughs about it. But then again, if you know anything about Urban Meyer's coaching tenure at UF and the level of shit he and his players got away with, maybe it isn't.
Agreed - I am just thinking, maybe he was bragging about the girls on campus, or girls he was running into. Probably what would make this worse is if these girls went to the school with their allegations, and they were swept under the rug by the administration. Or if the coaches had a hunch or knew something was going on, but stayed silent. Its a bad look all around. You could sit and argue - Golden is innocent until proven guilty, and while that might be true in theory - in reality, once these allegations are out there, it is assumed guilt until he can prove 100% nothing happened, and that is going to be difficult.
kind of surprised Florida let Golden coach last night. I get the legal presumption of innocence, but you could suspend with pay pending investigation. I just can't imagine multiple girls are pursuing charges of stalking, harrassment and dick pics without easily retrievable evidence.
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kind of surprised Florida let Golden coach last night. I get the legal presumption of innocence, but you could suspend with pay pending investigation. I just can't imagine multiple girls are pursuing charges of stalking, harrassment and dick pics without easily retrievable evidence.
Agreed - the evidence should be easy to come by in this case, which makes his defamation counter suit that much more odd. And I was shocked as well they let him coach, kinda gives the appearance Florida is not taking this seriously??? I agree with you - suspend with pay, remove him from games, let him coach in practice, until more clarity is received.
I just can't imagine multiple girls are pursuing charges of stalking, harrassment and dick pics without easily retrievable evidence.
He may be guilty, and if he is i hope they throw the book at him.

But women can lie (Duke lacrosse case, Columbia mattress girl, Brett Kavanagh, and so on). So it's not beyond imagination.

I know things like this put the university in a tough spot. Sounds like they are doing what they are supposed to - time will tell.
He may be guilty, and if he is i hope they throw the book at him.

But women can lie (Duke lacrosse case, Columbia mattress girl, Brett Kavanagh, and so on). So it's not beyond imagination.

I know things like this put the university in a tough spot. Sounds like they are doing what they are supposed to - time will tell.
sure, but if the claim is about texts ... they pretty likely have the texts or the ability to retrieve them.
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So, must be more to this story than is out there. The university received the complaint in Sept. and has been investigating. The story didn't break til last week though. And still, UF hasn't suspended him etc. after over a month investigating. As many have said, allegations, if true, should be easy to see and University would suspend as they investigated if there was almost anything evidence wise pointing to even possible truth. Yet here we are and Golden talking about defamation suits. There is more to this story! And i suspect its gonna be some wild story!
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Its a bizarre headline... because he was NOT cleared of the stalking allegations..... he couldn't have been. It wasn't the question that was being investigated/adjudicated. They simply dismissed the Title IX complaint indicating that the activity in question took place within a school sanctioned activity or function LOL. That's the way I read it anyway. Maybe someone quite a bit more educated could chime in.
I don't understand why this was a Title IX complaint.
sounds like a criminal complaint, whether warranted or not.
I read it to say it was not a school issue.
right. a college student is being sexually harrassed with dick pics and unwanted sexual advances. I think that should be a criminal complaint. no idea why her lawyer went after it using Title IX. but I'm no lawyer.
I don't understand why this was a Title IX complaint.
sounds like a criminal complaint, whether warranted or not.
Well, obviously, the University of Florida isn't in a position to adjudicate a criminal complaint.... so they wouldn't have been capable of dismissing a criminal complaint. They simply dismissed the Title IX complaint. That's all that this was. The university (i.e. its attorneys) simply determined that the alleged activity didn't occur within the university's jurisdiction, IMO. I have no idea if there were separate criminal or civil complaints filed... or if this was what the plaintiff's attorneys decided should be the initial step in the process of proceeding with this matter etc.
right. a college student is being sexually harrassed with dick pics and unwanted sexual advances. I think that should be a criminal complaint. no idea why her lawyer went after it using Title IX. but I'm no lawyer.
My guess... as i speculated above... was that they determined that this likely was foundational or at least might make it easier in terms of moving forward with both criminal and civil complaints.... which they may likely move forward with now anyway.
Just a guess.

Anyway, the whole point of my initial point was that he absolutely was NOT cleared of any wrongdoing LOL. The university wouldn't be able to do that. The university simply determined that any activity, IF it occurred, didn't occur under their "jurisdiction" LOL.
My guess... as i speculated above... was that they determined that this likely was foundational or at least might make it easier in terms of moving forward with both criminal and civil complaints.... which they may likely move forward with now anyway.
Just a guess.

Anyway, the whole point of my initial point was that he absolutely was NOT cleared of any wrongdoing LOL. The university wouldn't be able to do that. The university simply determined that any activity, IF it occurred, didn't occur under their "jurisdiction" LOL.
My understanding is that at times a Title IX complaint is filed expressly to allow the university to take action if they want to separate a student or employee from other university members through suspension/dismissal. Sometimes the Title IX office advises the complainant that they won’t push the case if the complainant intends to pursue civil or criminal charges.

Idk if that’s the case here, but would potentially make sense and gives UF cover to keep things status quo until it works its way through justice.
My understanding is that at times a Title IX complaint is filed expressly to allow the university to take action if they want to separate a student or employee from other university members through suspension/dismissal. Sometimes the Title IX office advises the complainant that they won’t push the case if the complainant intends to pursue civil or criminal charges.

Idk if that’s the case here, but would potentially make sense and gives UF cover to keep things status quo until it works its way through justice.
I appreciate the additional feedback.

If im understanding correctly, then clearly, they're opening themself up to future action then by dismissing the claim which is very different from not investigating the claim pursuant to a future criminal or civil charge...... which based on the nature of the complaint... i find impossible to believe isnt inevitable at this point.
I appreciate the additional feedback.

If im understanding correctly, then clearly, they're opening themself up to future action then by dismissing the claim which is very different from not investigating the claim pursuant to a future criminal or civil charge...... which based on the nature of the complaint... i find impossible to believe isnt inevitable at this point.
I don’t think they’re opening themselves up to anything, but I’m neither an attorney nor a title IX expert. I understand that in essence they will pursue a title IX claim in lieu of a traditional legal path.

But again, I’m not expert, just what I’ve gleaned from some other title IX things I’m aware of that happened at ur in the past.
Swept under the table with a big broom.
Yeah, I think it is a safety valve to extract the university from having to deal with it. Arguably that’s the right avenue unless the university is aware of a pattern of behavior that they should have put a stop to.
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And despite all of this - Florida is ranked 5th/6th in the polls.

Would have really liked to keep Hovde on the staff - even being a former Mooney player, I thought he brought good outside experience from his time with Columbia and San Francisco.
And despite all of this - Florida is ranked 5th/6th in the polls.

Would have really liked to keep Hovde on the staff - even being a former Mooney player, I thought he brought good outside experience from his time with Columbia and San Francisco.
Agree, my belief is Hovde is a hard nosed, independent thinker. However, I feel like Boyden came in and was influencing defense and toughness culture - but I see major slippage here. Not just in the results , but AGAIN in the messaging. So even if Hovde stayed, likely would have become a casualty of group think, and falling in line. Florida seemed like a great move for him if his clean in this mess.
Guessing these girls lawyers waiting for a press conference and charges to coincide with Florida in the Elite 8 :).
Agree, my belief is Hovde is a hard nosed, independent thinker. However, I feel like Boyden came in and was influencing defense and toughness culture - but I see major slippage here. Not just in the results , but AGAIN in the messaging. So even if Hovde stayed, likely would have become a casualty of group think, and falling in line. Florida seemed like a great move for him if his clean in this mess.
Guessing these girls lawyers waiting for a press conference and charges to coincide with Florida in the Elite 8 :).
I agree - it was a good move for Hovde. Can't complain with him moving there. And if Florida makes an Elite 8 run, maybe one of the top assistants there moves on and gets a low end head job and Hovde moves up - or maybe even Hovde gets his name mentioned in other places. Has a pretty good resume. Success at San Francisco. Success at UR (won NCAA game right?), then on to Florida - top 10 ranking. Still a few years away I think - but he is building a resume for a head job in the future.
I think I read somewhere the girl was no longer a UF student, and was not when the events occured.
says in the article she's "a 21-year-old college student who did not attend the University of Florida".

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