Even Gaffes are Contagious

spider fan

Spider's Club
Dec 4, 2003
Charlotte, N.C. 2 days ago..............Vice Presidential Candidate takes after Presidential Candidate

He was talking to George Lopez. I guess when all the other conspiracy theories don't stick, you have to reach for something like this. LOL.
I do find humor in the fact that Biden’s minor slip-ups when speaking publicly are supposed to be evidence that he’s completely unfit for the job, yet four years of Trump lying, insulting, name-calling, hiring all the “best people,” then subsequently firing and berating most of them as losers somehow doesn’t really register.
Biden's gaffes are humor on their own other than having empathy for a fellow human being who struggles at times to make his point. Why did "Dr. Jill" correct him under her breath by saying "Trump" if he was supposedly talking to George Lopez?

Sadly his cognitive ability is diminishing.

Here are a few more:

Aug. 8, 2019: He told the Asian & Latino Coalition in Des Moines, Iowa, that "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."

Aug. 9: Biden, asked about genders, said, "There are at least three."

Aug. 10: Biden claims he was vice president during the Parkland school shooting, even though it occurred in 2018.

Aug. 24: While speaking in Keene, New Hampshire, Biden stated: "I love this place. Look, what's not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it?"

Sept. 2: Biden told Iowans, "The idea that we don't have elimination of assault type weapons, magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them, it's absolutely mindless." By definition a magazine holds multiple rounds.

Sept. 25: Biden couldn't remember the name of Barack Obama's last nominee to the Supreme Court, telling a television show: "Back when, when they were holding up before Trump got elected, they were holding up, uh, um, the nomination of the president put forward for the Supreme Court." Jimmy Kimmel finished his thought for him, "Merrick Garland."

Nov. 2: Biden claimed he was in Ohio when actually he was in Iowa.

Nov. 20: Biden forgot, during a primary debate, about Kamala Harris, now his VP selection. He said: "I have more people supporting me in the black community that have vouched for me because they know who I am. ... The only African-American woman who's ever been elected to the United States Senate." Harris said that wasn't true. "The other one is here!"

Dec. 5: He called a voter a "damn liar" and "fat" for asking a question about his son.

"I'm not sedentary. You want to check my shape, let's do push ups together, let's run, let's do whatever you want to do, let's take an IQ test," Biden said. "But look, fat, here's the deal."

On Feb. 9 he called a 21-year-old woman a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier."

Feb. 24: In South Carolina he claimed to be running "for the United States Senate."

In the same speech he said he worked with Chinese leader "Deng Xiaoping" on the Paris climate deal, even though Deng died in 1997.

Feb. 25: He said "150 million" people had been killed by guns since 2007.

March 1: He called Fox News talk show host Chris Wallace "Chuck."
The list continues for those who need more evidence:

March 3: He got mixed up about Super Tuesday, calling it "Super Thursday."

His version of the Declaration of Independence, during that speech: "We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing."

March 4: He confused his wife with his sister on stage at a rally in California.

March 9: He said he hoped the 2020 election would let Democrats "win back the House." They already have a majority in the House.

March 10: Biden said he would ban the "AR-14" rifle. It's actually the AR-15.

April: He apparently forgot Barack Obama's name when talking about Crimea. He called him "president … my boss."

May 22: Biden told talk-radio personality Charlamagne tha God that "if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

Aug. 31: He descended into verbal soup in Pittsburgh, saying: "COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 years. Look, here's, the lives, it's just, it's uh, I mean think about it. More lives this year than any other year for the past 100 years."

Sept. 15: He claimed rich people are able to stay home during health lockdowns because "some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf."

Sept. 20: Biden said that 200 million Americans had died of the coronavirus. Combined with his claim of 150 million dead from guns, the death toll is more than the population of the U.S.

Sept. 21: He changed the Pledge of Allegiance to say: "I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, one nation, indivisible, under God, for real."

Oct. 12: He appeared to forget Mitt Romney's name. He said, "I got in trouble when we were running against that senator who was a Mormon, the governor."

Oct. 24: He says during an online appearance, "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
Just laughable that you want to go there. Now, do the gaffes from dumb ass, along with his 20,000+ lies. By the way, it would only take one rally from dumb ass to equal the number of gaffes you just shared. But, whatever, man. If that's all you got, I feel pretty good about things.
"I take no responsibility."

The biggest gaffe of all, even surpassing "The virus will disappear" or "We're turning the corner."
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If you have visited elderly people in nursing homes or had a close relative who had diminishing cognitive ability and had difficulty connecting their thoughts to their speech you would notice that Biden's pattern is very similar. You "can play it off" by posting statements of President Trump that you do not like. There is not much doubt that Biden's ability to connect thoughts into speech has diminished over the years.
Just laughable that you want to go there. Now, do the gaffes from dumb ass, along with his 20,000+ lies. By the way, it would only take one rally from dumb ass to equal the number of gaffes you just shared. But, whatever, man. If that's all you got, I feel pretty good about things.
There's a big difference between lying about what you had for breakfast and remembering if you had breakfast or worse yet, knowing what breakfast is. Biden is a whole different kind of reason to be concerned.
One of the biggest concerns we have is having a president who puts himself above the country. Who would have thought we would ever have to worry about that, but we see it every day.
I don’t care if Biden has a stroke tomorrow, I’d still trust him to make rational decisions more than Trump. Both of these candidates stand an equal chance of dying in office during the next four years. It’s not like Trump is 45 and the picture of great health. He’s probably rotting from the inside out by this point. Does anyone think he’s eaten any vegetables in the last 25 years?
I don’t care if Biden has a stroke tomorrow, I’d still trust him to make rational decisions more than Trump. Both of these candidates stand an equal chance of dying in office during the next four years. It’s not like Trump is 45 and the picture of great health. He’s probably rotting from the inside out by this point. Does anyone think he’s eaten any vegetables in the last 25 years?
If Biden has a stroke tomorrow, you surely will see Trump for 4 more years.
I know I wouldn't. I would be Canada bound. Job transfer is ready in case cheating occurs and disaster happens again.
An empty promise (threat - depending on how you view it) because they never leave:

A few examples:

Before Trump won in 2016 the following statements were made:

Here were the proposed departure destinations of the celebrities I’ve heard of (afraid I’m not up on all my pop stars and B‐listers):

  • Bryan Cranston said he’d move to Canada, the most popular destination—and also far above the United States in the latest economic‐freedom rankings.
  • Raven-Symoné—whom I only knew as a Cosby kid but apparently now is some sort of impresario—said she’d move to Canada, indeed already had a ticket, “if any Republican gets nominated [did she mean elected?].”
  • Neve Campbell, who’s already Canadian, would return to her (and my) home province of Ontario.
  • Chloë Sevigny likewise had a particular Canadian province in mind, Nova Scotia.
  • Lena Dunham was even more specific, pointing to Vancouver as her choice. “I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will.” I can’t confirm reports that Dunham is being sued for not doing so by the not‐insignificant number of people who voted for Trump on this basis alone.
  • Barbra Streisand was picking between Canada and Australia (which is also freer than America).
  • Chelsea Handler has a house in Spain already, and threatened to move there permanently.
  • Amy Schumer also promised to move to Spain “or somewhere.”
  • George Lopez said he’d go back to Mexico.
  • Samuel L. Jackson had perhaps the most original choice: South Africa.
  • Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg—a celebrity in my circles—joked about moving to New Zealand in a New York Times interview that may yet get her into more trouble.
  • Billy Crystal had the same Kiwi idea.
  • Miley Cyrus, Al Sharpton, and Whoopi Goldberg would exile themselves to some
  • unspecified country.
  • Spike Lee, perhaps misunderstanding the concept of leaving the country, said he’d move to the “Republic of Brooklyn.”
  • Cher, apparently feeling that the Earth was too small for her to share with a President Trump, promised to move to Jupiter—where she’d possibly be joined by
  • Jon Stewart, who “would consider getting in a rocket and going to another planet, because clearly this planet’s gone bonkers.”
Yet they never leave, do they? Granted, Canada’s immigration website crashed the night of the election—now we know where the original coders went—and the Mounties have long been manning a wall paid for by tariffs on American soft‐lumber exporters. But still, you’d think that there’d be at least one huffy public exit (please, can it be Lena Dunham?).

Probably Not Gonna Happen. Alec Baldwin Is Still Here
Canada, or any other country, won't take Americans at this time because of the Trumpandemic. Why you keep defending that lying SOS is beyond me.

Maybe I'll move to Tombstone and work in a hydrosonic missile plant.
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An empty promise (threat - depending on how you view it) because they never leave:

A few examples:

Before Trump won in 2016 the following statements were made:

Here were the proposed departure destinations of the celebrities I’ve heard of (afraid I’m not up on all my pop stars and B‐listers):

  • Bryan Cranston said he’d move to Canada, the most popular destination—and also far above the United States in the latest economic‐freedom rankings.
  • Raven-Symoné—whom I only knew as a Cosby kid but apparently now is some sort of impresario—said she’d move to Canada, indeed already had a ticket, “if any Republican gets nominated [did she mean elected?].”
  • Neve Campbell, who’s already Canadian, would return to her (and my) home province of Ontario.
  • Chloë Sevigny likewise had a particular Canadian province in mind, Nova Scotia.
  • Lena Dunham was even more specific, pointing to Vancouver as her choice. “I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will.” I can’t confirm reports that Dunham is being sued for not doing so by the not‐insignificant number of people who voted for Trump on this basis alone.
  • Barbra Streisand was picking between Canada and Australia (which is also freer than America).
  • Chelsea Handler has a house in Spain already, and threatened to move there permanently.
  • Amy Schumer also promised to move to Spain “or somewhere.”
  • George Lopez said he’d go back to Mexico.
  • Samuel L. Jackson had perhaps the most original choice: South Africa.
  • Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg—a celebrity in my circles—joked about moving to New Zealand in a New York Times interview that may yet get her into more trouble.
  • Billy Crystal had the same Kiwi idea.
  • Miley Cyrus, Al Sharpton, and Whoopi Goldberg would exile themselves to some
  • unspecified country.
  • Spike Lee, perhaps misunderstanding the concept of leaving the country, said he’d move to the “Republic of Brooklyn.”
  • Cher, apparently feeling that the Earth was too small for her to share with a President Trump, promised to move to Jupiter—where she’d possibly be joined by
  • Jon Stewart, who “would consider getting in a rocket and going to another planet, because clearly this planet’s gone bonkers.”
Yet they never leave, do they? Granted, Canada’s immigration website crashed the night of the election—now we know where the original coders went—and the Mounties have long been manning a wall paid for by tariffs on American soft‐lumber exporters. But still, you’d think that there’d be at least one huffy public exit (please, can it be Lena Dunham?).

Probably Not Gonna Happen. Alec Baldwin Is Still Here

Maybe "they" didn't leave, but plenty of others did. And, you might want to follow up on your copy and paste. I doubt RBG's comments will get her into any trouble right now, but she sure will be missed.

One can only hope.

Yes, but sorry to tell you, I can still post on here from Canada. It's called ignore. Use it and you won't have to worry about my posts. Hey, if I have a few on here on ignore, I can certainly understand if it is reversed and I get ignored. All good.
Lots of borders in Montana, and I would think most are guarded pretty good, especially with the restrictions from the virus.
What is the difference between the Delaware Blue Hens and the Philadelphia Eagles?
Don't ask Joe Biden

Joe Biden confuses Philadelphia Eagles logo with his college emblem
By Kenneth Garger
November 1, 2020 | 11:41pm |

Vice President Joe Biden confused the Philadelphia Eagles logo with the emblem of his own undergraduate university at a Sunday campaign rally in the City of Brotherly Love.
“I know Philadelphia well,” the former vice president told the crowd at a drive-in rally in a church parking lot. “I married a Philly girl by the way and by the way got my Eagle’s jacket on.”
But Biden’s parka bore the logo of the University of Delaware Blue Hens — where he received his bachelor’s degree.
Bet he wouldn't forget three times to send busses to pick up his supporters after rallies.
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Nearly 230,000 Americans dead from a virus Fatso said was "completely under control" in March. Largest mass-casualty event in US history since WWII. He won't even talk about it now, which would be comparable to Nixon or Humphrey ignoring the Vietnam war in 1968.

You want to talk about gaffes ... throw him out, then lock him up.
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What is the difference between the Delaware Blue Hens and the Philadelphia Eagles?
Don't ask Joe Biden

Joe Biden confuses Philadelphia Eagles logo with his college emblem
By Kenneth Garger
November 1, 2020 | 11:41pm |

Vice President Joe Biden confused the Philadelphia Eagles logo with the emblem of his own undergraduate university at a Sunday campaign rally in the City of Brotherly Love.
“I know Philadelphia well,” the former vice president told the crowd at a drive-in rally in a church parking lot. “I married a Philly girl by the way and by the way got my Eagle’s jacket on.”
But Biden’s parka bore the logo of the University of Delaware Blue Hens — where he received his bachelor’s degree.

You sure he wasn't pandering to his Philadelphia crowd>
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Nearly 230,000 Americans dead from a virus Fatso said was "completely under control" in March. Largest mass-casualty event in US history since WWII. He won't even talk about it now, which would be comparable to Nixon or Humphrey ignoring the Vietnam war in 1968.

You want to talk about gaffes ... throw him out, then lock him up.
Well, you know, probably all but 5 or 6 of them were about to die anyway from some other thing, so we can't really count them as COVID deaths....right?
You sure he wasn't pandering to his Philadelphia crowd>

Totally pandering.............

Video showed him looking down at the Blue Hen symbol on his jacket, pointing to it, and saying he had on his Philadelphia Eagles jacket. Just hoping he doesn't have anything to do with CAA football schedule - we might find ourselves playing the Philadelphia Eagles!
Trump predictably acting like he's never heard of absentee ballots until today. Unbelievable, but completely believable coming from him. Even right here in Virginia, you could postmark a ballot anytime on Election Day and mail it, and as long as it gets to your registrar by Friday at noon, it counts. But Donald doesn't approve, so he throws a hissy fit like the petulant child he is. Par for the course.
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Trump won't have to intentionally mangle Kamala Harris's first name now. He can simply address her as Madam Vice-President.
Correct as we will address Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader. House seats lost too. The Blue Wave was a ripple.
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Trump won't have to intentionally mangle Kamala Harris's first name now. He can simply address her as Madam Vice-President.

Certainly she will be treated with the high level of respect she exhibited during the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Why would she show one iota of respect to a drunken party hack like Brett "I like beer!" Kavanaugh? And 74+ million people just confirmed Harris. Not 52 or 53 Senators pledged to put party before country.

And I don't recall Senator Harris racially insulting Kavanaugh, like Dumpo and Purdue did by intentionally mispronouncing her name, or calling her a monster, etc. Did she call Kavanaugh a Mick or Paddy, or say he's nothing better than a Shanty Irishman??

Jesus, Kavanaugh's last opinion in the Wisconsin voter-suppression case was riddled with mistakes and laughable to most legal scholars.

And Moscow Mitch isn't SML yet. Two more elections to go, in a state Biden just won.

Sorry I don't have more time to post. Too busy celebrating the restoration of democracy and decency to our country.

And as always, "Go Spiders!"
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