CORONAVIRUS - What are the consequences?

I don't know my coronavirus history, but how did the previous ones go away? they just weren't as contagious?
Most of the ones that can cause disease in Humans haven't (gone away). We've just learned to live with them.
The deadliest one, SARS, was similarly contagious to the current one, but it was so much more virulent that it was contained and eventually burned out.
MERS (can I still call it that or does that make me "racist?") still pops up from time to time but is easier to contain. It is not very contagious.
Florida. What a freaking disaster. Zero leadership from a clown who is too worried about pleasing a clueless dumb ass.

Only a disaster if you use blatantly false stats like the one in your link. Florida has 4,700 deaths. NYC alone has over 22,000. New York State over 32,000.

Think back if you will to an earlier time when the mainstream media's health related news coverage wasn't dominated by TDS. What was they kept harping on? Oh yeah, FLATTENING THE CURVE. That is what Florida did. As a result, the health care system never got swamped like New York and deaths have been low.
And yet in the only metric that matters (DEATH), US is 4th on that list, squarely in the middle despite having the least healthy starting population by far.

And even while focusing on an irrelevant metric, Lincoln Project still can't help lying and misleading. Note that those figures for cases are not adjusted for population which of course deprives them of any meaning whatsoever even if the metric being analyzed was particularly valuable. Japan has 5X the population of Australia, for example, but just over 2X the number of cases.

Fauci is the only honest broker in this whole mess.

Fast forward four months. He has become the poster child for how our society is today. TALK gets all the attention over ACTIONS. Guy keeps BSing about hating the limelight but appears to be giving access to anyone who wants his face on camera.
What an embarrassment.We are a 3rd world country.

Americans Not Welcome in Caribbean Resorts Re-Opening to Tourism -

LOL. I doubt with the FINANCIAL devastation COVID has reaped upon the US of A that plenty of citizens at this time could afford to travel abroad. Or even have thoughts about it. Wait a minute. I'm speaking to a person who by his own posts is well heeled to travel outside our country no matter what. Good for you! I'm completely serious with GFY if that is a priority for you during this mess.

Now if only we could get China to not welcome major US corporations from doing business in their country. Your man Biden will do it or as he told us it is not even an issue.

Plus after a big breakfast and a 5 course dinner awaits you, who really needs lunch any way!
LOL. I doubt with the FINANCIAL devastation COVID has reaped upon the US of A that plenty of citizens at this time could afford to travel abroad. Or even have thoughts about it. Wait a minute. I'm speaking to a person who by his own posts is well heeled to travel outside our country no matter what. Good for you! I'm completely serious with GFY if that is a priority for you during this mess.

Now if only we could get China to not welcome major US corporations from doing business in their country. Your man Biden will do it or as he told us it is not even an issue.

Plus after a big breakfast and a 5 course dinner awaits you, who really needs lunch any way!

Americans are banned from traveling to Europe.No wonder Airlines are in Big Trouble.Perceived as a 3rd world country.

The countries where US tourists are blocked, are:

  • Austria

  • Belgium

  • Czech Republic

  • Denmark

  • Estonia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Greece

  • Hungary

  • Iceland

  • Italy

  • Latvia

  • Liechtenstein

  • Lithuania

  • Luxembourg

  • Malta

  • Netherlands

  • Norway

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Slovakia

  • Slovenia

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland
The Bahamas Nassau, The Bahamas.

Europe Travel Ban, Here Are 5 Things Americans Must Know
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Rednecks,hillbillies and the undereducated in Minnesota.Yes,at Walmart.At least there are no ass cracks being shown.

Wonder if they’ll vote for Agent Orange on Nov 3rd.Definitely.

Here’s another group of rodeo stomping anti science cowpokes in Minnesota.No masks and big crowd.Brilliant.

‪A rodeo held every year in northern Minnesota welcomed a crowd of thousands over the weekend. That's despite the order from Gov. Walz to limit crowds, Reg Chapman reports (1:59).WCCO 4 News at 6 - July 27, 2020‬

On the day Herman Cain died of coronavirus. Wow, Pence. Really? What a great example by the "leader" of the "coronavirus task force". Un freaking believable.
Great news all across America. Congrats are especially in order for Gov. DeSantis, who has put on a clinic on how to handle a pandemic.

Great news all across America. Congrats are especially in order for Gov. DeSantis, who has put on a clinic on how to handle a pandemic.

Great news? It's not that hard to improve a little when things were beyond disastrous a couple of weeks ago thanks to so many stupid decisions. Your boys Desantis and Trump are killing people everyday.
Every f ing day.

Great news? It's not that hard to improve a little when things were beyond disastrous a couple of weeks ago thanks to so many stupid decisions. Your boys Desantis and Trump are killing people everyday.
Every f ing day.

Beyond disastrous? What fantasy world do you live in? FL is doing perfectly fine with hospitalizations WAY down in the past ten days. The "crisis" is soon to be over for Florida, and they will have got through it with over 66% less death than NY and far less damage to the economy.
LOL Shafer. I have to ask. What planet are you from?

I LOL at the bantering with you. From day one your posting record in the b-ball forum no doubt has had a completely one-sided NARRATIVE. I would put my POSTING HISTORY against yours from the b-ball forum any day of the week as being way less bias. And from your posting in Off Topic your colors haven't changed a bit in discussions though politically most individuals are that way.

So I would want to know what planet you are from? You arrived at the board like a meteorite from outer space in late 2016. Though from the 2500+ posts no doubt you're human and vocal! Wondering if a thorough investigation took place, you be on someone's payroll? LOL.

Though I heard somewhere a story where unqualified Joe Biden's son got plenty of cash for a do nothing job from a company in a foreign land while the senile one was getting paid by us. Unbelievable? My father's saying was "trust nothing that moves." So true.
Oh no Agent Orange

William & Mary delays start of in-person classes as COVID-19 ravages Hampton Roads

Next post will show that the virus was STARTED by Trump for what known reason no doubt you will explain it to me. You do know that the Senile One (and other Dems) criticized Trump for STOPPING flights from China?

So right off the bat BIG mistake by Biden if President. So you want me to believe that after blunder #1 by Biden, the rest of his calls would have been on target? You're talking about a FLU that was started by ..... 32, let me hear you're answer on that question? Follow up question if you get the answer on Q1 right is ..... do you think they had a motive?
LOL. Using the good ole stopped all flights from China comment. Hilarious. If he were so worried about it, why didn't he stop flights from Europe at the same time? And why did he still let so many people in from China? And, why did he call it a hoax and say 15 people will be down to zero, and it will go away in April, and when it gets warm it's gone, and it will just disappear, and why did he still have rallies and why why why does he have to be such a dumbass who keeps killing people? It doesn't have to be like this. Our country does not have to be in this position. With even a quarter of the leadership, we would be so much better off right now. He is an evil, sick person. Everyone knows that. Those that still support him are part of the problem.
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gonna plant them all off Exit 3 on NJ Turnpike next trip north.Watch out.Chinese seeds of an unknown origin in Jersey.Could be spy plants.Yikes.Could bring down real estate values even further than they are.

LOL!!! You can't make NJ any more of a corrupt state, I believe the Chinese already run it.
Agent Orange has screwed farmers with Navarro’s dumbass tariffs before the pandemic and now with the pandemic cattle producers are getting the snot kicked out of them.A do nothing, indifferent Dr Dolt has really screwed the pooch.

Not even Nate Silver can deny the obvious now. Republican Governors in the Sun Belt have defeated Covid by employing science based Swedish model: