CORONAVIRUS - What are the consequences?

I try to stay out of discussions like this. But Father, do you think what is happening in Italy is not real - they have to choose whose life to save and who not to treat? Do you think that the authorities - including the federal gov't, CDC, etc - who are warning that we could end up like Italy if we don't take preventive actions are lying? People like you who think it is an over-reaction are going to make this thing worse and cause the interruption of normal life to last longer.

And I am personally more worried about the economic consequences of this whole thing. But the quicker we all adhere to the advice and slow this thing down, the quicker we can all get back to our normal lives and the economy will start to recover.

I think you have your last sentence backwards. Slower <> quicker. While we do want to slow this thing down, flattening the curve also lengthens the curve. We could be in this shutdown/isolation phase for a long time.

BTW, the SG who said we could end up like Italy also said South Korea is an authoritarian regime.
Those last two are truly damning, and should be even to the most staunch Trump supporters. The sad irony, of course, is that a large portion of his base falls into the highest-risk category, and his inaction and defiance is likely to lead directly to the deaths of some of them.
Here's an interesting website where you can change the variables based on the behaviors of the virus and the population:

Our current strategy of suppression (containment is pretty much lost at this point) will probably succeed in "flattening the curve," which will save lives. But at what cost? For suppression to "work," it needs to continue for 12 months or more. Not many businesses can survive that, unless they are already set up for a 100% remote workforce. We might get a reprieve in the summer but then it comes roaring back in the fall.

These are the same statistics we are seeing in deaths in the USA. Sadly, these same patients are the ones at the most risk to die of the flu or of pneumonia, or a similar illness. Many are lung patients with chronic or terminal illness, and the virus pushed them over the edge.

Thank god it is turning out that this virus does not have a harmful effect on children or young adults, and almost all healthy people get mild symptoms, and the rate of fatality will start to show that soon.

Lets hope.
No vaccine,only a Dolt-In-Chief

Its going to turn out exactly as he said from the beginning. The statistics from Italy shown above make it clear that this virus acts more like the flu than a highly deadly illness and it, though tragic, only has fatal affects on the same, very high risk population that the flu does. This madness will start to come to an end once this comes to light and the media can not keep suppressing it.

Cases will increase, thankfully very few will have it seriously. We continue to take precautions with the most high risk patients, just like we do with the flu, or should do. And we make rational efforts to stop the spread, like quarantining yourself if showing symptoms, washing your hands regularly, and if you feel necessary, elbow tap instead of shaking hands. High risk patients should not be in areas where there are large crowds. Lets let the world begin to function again.
Chief Liar,Dolt-In-Chief.We’s in big trouble.

You obviously neither read the article, nor listened to the response. He said simply that it was promising, is already approved for use for malaria and arthritis, that it would "soon" be approved for distribution to New York and other places basically as a FDA test to determine its efficacy.
Thank God for Fauci.Listening to King Lying Dolt-Agent Orange is vomit inducing as his falsehoods are manufactured everyday for the group daily podium Love-In of repetitive nothingness.

Senate Secret Intelligence Meetings-Looking out for the little guy.Intelligence Chair Richard Burr’s(R-NC)stock selloff came around the time he was receiving daily briefings on the impending health threat without sharing with the public.

How he and others Prepared to fight Coronavirus :

Burr And Loeffler transactions :

Senator Dumped Up to $1.6 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About Coronavirus

At Least 2 GOP Senators besides Burr Dumped Millions In Stock After Coronavirus Briefings.
Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) began selling stocks jointly owned with her husband on Jan. 24, the day the Senate Health Committee held a private, all-chamber briefing from top American officials about COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. In a series of 29 transactions ending in mid-February, documented in Senate financial disclosures, Loeffler and her husband sold between $1,275,000 and $3,100,000 in stock.

Kelly Loeffler on March 10 Below.Drink the coolade,sell the stock from secret meetings about coronavirus.Gaslight the Joe Q. Public.DELUSIONAL and PATHOLOGICAL LIARS.

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Fauci isn’t buying Agent Orange bullshit.He knows that King Dolt is a crackpot,racist who operates with prejudicial phrases and repetitive bullying.What a leader by degrading people,institutions and companies.King Dolt controls the daily messaging with neither substance nor depth.A show clown.

Top coronavirus doctor puts head in hands when Trump mentions 'Deep State Department' at briefing
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DR AGENT ORANGE has an advanced degree in pharmaceutical chemistry as the Head Clown.

Pence has a bullshit non-answer.

Fauci is the expert.Not these clowns.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci warns against following Trump's medical advice”

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Dr. Anthony Fauci: I Don’t Want to ‘Embarrass’ Trump

Matt Wilstein
The Daily BeastMarch 21, 2020

Jonathan Ernst
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, Dr. Anthony Fauciopened up about the unique challenges of serving on President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force. The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases called it “kind of funny but understandable that people said, ‘What the hell’s the matter with Fauci?’ because I had been walking a fine line.”

“I’ve been telling the president things he doesn’t want to hear. I have publicly had to say something different with what he states,” he continued, explaining that he’s engaged in “risky business” but insisting that Trump is not and has not been “pissed off” at him to date.

“I don’t want to embarrass him,” Fauci added. “I don’t want to act like a tough guy, like I stood up to the president. I just want to get the facts out. And instead of saying, ‘You’re wrong,’ all you need to do is continually talk about what the data are and what the evidence is. And he gets that. He’s a smart guy. He’s not a dummy. So he doesn’t take it—certainly up to now—he doesn’t take it in a way that I’m confronting him in any way. He takes it in a good way.”
Let’s see what happens.Agent Orange is punting the responsibility of crisis management of the coronavirus to the governors of these United States.He will abdicate any responsibility for providing leadership in its disillusionment.Since Agent Orange was comlicate in labeling Coronavirus a “Hoax”,he had done nothing to prepare for where we are today.He will wash his hands by leaving all the problem solving responsibility to the Governors.

All the responsibility and burden will placed solely on shoulders of the most affected States for which Agent Orange wouldn’t receive electoral votes in November anyway

It’s a Blue v Red scenario.Prior to the November election.

If he opens up commerce to the virus,he’ll be damn sure to open up them rallies to his Hillbillies and Redneck undereducated followers including the Evangelicals.Free Red Hats for all.

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For 2 months, dumb ass says no big deal, it will just go away. Then, when proven wrong (again!), he tries to say he knew about it well before others did. Okay, dumb ass. Two simple questions if you knew about it: 1. Why did you downplay it at least 30 times the past 2 months? And 2. why did you hold a freaking rally in SC on Feb. 28, and continue to down play it? So, you're trying to tell us you knew about this all along, but still had a freaking rally on February 28th? Sorry, dumb ass. No good answer here. Either you were too stupid enough to know about this, and too stupid to care, or you knew, but decided a freaking rally in late February was more important than worrying about the spread of this, and more important than worrying about the health of your base at the rally. That is one question I would love to hear someone ask him. And see what a pathetic answer he would have. Why did you hold that rally on February 28th?
Hoodwinked the entire nation, 60% approval dealing with the China bug. Can’t imagine the number of rednecks, deplorable white scum, etc that support that agent orange clown. Lambs to the slaughter in November if the country still exist. Carryon, entertainment.