"Mooney hating" as you and others like to term it has nothing to do with me. I don't know the man personally, so please stop with your "hater" lies. My grievance with Mooney is that he doesn't have the coaching skills to take the Spider program were I want it to be. His record (including his mediocre year at Air Force) speaks for itself.
Your statement that "conference titles and sweet 16's will not make you happy" is false, so please stop with that lie also.
Your statement that "so I guess that when other coaches win with talent, it is because they coached them up, but when Mooney wins with talent, it is because this talent bailed him out" is YOUR statement. I did not say nor imply this, you have no idea how I evaluate other coaches. So, please do not attribute your assumptions to me.
Different people have different levels of understanding. When one peddles unsubstantiated hyperbole (as in your post) they set themselves up for incredulity.
Wow. Interesting post for a message board, where opinions are the main form of posting. I guess I was supposed to put IMO maybe or possibly in front of my statements with ? at the end so I wouldn't "lie" so much. Okay, for you I will post this way since my other post obviously bothered you so much. Shoot, did it again. Sorry, about that. Let me try agan. Maybe my last post bothered you so I will post to you differently?
I should have said IMO, maybe you are hating on our coach since you seem to criticize him even when discussing a sweet 16 run?
You have replied this is false, and I will now apologize for "lying" there.
I should have said IMO, maybe sweet 16s and conference titles upset you since you mentioned how frustrated you were with his coaching during these years?
You said this was a lie also, so I will again apologize for "lying" there.
I put "I guess" in front of the one about different coaches with talent, so I don't think I should have to correct that one.
So, sorry for those 2 awful lies I told on an innocent message board where crazy opinions and sometimes "lies" (not always intentional) get posted all over the place.
I am not sure how to comment on your last paragraph except to say this is a message board, so good luck asking people to prove their opinions. But, with you I will try to use exact words and make sure I can back up everything I say with proof. Sorry again for the awful lies.