A friend wants to know..


Letter Winner
Dec 31, 2021
..if those who have skin in the nil game will hold moonocrity to a higher standard than the Athletic dept?
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..if those who have skin in the nil game will hold moonocrity to a higher standard than the Athletic dept?
Tough one. Players are getting the cash. They need to perform in spite of the coaching.
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..if those who have skin in the nil game will hold moonocrity to a higher standard than the Athletic dept?
This is an interesting question, not just for Mooney, but every NIL program. If you are one of the handful of big time donors to NIL, you will want to make sure the money you invest delivers outcomes. If it doesn't you are probably going to be unhappy and complaining to the AD about it. And I would imagine these type of folks actually get the ear of the AD.
nothing has changes regarding donors. how is this any different than big donors before NIL who were giving to programs and subsidizing coaches salaries or building practice facilities?
..if those who have skin in the nil game will hold moonocrity to a higher standard than the Athletic dept?
Members of the Spider NIL cooperative our obviously very interested in seeing a successful basketball program at U of R and would be vocal if they were unhappy. With that said, they are very positive on with the direction the program is headed and think very highly of the coach.
UR80s thank you for your support of the men’s bb nil and sharing your upbeat posts. I am trying to accept your enthusiasm but historical facts keep me in bridled check.
What does define success for the NIL supporters?
What if this year is a repeat of the end of year downward slide? Next year repeats?
What then?
I keep thinking are we just another version of the Emperor’s New Clothes or a revised Just So story of how the Spider regained his mojo ( with deference to our own MOJO Spider)?
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nothing has changes regarding donors. how is this any different than big donors before NIL who were giving to programs and subsidizing coaches salaries or building practice facilities?
I think the NIL has opened the door for new big money donors who like the idea of buying players to help their team win. These might be different people than say the Queally's of the world who are more ingrained in the larger institutional matters of a university and were previously giving to support athletics. I have no idea who are big NIL guys are though, so just conjecture but it is obviously much easier now with the NIL to get in the game of giving money than it was prior, so assume we and others are getting new donors into the system. And those new donors might have some differing expectations for ROI.
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maybe. I'd be more inclined to give to NIL than to the school itself. feels like you can making a bigger difference with an NIL than adding a drop in the bucket towards a $3B endowment.

but I think anyone expecting an ROI on an NIL gift is a fool unless you're giving such a ridiculous amount that we could compete with the big money schools. we're nowhere near that. we don't have the depth. we went after and landed some nice mid level transfers. we're not in the game for the big ones. we lost Manon to Vanderbilt, who I doubt is in the game with the top tier P6's.
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I think the NIL has opened the door for new big money donors who like the idea of buying players to help their team win. These might be different people than say the Queally's of the world who are more ingrained in the larger institutional matters of a university and were previously giving to support athletics. I have no idea who are big NIL guys are though, so just conjecture but it is obviously much easier now with the NIL to get in the game of giving money than it was prior, so assume we and others are getting new donors into the system. And those new donors might have some differing expectations for ROI.
As mentioned before, The members of the Spider Cooperative do have high expectations for the basketball program. Most of the people in it have given to U of R in the past. I know most of the people, but not all. Paul is not ingrained in larger institutional issues of U of R since rolling off the board, which is terrific for the basketball program.
maybe. I'd be more inclined to give to NIL than to the school itself. feels like you can making a bigger difference with an NIL than adding a drop in the bucket towards a $3B endowment.

but I think anyone expecting an ROI on an NIL gift is a fool unless you're giving such a ridiculous amount that we could compete with the big money schools. we're nowhere near that. we don't have the depth. we went after and landed some nice mid level transfers. we're not in the game for the big ones. we lost Manon to Vanderbilt, who I doubt is in the game with the top tier P6's.
Our NIL can compete well with other mid-majors, but we can't out bid major P6 programs. When Chris was talking about Apostolos limited playing time at UConn, he mentioned there might have been 8 NBA quality players on the team (not sure if that was over 2 years or at same time). That is difficult to compete against.
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As mentioned before, The members of the Spider Cooperative do have high expectations for the basketball program. Most of the people in it have given to U of R in the past. I know most of the people, but not all. Paul is not ingrained in larger institutional issues of U of R since rolling off the board, which is terrific for the basketball program.
Thanks for this. I figured you would have a pulse on this crowd. I know Paul is off the board now but I would still consider him ingrained in UR issues. He is the past president of the Board, he is our largest donor, I would assume he is still treated in many respects as the insider that he is and was through that. That is not a good/bad thing, just a think a function of the relationships that were developed.

I would assume the Spider collective hit many of Paul's contacts and other big donor contacts first as these were people already active in supporting UR. I guess my point is that the NIL, if it is successful, will continue to bring new people into this old boys club, and it probably remains to be seen what some of these new people will have in terms of expectations.
It was discussed in the NIL website thread, but being able to attract more donors through membership levels that offer perks or memorabilia at different increasing price points can be a great way to increase money, involvement, and interest. 80sFan mentioned the goal right now is increasing the number of big time donors (10K plus) but what if one or two suddenly become unhappy and stop donating? Having hundreds of $250-1000 donations can help with sustainability. I know it’s not much, but the only reason I haven’t donated in the $500-1000 range myself is I have no idea where the money goes specifically, how it helps, and I probably won’t be included in the zoom sessions with the coaching staff to learn more information about the program. So feeling disconnected in this way makes me less inclined to donate
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