Had a date with a lady friend well above my league and figured whats the worst that could happen?
Turns out flash flooding is a thing even when its sunny (Had been raining out west apparently) and she was an inexperienced kayaker. So I was rushing from one end of Williams Island to the other with my kayak in my good healthy hand, I walked briskly over what I thought was solid driftwood but whatever was below it couldn't hold the weight and it all collapsed with me on the top. As I fell, my natural reaction was to brace with my free hand. Normally that's fine but it happened to have my broken finger on it and as my hand impacted the rock below, I re-broke it and it hurt 100x more than breaking it playing basketball.
After that, I got to paddle about a half mile, up stream, in about 2 feet higher water than when we originally put in with my finger dangling from my left hand with someone else who unequipped to kayak in these conditions. From there, things got worse when she leaned too far forward and fell into the water a few hundred yards from the Z damn(water level was crazy high at this point). So I had to pull her out of the river with a kayak paddle I held with both hands then grab the kayak which didn't help either. Finger still bends a good degree to the left and I don't have the grip strength in my left hand as I once did. Did learn the one handed backhand since I couldn't use a two handed grip for months. I couldn't imagine how annoying having a broken finger on your dominant hand is.