Walter Whyte - 2017 Offer

I hope that Walter and his family don't read this thread.Here he is a 4Star,the best player in New England and we are talking about tuition and free education-irrelevant nonsense when it comes to Walter.No wonder I hardly visit the Bball site.Hopefully,the kid and his family aren't saying to themselves"the people on the UR board who do all all the posts don't get it-either tuition or basketball.What a bunch of dumbas.....Looks like Yale for me."
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I hope that Walter and his family don't read this thread.Here he is a 4Star,the best player in New England and we are talking about tuition and free education-irrelevant nonsense when it comes to Walter.No wonder I hardly visit the Bball site.Hopefully,the kid and his family aren't saying to themselves"the people on the UR board who do all all the posts don't get it-either tuition or basketball.What a bunch of dumbas.....Looks like Yale for me."
I can't believe I'm going to say this, I agree with 32. Way too much politics and personal ideologies on the bball board, I prefer that we stick to the primary purpose.
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don't excel and you can still go to college, but you pay for it. don't want to pay for it? learn a trade. what's wrong with that? we can't have everyone sitting is leather chairs all day.

I think that Walter, were he me, would want you to differentiate between your statement and that of Judge Smails in Caddy Shack, to-wit:

Danny Noonan: I planned to go to law school after I graduated, but it looks like my folks won't have enough money to put me through college.
Judge Smails: Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too.

Apologies to my idols, 32 and Mr. T., but neither of you know Walter as well as I do.
I hope that Walter and his family don't read this thread.Here he is a 4Star,the best player in New England and we are talking about tuition and free education-irrelevant nonsense when it comes to Walter.No wonder I hardly visit the Bball site.Hopefully,the kid and his family aren't saying to themselves"the people on the UR board who do all all the posts don't get it-either tuition or basketball.What a bunch of dumbas.....Looks like Yale for me."

32, damn, right you are again. Some dumbas [sic] posted the following on this thread (1st page):
"We should have been on this kid years ago.People were advised.We just offered.How silly.We have our recruiting heads in the sand.No wonder we are where we are.Dumb."

Lots of wisdom in the original post about people being advised about Walter years ago and never offering.The poster was very honest and forthright.The poster saw him play against his prep school many times in New Haven very early on.
The fact that our recruiting was behind the 8 ball was ok.Being late to the party isn't clever.It's dumb with a kid like this.

The poster also sadly had nothing to say about the meaningless and irrelevant crap of tuition subsidies and free tuition.Total irrelevancy.

Walter will likely go Ivy in any case with Yale at 80% probability.

The dumbass reference was intentionally spelled dumbas.Your sic was wasted.
So we've gone from "total stud we offered too late and Duke/Stanford/Cal will soon be calling" to taking visits to Davidson, a CAA, a Patriot, an Ivy, and a WCC cellar dweller.

I understand and appreciate the academic emphasis he's got, but surprised we're not involved if he's as good as advertised. Suppose it's possible we backed off for one reason or another.

Or are we still in the running based on his unofficial?
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Think we will be hearing from JP and Justyn. Keep calm. Did not feel Walter was a good fit. Here is video of Walter with vdu recruit Hasahn following Walter's visit to UR and Hasahn's coinciding visit to vdu. OSC

For whatever this is worth, wishful Yalie thinking or accurate rumor...

so they're saying he's intentionally planning a visit to a school not in his final 5?
Maybe. Or that he has some of his final 5 set but a few spots still open and the visits will determine which ones make the cut.
You're 18 and have an opportunity to take an all-expenses trip to San Diego....or you could have an all-expenses paid trip to the school (Yale) down the street from you. Personally, I think it makes a lot of sense.
My official list would include U Hawaii...
Whyte Hired To Help Turnaround Public Schools

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 05:16

While his job title, "supervisor of school turnaround" is a bit clunky, Paul A. Whyte is bringing an impeccable education and some remarkable experience to his new post in Waterbury, Connecticut.

Whyte, 41, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Yale University and a Masters of Education in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy (APSP) from Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is currently working on a Ph.D from Columbia University in NYC.

According to a description on the Columbia University website, Whyte was the Principal of New Beginnings Family Academy, a public K-8 charter school, in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The article stated, "Mr. Whyte transitioned to the role of school leader in 2008. As principal, he has focused on building a culture of achievement and high expectations for students and staff. Under his leadership, NBFA scores on the Connecticut Mastery Test have improved dramatically, with NBFA achieving the most improvement among middle schools in the state. Prior to serving as the principal, Mr. Whyte oversaw the development of formative assessments, data driven decision-making processes and a new teacher evaluation program."

| | Tags: Bridgeport, Columbia University, Connecticut Mastery Tests, Harvard University, New Beginnings Family Academy, New Haven, Paul A. Whyte, Paul Whyte, supervisor of school turnaround, Waterbury Connecticut, Yale University
Whyte Hired To Help Turnaround Public Schools

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 05:16

While his job title, "supervisor of school turnaround" is a bit clunky, Paul A. Whyte is bringing an impeccable education and some remarkable experience to his new post in Waterbury, Connecticut.

Whyte, 41, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Yale University and a Masters of Education in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy (APSP) from Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is currently working on a Ph.D from Columbia University in NYC.

According to a description on the Columbia University website, Whyte was the Principal of New Beginnings Family Academy, a public K-8 charter school, in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The article stated, "Mr. Whyte transitioned to the role of school leader in 2008. As principal, he has focused on building a culture of achievement and high expectations for students and staff. Under his leadership, NBFA scores on the Connecticut Mastery Test have improved dramatically, with NBFA achieving the most improvement among middle schools in the state. Prior to serving as the principal, Mr. Whyte oversaw the development of formative assessments, data driven decision-making processes and a new teacher evaluation program."

| | Tags: Bridgeport, Columbia University, Connecticut Mastery Tests, Harvard University, New Beginnings Family Academy, New Haven, Paul A. Whyte, Paul Whyte, supervisor of school turnaround, Waterbury Connecticut, Yale University
Wow! Mr. Whyte has quite impressive resume. OSC
seriously. that's a smart, hard working guy. kid would be a great asset here. just doesn't seem likely now.
Nevermind, media going for headlines...
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He visited BU last weekend and is visiting Northeastern this weekend.
Interesting choice, I believe the BU coach is the twin brother of the Yale coach. I'm not much of a fan of the BU campus, but is you are a sox fan you are a block away from fenway. Last big time player they had transferred to Creighton. Would have liked to land this guy, but if he is truly a 6'5 wing seems like a lot of redundancy with Godwin, Nick and Bryce. But still you take the top talent you can get.
need a bigger forward. he might have been a fit until we filled other spots including Gilyard, but not a fit after that.
Not sure I get this this decision by young Walter given his options.Maybe some of his college offers were pulled.Maybe he likes college hockey.Maybe he'll like playing in the Patriot League.A great college town,no doubt.My daughter had a terrific undergraduate experience as a Terrier.

Maybe the kid wants to play immediately from Day 1.That wouldn't have happened at UR.
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he probably just did what I've been saying more kids should do. go to the school that feels right. the best fit. the highest offer is tempting but it's got to be the right place with the best opportunity, the right coaches and the right teammates.
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I still feel like we are losing too many guys to what I would consider lower tier programs/leagues. Everyone can spare me the soliloquy about us luring guys from upper tier programs, I acknowledge that we've secured commitments over P5 schools periodically.

Anecdotally, it feels like we are losing too many.
I still feel like we are losing too many guys to what I would consider lower tier programs/leagues. Everyone can spare me the soliloquy about us luring guys from upper tier programs, I acknowledge that we've secured commitments over P5 schools periodically.

Anecdotally, it feels like we are losing too many.
Well, I noted on another thread I think we have been hurt by an uptick in recruiting at the Ivy league schools. They have been reeling in a lot of border line top 100 guys (and some top 100 guys) in the last 5 years, and a few that have been listed with us. Maybe this guy liked Boston, seemed to in that he was considering BU and Northeastern.
we'll always "lose" a lot if you consider it losing every time a kid we've offered commits elsewhere. we've definitely lost some that we really wanted and made a priority. I don't think that's the case this time.
we'll always "lose" a lot if you consider it losing every time a kid we've offered commits elsewhere. we've definitely lost some that we really wanted and made a priority. I don't think that's the case this time.
S-man, I fully understand the volume argument here. We will always lose more than we win, that's part and parcel to the nature of recruiting. What I find weird is just how many guys are choosing to go to the High Points, BUs, and USAs of basketball over UR. Maybe we de-prioritized Walter because he wasn't feeling us and by extension we weren't feeling him. I just think it seems odd that folks often make this argument that we should expect to lose recruiting battles to the P5 type programs but we seem equally ok rationalizing the other end of the argument when we miss on guys going to theoretically lower-rated programs. The "best offer available" argument seems to be not applicable far too often this year and to an extent, last year.

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