Walter Whyte - 2017 Offer

Quite an impressive young man. Mature, articulate, intelligent, self-assured. He has a bright future. We should offer Walter a scholarship whether or not he plays basketball.
I would be very proud to say that I am an alumnus of the same school as he.
Same goes for the JP.
Well said, iSpider. Love both of these guys. OSC
He'll get a chance tomorrow to see a well oiled,synchronized machine if he ventures over to Robins Stadium and takes a look at Danny's team between 9:45 and noon.That should impress young Mr Whyte.Mooney needs all the help he can get to convince this young man from not enrolling in Yale especially when we were late to the party.
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Really excited about the shot at landing someone like Whyte. Program changer for Spiders if it happens.
I overheard young Mr Whyte ask Mooney "so you don't pay your electricity bills.I travelled all the way from Connecticut for this".
So do any of you insiders know how the visit went? URFan1?
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It was a planned outage, according to an email I got a few days ago. Not sure what it was related to.
Word I get is that it was an unofficial and thus limited as to what we could do. Feel he had a good time, but time will tell when he announces his 5 officials. From all I have heard I would guess he is observant, intelligent, and pensive. He will not take his decision lightly, and it will take more than a shiny basketball facility to sign this young man.
a little surprised we were an unofficial based on location. he's from CT and his current list is mainly in the northeast. maybe he's already used his officials?
I doubt he's used his officials up, and CT isn't that far from VA, particularly during the summer if he's on vacation this way or in a tournament down this way.

I'm not sure I care a ton about if it's official or unofficial, the bottomline is he visited and that bodes well as far as his interest goes.
I don't think he's taken any officials yet. His list is at 12...I think he's just being very thorough in whittling down to his five official visits. Paying your own way for a trip from CT to VA is not necessarily a hurdle for many people, especially when you're trying to make the best decision you can for a free college degree.

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Walter Whyte '17 Makes an Appearance in the Latest Issue of Sports Illustrated
St. Luke’s captures NEPSAC basketball championship
By Ethan Pearce, St. Luke's Athletics on March 7, 2016 in High School Sports, Sports, Sports Lead · 0 Comments

St. Luke’s junior Walter Whyte goes up for a dunk during the NEPSAC tournament. — St. Luke’s Athletics photo

The St. Luke’s boys basketball team put the proverbial cherry on top of an already exceptional season by winning the New England Prep School Class S championship with a 74-68 win over the Pingree School on Sunday.

The St. Luke’s boys basketball team. — St. Luke’s Athletics photo

As they had done against most teams for so much of their nearly perfect season, head coach Drew Gladtone’s Storm opened up an early lead over the Pingree Highlanders.

At the end of the first half, the Storm led 35-23, and pushed the advantage to 16 points in the second half. The talented Pingree squad fought back late in the second half and, following an intense last two minutes of regulation, tied St. Luke’s, 64-64, to send the game into overtime.

Going into the overtime period, it looked uncertain whether or not the momentum would shift back in the Storm’s favor. However, even while under immense pressure in an overtime situation, the Storm managed to hold Pingree to four points.

Clutch shooting from junior Walter Whyte, who was named the tournament MVP, senior Shannon Smith, and sophomore Joel Boyce, added 10 points to the Storm’s total as they pulled away for the win.

The Storm’s NEPSAC title was a fitting way to cap off an extraordinary 2015-16 basketball season.

The St. Luke’s varsity squad only lost one game this season and even the defeat featured an impressive performance, as St. Luke’s lost by a mere 5 points to Lawrenceville School, a class B program.

Ultimately, the Storm finished the season 25-1, which was good enough to earn the team the regular season FAA title, the FAA tournament championship, and top prize in the NEPSAC tournament.

The St. Luke’s varsity basketball team will sorely miss seniors Jalen Latta, and Smith next year, but the Storm’s core will remain intact and ready to defend their title in 2017.

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I don't think he's taken any officials yet. His list is at 12...I think he's just being very thorough in whittling down to his five official visits. Paying your own way for a trip from CT to VA is not necessarily a hurdle for many people, especially when you're trying to make the best decision you can for a free college degree.
true. just saying his other schools are mainly in Philly, Boston and NY. don't even need a hotel room. can commute there from CT. If I'm down to his 12, I'm using officials on San Diego and Richmond for starters for the travel and lodging.
Whyte's father holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Yale University and a Masters of Education in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy (APSP) from Harvard Graduate School of Education. He completed a Ph.D from Columbia University in NYC.
Yeah, I don't think the cost is a huge issue for them. His father is well compensated.
I don't know. that's a lot of high end schooling. could still be paying off college loans! ;)
good thing college will be free for everyone in a few years :confused:
Only the state schools...the public universities.
I am hoping such is the case when my kids get out of high school. My wife won't consider a move to Wisconsin so unless they receive a full grant from UR or W&L, they will have to settle for UVA or W&M.
Maybe my wife is on to something.
I am thinking that there are probably worse options.
lol. if college were to become free at the public universities there won't be any private schools. the whole concept is a joke. college costs have grown astronomically to the point where they're unaffordable, so a candidate talks of making it free. good thing the economy is running at such a surplus to pay for that and everything else they promise. :rolleyes:
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lol. if college were to become free at the public universities there won't be any private schools. the whole concept is a joke. college costs have grown astronomically to the point where they're unaffordable, so a candidate talks of making it free. good thing the economy is running at such a surplus to pay for that and everything else they promise. :rolleyes:
California was free for in-state students until Reagan's governorship. Stanford remained an attractive much in fact that they garnered the most applications per seat available in the state.
California was free for in-state students until Reagan's governorship. Stanford remained an attractive much in fact that they garnered the most applications per seat available in the state.
tuition cost was a much smaller percentage of household income back then. but ok, elite universities would survive.
the cost of free college to all in the US would be astronomical. and free isn't free. it just changes who pays for it. everyone, instead of those who are getting it. last I checked, we're not running our economy at a surplus. something's got to give.
tuition cost was a much smaller percentage of household income back then. but ok, elite universities would survive.
the cost of free college to all in the US would be astronomical. and free isn't free. it just changes who pays for it. everyone, instead of those who are getting it. last I checked, we're not running our economy at a surplus. something's got to give.

I half-way intended my initial post to be tongue-and-cheek, but we all know that many a truth is spoken in jest (WS).
I agree with the philosophy that there is no such thing as a free lunch. That said, we are a compassionate country and there are people in society that we have chosen to care for and/or subsidize, and most cases, rightfully so, e.g., helpless and economically underprivileged children, the mentally challenged and the elderly. Some of us resent this. I do not because I feel that it is my moral obligation even when it deprives me of the benefit of things I desire. More to the point, I believe that education is not given the priority that it deserves, the cost of education has gotten out of hand, and that education is essential to advance society and make not only this country but the world a safer, healthier, more tolerant and more humane place in which we can advance the species or, as a Christian would say, "be fruitful and multiply."
And I think that Walter Whyte would agree with me.
I'm all for proper subsidization. and I totally agree that education must be free for all. and it is ... through high school. higher education is a privilege. excel and there are plenty of schools including UR that will subsidize all the way up to free if you show the need. don't excel and you can still go to college, but you pay for it. don't want to pay for it? learn a trade. what's wrong with that? we can't have everyone sitting is leather chairs all day.

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