Tubby Smith fired?

Thinking about Tubby's next move. A colleague pointed out that Tubby's alma mater, High Point University, just fired their coach and is building a new arena. Would be nice to go "home". Hope all works out for Tubby.
If UR had an opening at this moment, I don't think it is that far fetched to believe that Tubby Smith would accept.
interest in Memphis basketball dropped to an all time low this past year. recruiting was poor. the non conference schedule was just awful. attendance was ridiculously bad. Tubby didn't engage the community.
I'm sure he's a great guy and he was a great coach, but I don't see the allure at this stage of his career.
interest in Memphis basketball dropped to an all time low this past year. recruiting was poor. the non conference schedule was just awful. attendance was ridiculously bad. Tubby didn't engage the community.
I'm sure he's a great guy and he was a great coach, but I don't see the allure at this stage of his career.
Me either. I think if we are in the market for a new coach, a young head coach who has proven successful at a lower level mid major is the way to go, versus, an established guy in the twilight of his career.
to win at memphis, all you have to do is recruit memphis but it it means bending over for the infrastructure there, then one has to ponder what is important, especially if you have a nice buy out to take with you out the door. this is why a national championship coach departed maryland, would not put up with what was needed by the high school, semi-pro coaches who determined where their players matriculated. it is an outhouse at the upper levels and glad we don't hang out there. why it is nice to see Coach B still successful at that level because we all know he will not give in to those clowns.
Tubby put in 10 years at Kentucky. I don't think anything Memphis threw his way was new to him. I know it stinks, but if you aren't going to play that game (i.e. work with the AAU and HS coaches in Memphis and keep Lawson on the staff in a real role) then why take the Memphis job? go somewhere cleaner.

or I guess you can take the ill-fitting job, do it your way, and get a monster buyout after two years.

I like the High Point idea if he's willing to drop that far. he can do it right there. he could put them on the map for the 1st time.
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Tubby going to High Point makes me think of when Lefty went to JMU for a few seasons near the end of his career.
Lefty was still a good recruiter at JMU and had some really good teams. I always loved when Tarrant would totally out coach him at the end of games.
Lefty was still a good recruiter at JMU and had some really good teams. I always loved when Tarrant would totally out coach him at the end of games.
I took Lefty's notebook from the bench after the 1990 CAA championship game. Then after the game Steve Hood came over and congratulated me and my friends - class act that guy. But yes, Tarrant could take Lefty for a little lesson on occasion. Good ol days when optimism reigned.
unrelated but Im starting to wonder if McGeehan was the key and devils advocate for Mooney? Seems like the players liked to play for him too.
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Tubby put in 10 years at Kentucky. I don't think anything Memphis threw his way was new to him. I know it stinks, but if you aren't going to play that game (i.e. work with the AAU and HS coaches in Memphis and keep Lawson on the staff in a real role) then why take the Memphis job? go somewhere cleaner.

or I guess you can take the ill-fitting job, do it your way, and get a monster buyout after two years.

I like the High Point idea if he's willing to drop that far. he can do it right there. he could put them on the map for the 1st time.
spiderman, give High Point a look; it is an up and coming university.
wow, their current arena is small. can you see Tubby coaching in the current place that holds 1,750?

hope they leave room for expansion. seems odd to build a new 4,500 seat arena at a 5,000 student school.
wow, their current arena is small. can you see Tubby coaching in the current place that holds 1,750?

hope they leave room for expansion. seems odd to build a new 4,500 seat arena at a 5,000 student school.
That was a joke, right? Lol
Tubby is 66, probably loves the job and knock down half million a year for a few years. Doesn’t sound bad to me.
seems odd to me to spend $100 million to build an arena that only seats 4,500 when you have 5,000 students. we had under 3,000 students when we built a 9,000 seat arena. so I don't know where the joke is.

I'm not saying all students go to games of course. but I assume if HPU becomes a relevant basketball program, they'll draw from the community like we do.
seems odd to me to spend $100 million to build an arena that only seats 4,500 when you have 5,000 students. we had under 3,000 students when we built a 9,000 seat arena. so I don't know where the joke is.

I'm not saying all students go to games of course. but I assume if HPU becomes a relevant basketball program, they'll draw from the community like we do.

I was just spit-balling, spiderman. I have no idea. :)