The Biden Doctrine

Wouldn’t be easier and less labor intensive to simply post once (or copy and paste more than once if more satisfying) in every Off Topics thread that “Biden is always wrong although occasionally only because he is late“?
The problem is that Joe Biden continues to appease our enemies and undermine our friend and allies across the world. The revelations occur as they are discovered. So far there have been 7 or 8 back door payments to Iran, totaling $100 billion dollars. Biden has still not rescinded the release of 6 billion ransom payment for hostages.
The conflagration in the middle east is spreading. Long before the Hamas war, Iran has flooded the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon with weapons. One of the transit points has been through Jordan. This is destabilizing the entire region. Why doesn't Uncle Joe reinstate the maximum pressure on Iran? Because he wants to re-establish the Iran nuclear deal.

Don't frequently speak up on these issues, but this one hits a pet peeve. The kissing up by the Obama and Biden Administrations to Iran has borne zero fruit which was perfectly predictable if you followed that regime. Ineffective policy.

Trump, love him or hate him, had it right. Had Iran starved of cash. Minimized the mayhem they could stir up. Biden opened the spigot mistakenly believing he could seduce them into a nuclear deal which they would have no intention of honoring.

Always found the Obama/Biden Iran policy baffling. If you deal with a viper, expect to get bitten.
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The head of Ukrainian intelligence, Budanov, has stated that Russian is trying, in conjunction with Iran, to destabilize the world.

Wouldn’t be easier and less labor intensive to simply post once (or copy and paste more than once if more satisfying) in every Off Topics thread that “Biden is always wrong although occasionally only because he is late“?
The problem is Biden is continuing to make the same stupid mistakes over and over again. This time he wants to bug out of the middle east. At this point, it is probably too late. Biden wants to undertake a massed evacuation across multiple countries for hundreds of thousands of Americans throughout the middle east. The last time he did that was in Afghanistan. There are Americans still trapped in Afghanistan. Here is a father warning that Biden and Blinken are making the same mistakes again. This poor man lost his son, because of the perfidy of Joe Biden.

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New report: the border patrol has encountered 7.5 million different illegal aliens in the US, since Biden’s inauguration in 2021.
Now, our glorious President has decided that the Israeli President does not meet his standards. Joe Biden is cutting off Netanyahu at his knees. To knee cap a sitting, elected leader of a democratic government in the middle of a war for the existence of his country- it is disgusting.

Now, our glorious President has decided that the Israeli President does not meet his standards. Joe Biden is cutting off Netanyahu at his knees. To knee cap a sitting, elected leader of a democratic government in the middle of a war for the existence of his country- it is disgusting.

What's disgusting is your misinformation campaign. Nowhere in this article does it state that Biden is doing what he can to have Netanyahu removed. That is up to the Israeli people, this article is simply stating the obvious, that the Biden administration is trying to plan ahead and prepare if he should be removed. And Netanyahu was not popular in Israel even before the invasion, he tried to remove the power of the independent judiciary in his quest to become an autocrat. I am a firm supporter of Israel vs. Hamas but to try to blame a future removal of Netanyahu (if it should even happen) on Biden is ludicrous.
What's disgusting is your misinformation campaign. Nowhere in this article does it state that Biden is doing what he can to have Netanyahu removed. That is up to the Israeli people, this article is simply stating the obvious, that the Biden administration is trying to plan ahead and prepare if he should be removed. And Netanyahu was not popular in Israel even before the invasion, he tried to remove the power of the independent judiciary in his quest to become an autocrat. I am a firm supporter of Israel vs. Hamas but to try to blame a future removal of Netanyahu (if it should even happen) on Biden is ludicrous.
Why is Biden even having internal discussions about the end of Netanyahu's government? Why did the Biden Administration leak it at this time? Because Biden wants to force the Israelis into a cease fire. Biden is putting his thumb on the scales in favor of Hamas. That is despicable.
Biden wants a ceasefire in Israel. Biden is kowtowing to the antisemitic left. That is the woke, leftists who have been indoctrinated to believe Israel is a colonial power.

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Biden is listening to his left and the squad. He is afraid he will lose Michigan, because of his initial support of Israel. The Muslim community in Michigan is virulently antisemitic.

Democrats in Michigan have warned the White House that President Joe Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict could cost him enough support within the Arab American community to sway the outcome of the 2024 election in a state he almost certainly can’t afford to lose in his bid for reelection.

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Biden is considering a $10 billion payment to Iran. Biden must really hate Israel.

China is developing and placing illegal labs throughout the US. This is an attempt by Chinese to have in place secret labs to wreak havoc on this country.
Why hasn't Biden allowed Denmark or the Netherlands to send planes to Ukraine? The answer- Iran. The Hamas war was designed by Iran and encouraged by Russia. This Administration is overwhelmed by events, resulting from its own mistakes.
So Venezuela is looking to seize Essequibo, the oil rich region of Guyana. Venezuela has amassed troops on the border. We gave Venezuela about $250 million in food aid in 2021 and 2022. Appeasement does not work. The Biden conflagration continues.

Biden is about to lose the war in Ukraine. This is Biden's mistake. With his singular errors in foreign policy, Biden has enabled our enemies in Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and here at home. If Ukraine loses, it is on Joe Biden. Biden has failed.

Fiona Hill has nailed Biden. Biden has failed to make the case to the American people. She misses the importance of American leadership.

"A world in which Putin chalks up a win in Ukraine is one where the U.S.’s standing in the world is diminished, where Iran and North Korea are emboldened, where China dominates the Indo-Pacific, where the Middle East becomes more unstable and where nuclear proliferation takes off, among allies as well as enemies."

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Mick Ryan (former Brigader General of the Austrailian Army) places blame for any coming strategic defeat in Ukraine squarely on the failure of American leadership.

"There are many failures that have led to this point.
There has been a failure of politicians in the U.S., and the west more broadly, to clearly and continuously explain why supporting Ukraine is vital for Ukraine and all democracies. Western politicians have lost the art of explaining and persuading their citizens. There has been a need for a constant drumbeat of speeches about the war and the purpose of supporting Ukraine, which western politicians have not delivered."

The last time Biden made a major foreign policy speech was in March of 2022. President Biden is incapable of even making a speech. Where are the F-16s? They are still in the Netherlands, awaiting Biden's approval. Where are the Abrams tanks? Only 31 have been delivered. Where are the ATACAMS missiles? In warehouses across the United States. Joe Biden is failing before our eyes.
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Mick Ryan continues:

"The Zelenskyy visit to Washington DC this week was the result of a failure of leadership by the U.S. and European elites who still don’t seem to have internalized that the international security paradigm of the past three decades is dead. We now exist in a fast moving environment where there is a near existential threat posed by the quad alignment of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran (the bad guys can also have ‘quads’). This ‘bad quad’ has also developed into the Arsenal of Authoritarians.

But western decision making still occurs at a slow, low-risk pace. We have been too slow to drag ourselves out of the comfortable governing tempo of the 9/11 era."

In President Biden's desire to be out of Afghanistan by 9/11, he forget about all of the equipment he left behind.
This is pretty bad.
American helicopters, U.S.-supplied M24 sniper rifles and M18 assault weapons, stacks of other small arms and materiel in unending piles and driving Humvees and other U.S.-made military trucks.
This is pathetic
The Taliban have seized airplanes, tanks and artillery from Afghan outposts and from evacuating U.S. personnel
It`s pretty bad:
The U.S. has also transferred anti-tank missiles, automatic grenade launchers, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades to Afghan forces.
It gets worse :
The U.S. sent nearly 600,000 small arms, 76,000 vehicles and 208 airplanes to Afghanistan’s military and police from 2003 to 2016, according to a 2017 Government Accountability Office report, one of the few such compilations. The most recent quarterly report of the U.S.-led military coalition documented deliveries of 174 Humvees, nearly three million rounds of ammunition, and nearly 100,000 2.75-inch rockets during the period....

In case you were wondering, this came from the Wall Street Journal.

Taliban Seize, Stockpile U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan
The truly sad thing- Joe Biden gave 80 billion dollars in vehicles, helicopters and airplanes to the Taliban, but none to the Ukrainians.
Mick Ryan continues:

"The Zelenskyy visit to Washington DC this week was the result of a failure of leadership by the U.S. and European elites who still don’t seem to have internalized that the international security paradigm of the past three decades is dead. We now exist in a fast moving environment where there is a near existential threat posed by the quad alignment of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran (the bad guys can also have ‘quads’). This ‘bad quad’ has also developed into the Arsenal of Authoritarians.

But western decision making still occurs at a slow, low-risk pace. We have been too slow to drag ourselves out of the comfortable governing tempo of the 9/11 era."

Your misinformation campaign continues. Blaming Biden for the House Republicans failure to fund Ukraine is just a lie. From the Mick Ryan article, which you conveniently omit:

"The U.S. Congress has done more for Russian morale with their behavior than anything Putin has done all year. And, of course, the lack of more U.S. aid also improves Russia’s 2024 and 2025 prospects.

Second, some in Russia might take this as a sign of which way the wind is blowing for next year’s U.S. presidential elections think it is a bit premature, but some in Russia will be very keen to read it this way. Putin for one will be keen to have his friend Donald back in the White House."

And in the Fiona Hill article, she blames Congress, not Biden. She says that the House Republicans would rather withhold funding in an attempt to make Biden look bad than fund Ukraine. Please read the article. The very articles that you quote blame the Congress, not Biden, for the lack of Ukraine support. And its not the Democrats (most anyway) who are abandoning Ukraine.

I've got plenty complaints about Biden, but blaming him for everything wrong in the world is pathetic. You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with him, while you choose to mostly ignore Trump, the guy who would abandon Ukraine in a heartbeat and is directing his House puppets to do his bidding. Putin will do his best to get Trump elected, he knows Trump would hand over Ukraine on a platter, and Trump isn't even hiding that fact. So go ahead and vote for Trump for a third time and see what happens if he wins. You also might want to seek help about your unhealthy obsession with everything Biden, but I'm sure you will continue to monopolize the Off Topic Post with your misinformation.
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Does he have a Biden obsession or you a Trump obsession?

Don't know. Serious question.

If held, both views seem toxic to the public good. See neither side as lily white nor the other as demonic.
Your misinformation campaign continues. Blaming Biden for the House Republicans failure to fund Ukraine is just a lie. From the Mick Ryan article, which you conveniently omit:

"The U.S. Congress has done more for Russian morale with their behavior than anything Putin has done all year. And, of course, the lack of more U.S. aid also improves Russia’s 2024 and 2025 prospects.

Second, some in Russia might take this as a sign of which way the wind is blowing for next year’s U.S. presidential elections think it is a bit premature, but some in Russia will be very keen to read it this way. Putin for one will be keen to have his friend Donald back in the White House."

And in the Fiona Hill article, she blames Congress, not Biden. She says that the House Republicans would rather withhold funding in an attempt to make Biden look bad than fund Ukraine. Please read the article. The very articles that you quote blame the Congress, not Biden, for the lack of Ukraine support. And its not the Democrats (most anyway) who are abandoning Ukraine.

I've got plenty complaints about Biden, but blaming him for everything wrong in the world is pathetic. You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with him, while you choose to mostly ignore Trump, the guy who would abandon Ukraine in a heartbeat and is directing his House puppets to do his bidding. Putin will do his best to get Trump elected, he knows Trump would hand over Ukraine on a platter, and Trump isn't even hiding that fact. So go ahead and vote for Trump for a third time and see what happens if he wins. You also might want to seek help about your unhealthy obsession with everything Biden, but I'm sure you will continue to monopolize the Off Topic Post with your misinformation.
Yes, but you miss the point of Ryan's article- it was squarely directed at the administration. In a symposium held in Sydney last year, Ryan faulted the weakness of Biden's foreign policy. Biden's retreat from Afghanistan signaled this Administration's intention to do nothing. Which American politician has failed to make the case to the American people? Which American politician failed to provide off the shelf arms to the Ukrainians? Where are the F16s? Where are the Abrams tanks? Congress authorized the transfer of these arms to Ukraine in 2022,
Your misinformation campaign continues. Blaming Biden for the House Republicans failure to fund Ukraine is just a lie....
Nuanced language is difficult. Let me explain this to you. There are several issues here. Biden runs foreign policy, not Congress. Obama and Biden hollowed out our military. They destroyed excess stocks of weapons and arms systems. The funding is to mostly replenish existing weapons. We have 7,000 Abrams tanks and 3,000+ F16s and 5,000 Atacms missiles in storage. Except for 31 Abrams tanks, Biden has provided none of that to Ukraine, despite prior authorization by Congress. He won't even allow the Netherlands to send 40 old F16s to Ukraine. The pilots have already been trained.
Where are the F16s? Where are the Abrams tanks? Congress authorized the transfer of these arms to Ukraine in 2022,
You need to read more than anti-Biden sources: 17 (Reuters),U.S. official said on Thursday. F16 training began within months of approval to be shipped in 2024. Abram tanks (31) were sent last September.

Biden has made 48 such authorizations without specific Congress approval (from draw down authority). As of October we had provided $44 B in aide to Ukraine. Perhaps this is why the Freedom Caucus wants to prohibit further aide until our border is protected. Something Biden has said he will consider, but where is their proposal? He has an offer on the table.
Your misinformation campaign continues. Blaming Biden for the House Republicans failure to fund Ukraine is just a lie.
Nuanced language is difficult. Let me explain this to you. There are several issues here. Biden runs border policy, not Congress. Obama and Biden gutted our immigration system. Close to 8 million people have been let in since Biden assumed control over the border. The only way Congress can influence Biden is through its power to control spending. The Republicans have chosen to influence Biden’s behavior by linking spending for Ukraine and Israel to the border. Is that something I would have chosen, no. But it makes sense- 8 million people is the population of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Why won't Biden enforce the Border. Politics.
You need to read more than anti-Biden sources: 17 (Reuters),U.S. official said on Thursday. F16 training began within months of approval to be shipped in 2024. Abram tanks (31) were sent last September.

Biden has made 48 such authorizations without specific Congress approval (from draw down authority). As of October we had provided $44 B in aide to Ukraine. Perhaps this is why the Freedom Caucus wants to prohibit further aide until our border is protected. Something Biden has said he will consider, but where is their proposal? He has an offer on the table.
Why won't Joe allow the Netherlands to ship F16s? Why stop at 31 tanks? He gave more weapons to the Taliban.
Once they are trained in usage, that is why they estimate 2024.
Does he have a Biden obsession or you a Trump obsession?

Don't know. Serious question.

If held, both views seem toxic to the public good. See neither side as lily white nor the other as demonic.
There are approximately 800 posts in this thread, I'm not going to count them, but Gall probably has 700 or more of them. I'm guessing I have about 10-15 in this thread, usually to call out what I consider misinformation, and I probably have fewer posts than you. And yes, I don't like Trump, I just can't support someone who tried to overthrow our government. If you can, good for you. But even I can't claim that Trump did everything wrong during his presidency, unlike Gall with Biden. So I do think he has a Biden obsession, if you think my challenging some of his posts by calling out his misinformation and Trump and the Maga Republicans as obsessive, so be it. And I don't see Biden as "lily white", I don't like his policy (or lack thereof) on immigration. But I'll take Biden all day long over Trump, in my opinion he is the far lesser of the 2 evils.
There are approximately 800 posts in this thread, I'm not going to count them, but Gall probably has 700 or more of them. I'm guessing I have about 10-15 in this thread, usually to call out what I consider misinformation, and I probably have fewer posts than you. And yes, I don't like Trump, I just can't support someone who tried to overthrow our government. If you can, good for you. But even I can't claim that Trump did everything wrong during his presidency, unlike Gall with Biden. So I do think he has a Biden obsession, if you think my challenging some of his posts by calling out his misinformation and Trump and the Maga Republicans as obsessive, so be it. And I don't see Biden as "lily white", I don't like his policy (or lack thereof) on immigration. But I'll take Biden all day long over Trump, in my opinion he is the far lesser of the 2 evils.
I am just speaking truth to power. This is nothing but censorship of those who believe differently than you.
Seeing absolutely no good in Biden is speaking truth to power? The axiom that even a blind squirrel can find an acorn doesn’t apply to him? Censorship … Methinks no one has prevented statements or posting of links to any and all preferred outlets.
Once again, the Biden Doctrine is on full display. Houthi rebels, who are supported and funded by Iran, are attacking shipping in the Red Sea. They are forcing shipping companies to reroute oil shipments around Africa, rather than through the Suez canal. Why not reinstate sanctions against Iran?

"The Houthis are backed by Iran, which began increasing its aid to the group in 2014 as the civil war escalated and as its rivalry with Saudi Arabia intensified. Iran has provided the group with weapons and technology for, among other things, sea mines, ballistic and cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, or drones), according to a 2021 report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The Houthis form part of Iran’s so-called “Axis of Resistance” - an Iran-led anti-Israel and anti-Western alliance of regional militias backed by the Islamic Republic. Along with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis are one of three prominent Iran-backed militias that have launched attacks on Israel in recent weeks."

Lt. General Ben Hodges on CNN just said that OUR unwillingness to confront Russia in Ukraine had directly led to Iran's hegemony in the Middle East. He stated that Iran was Russia's greatest ally and that we are failing to use all of our economic and diplomatic power to completely isolate Iran. He noted our weakness towards Russia emboldened Iran and China.
Lt. General Ben Hodges on CNN just said that OUR unwillingness to confront Russia in Ukraine had directly led to Iran's hegemony in the Middle East. He stated that Iran was Russia's greatest ally and that we are failing to use all of our economic and diplomatic power to completely isolate Iran. He noted our weakness towards Russia emboldened Iran and China.

sounds to me he praises administration for most part and criticizes republican party for withholding needed funding

sounds to me he praises administration for most part and criticizes republican party for withholding needed funding
You miss the nuance and the meaning in his words...beyond him saying he was proud of the administration.... he said...
33 seconds in we have failed the strategic test of deciding what the outcome should be in Ukraine, what is a victory. We have not said we want Ukraine to win....
43 seconds in he said the administration has been incremental in its efforts to provide Ukraine with the weapons it needs,...the Kremlin has adopted a long war strategy and their hope is to wait for us to give up....

This interview was 2 weeks ago.... around the time of the Congressional debate over authorization that tied Ukraine to Israel, to Taiwan (Biden) to the Border (GOP).

At 2:00, the CNN babe, Christie Amanapour (she is smoking hot) asks him about immigration.

2:28, he says Republicans have turned their back on Ukraine, but he notes Biden has not made the case...He says there are always issues added to funding bills...other than that ...He ducks the immigration issue......

3:00 to 4:03. ... He says Ukraine is a vital national interest of this country and makes the case for continued American involvement... and he says Ukraine is asking for the tools.

Since the interview you cited, Counselor, the Iranians have seized the initiative against international shipping in the straight of hormuz and the red sea. The Iranians have attacked our troops 150 times throughout the Middle East. We are being drawn closer to direct involvement in military conflict.

All of these are failures of Biden. These are direct criticisms of the Biden Doctrine.

The Interview I cited on December 27th, Hodges was more direct in the links between Israel, Iran, Ukraine and Russia.

Where are the F16s? The Abrams, only 31? The ATACMS, he gave them 20 very old versions. He refuses to use his authority under lend lease.

Biden does not want to fix the border.

Biden is playing politics. Fix the border, Joe. Sanction Iran, Joe. Be a leader, Joe.
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What luck in the race, our Joe is the man

Who's rival has 4 indictments on hand;

As luck would have, he's cleaner than Hunter

Who's just a tax cheat and wont drag him under;

Best of all, he's athletic, speaks like a champ,

But holy hell, Joe's on the off ramp.

From an anonymous comment in the Wall Street Journal.
Lt. General Ben Hodges on CNN just said that OUR unwillingness to confront Russia in Ukraine had directly led to Iran's hegemony in the Middle East. He stated that Iran was Russia's greatest ally and that we are failing to use all of our economic and diplomatic power to completely isolate Iran. He noted our weakness towards Russia emboldened Iran and China.