Ferrum, admit I was high last night, but did not intend then or ever to "talk down" to you or anyone. If I offended you, I apologize.Sorry but hopelessly partisan is starting a 9 post diatribe to get likes, not adding additional context to it only for have blowhards come after me when I can be enjoying my weekend. Do you want me to say Biden sucks too? Because he does. Guess that makes me hopelessly partisan.
You’re talking down to someone who takes a George Carlin approach to the dumbassery of the two party system and the people that beat the drums of their rhetoric. Not everyone that points out facts with ones personal opinion is “hopelessly partisan“.
Guess it’s just easier to behave chauvinistically than to answer my question. I suggest you take a look in the Webster’s and look up projection. Your avatar would be right next to it.
This is close and personal with me. My daughter, a nurse, did a tour in Afghanistan at a FOB. My son in law did two tours being wounded in the second. To see the ham handed, tail between the legs withdrawal infuriates me.
That said, I stand by every word I said last night. The stupidity in the withdrawal "strategy" is mind numbing. It is solely on the current Administration, not Orange Man Bad. We all know that.