Richmond Hosts Etiquette Dinner For Student-Athletes

I sent my daughter to an etiquette course at Roland Park School for Girls in Baltimore; really worth the money.
Can alumni attend?My etiquette at the dinner table especially around Holidays is atrocious,at least that 's what I'm told.

All my daughters attended Miss Porter's where they each were taught how to drink tea properly.None of them know how to make tea but they drink it perfectly, especially when served properly.
a group of us was sent by our company and discovered that was doing it all wrong for the most part. have retained some of what was presented but have also reverted back to my caveman days on some of it as well. all in all, was a nice experience and would recommend it to most of you, knowing what i know.......LOL
Remember shooting green peas across the room off a fork.
I remember sitting in there for lunch one day. Someone turned off the lights and by the time they came back on there wasn't any food on anyone's tray. I guess there wasn't much etiquette shown. LOL
good one Legs...thinking back on my state of mind at that age, this must be some kind of "mental toughness" test?...

sitting through an etiquette dinner during those years wouldn't have been easy...

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