OT - UR Athletics Marketing

Not a fan of bands personally. I think you can do just as well with music through the sound system. Seems like a lot of effort for very little reward as well.
I would rather watch dogs jump through hoops or women balancing tea cups on their heads, almost anything, but for me a stinking marching band adds Zero to the experience. Obviously, some are more open minded than I.
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I would rather watch dogs jump through hoops or women balancing tea cups on their heads, almost anything, but for me a stinking marching band adds Zero to the experience. Obviously, some are more open minded than I.
How about 10 or 12 of us each buy one of those ACCA Shriner gocart cars and drive them at halftime of the Football and Basketball games? We could do the Mooney weave in front of each basket!!
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How about 10 or 12 of us each buy one of those ACCA Shriner gocart cars and drive them at halftime of the Football and Basketball games? We could do the Mooney weave in front of each basket!!
Shriners are wonderful! Their hospitals help children and their families!

Every Shriner is first a Freemason!
Not all Freemasons are Shriners.
Shriners are wonderful! Their hospitals help children and their families!

Every Shriner is first a Freemason!
Not all Freemasons are Shriners.
Was not making fun at all. They are just very entertaining and I would love to do it. We could get electric ones to keep the sound and fumes down.
Was not making fun at all. They are just very entertaining and I would love to do it. We could get electric ones to keep the sound and fumes down.
Maybe I can get Tesla to make electric ones that convert from land to air...
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How about 10 or 12 of us each buy one of those ACCA Shriner gocart cars and drive them at halftime of the Football and Basketball games? We could do the Mooney weave in front of each basket!!
It would take us three seasons before we learned the pattern at which point our eligibility would nearly be up.
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Back to marketing, missed opportunity with no TV and internet banner ads about our Top 15 nationally-ranked LAX team hosting UVA this weekend. Know there are only so many $ to go around, but building brand is more than just promoting 1 or 2 sports for ticket sales, it's about building an identity. Any exposure where we get people on our campus is a WIN and a HS student might consider coming to UR. It all works together, and let's hope someone finally figures that out.
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We really need a better TV commercial. The one that airs during our basketball games is horrible.
Is that the one with Mike London holding high the National Championship Trophy? or have we moved on from that one?
We really need a better TV commercial. The one that airs during our basketball games is horrible.
That commercial reeks of a 1990s informercial. Considering Tre Gray and BJ Scott graduated years ago and are still in the video means it's time to go.
Yeah, that old TV commercial needs to go, it is the video equivalent of the old "Spidey" mascot...
Back to marketing, missed opportunity with no TV and internet banner ads about our Top 15 nationally-ranked LAX team hosting UVA this weekend. Know there are only so many $ to go around, but building brand is more than just promoting 1 or 2 sports for ticket sales, it's about building an identity. Any exposure where we get people on our campus is a WIN and a HS student might consider coming to UR. It all works together, and let's hope someone finally figures that out.

UR only markets lacrosse on their website. No where else. Unless you love lacrosse or are a diehard UR supporter, you probably don't know that the team is doing well, and may not even know that they even have a team. They could win a national title and still have trouble with brand recognition in this town.

Meanwhile VCU is marketing the hell out of UVA coming to the Diamond for 1 baseball game (which had to be moved to Wed night due to weather).
UR only markets lacrosse on their website. No where else. Unless you love lacrosse or are a diehard UR supporter, you probably don't know that the team is doing well, and may not even know that they even have a team. They could win a national title and still have trouble with brand recognition in this town.

Meanwhile VCU is marketing the hell out of UVA coming to the Diamond for 1 baseball game (which had to be moved to Wed night due to weather).
Go Wahoos!!
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There's going to be a whole lot of people at the UR/UVA tilt on Sat as there were a ton of people at the UR/Duke lax game a few weeks back. Its been on the website, social media, etc. Not sure if spending a whole lot on purchased media is worth it for something you don't charge admission for and already will get a whole lot of people show up for.

As with any brand marketing, it's not about the sport itself, it's about promoting UR and building name awareness and an identity (and doing it right is a journey, not a sprint). Getting more people in the seats by using the name recognition of saying we're playing UVA is just icing on the cake.
But the brand is being built for UR lacrosse, just maybe not through traditional paid media. It's being pushed by the ADs presence on social media, it's obvious that the local lax community is coming to games, there was an article in the RTD today, the game is being televised and there will be thousands that watch live on Saturday.

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