
Great to hear!! Mrs. 05 is a fine young lady, obviously a great mother (anyone who sees her around the campus with the kids knows that), and a first rate Spider through and through. She has my prayers for continued improvement............
Sorry that she has had to go through this, 05. We're all thinking about you guys and glad things are improving.
Glad to hear things are improving and hoping she can be discharged on Friday!
05, my wife had a subarachnoid hemorrhage this past summer. This particular condition has about a 40% survival rate. She was in the ICU at St. Mary's and at UVA for a month.

We are not very religious people, but lots of people prayed and sent positive thoughts her way. Today she is back to work, driving, and her normal routine. The only long term problem is that she is now deaf in her right ear.

Positive thoughts and prayers coming your wife's way. Sounds like she is already doing better.
Good to hear the procedure went well. A lot of perseverance ahead, but sounds like she is on her way. As always, we are thinking about her, the family and you.
05- There is tremendous power in prayer. I have found great encouragement in the words of Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Good to hear of your wife's progress and will continue to pray as she faces the 5 hours of treatment each day for 10 days. This too shall pass and praying she will soon be discharged. Prayers for you and all your family whose hearts are focused on your wife's health challenges.
Aaron, I wish nothing but the best for your wife and family. And I am delighted that Mrs. Aaron is doing well given the regimen she has to endure. I am certain that she will continue her recovery given the huge steps forward that have been made in the fields of medicine and science.

Apologies to those who believe otherwise, but I place more faith in positivity and what Jung called the "collective unconscious" than intercessory prayer. Anecdotal observations aside, studies have shown that intercessory prayer lacks efficacy, yet major prestigious universities around the world have conducted studies indicating that there is a less than fully understood means of communication which can cause healing when feelings of several sincere persons converge in meaningful and consistent desire and thought for the same result.

I see that taking place here, and I place my faith in this force and power which I have little doubt will lead to her full recovery given the statements comprising this thread and what I believe to be the earnest collective desire of all on this board and elsewhere that she fully recover. I have little doubt that she will make a full and complete recovery and that she and that you will enjoy many more enjoyable years together with your friends and family.

I feel your pain having experienced a similar experience in this life myself. I foresee a complete healing, a great outcome, and I know that the same positive outcome that I experienced in a similar situation is a soon to be for you and her a fait accompli.
On Sunday she went in for a treatment and wasn't able to tolerate it. Had a minor procedure Monday to help and retried procedure this morning.

She was able to successfully able to tolerate the procedure and is feeling pretty good.

I sincerely appreciate everyone's thoughts/prayers/vibes/juju/etc. I do believe in the power of positivity and know it helped in this case. Long road ahead but seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.
I feel for you guys, 05. There are many on this board who have you and yours in their thoughts and prayers.
Patience and trust is such a big part of maintaining faith, and 05 you have a lot of buddies supplying
the prayers and positive thoughts for you and your spouse. Here is to continued progress, no matter
how small the steps are.
Not meaning to bother you, but I have been thinking of you guys and and hoping things have continued to improve.
Things have been really good. Our departure date keeps getting pushed. Hoping for Sunday now. Treatments have been going well and body responding. Good mood. She's been asking about the latest board rumors.:D

The support has been incredible and we're both incredibly humbled.
Glad to hear it! I will keep praying. As already stated there is tremendous power in prayer.
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That is really great news and it makes me happy to read that. I’ve been trying to avoid the message board because it completely sucks but some things are different and actually important. I’m glad we as a group can still see that. I hope things continue to go well with her!
A, my thoughts and prayers for both of you and tell her to put that gift i presented to her a few years ago at a football game on and it will help as well. sorry to hear about this and hope the latest news begins a trend to full recovery and back to normal. this will be a full-court press for me, always in my thoughts.
yep, you will appreciate more of life and its little things, hang in there and hope all continues in the right direction buddy.
I will pray for you and your wife. Your wife for healing; you for the support and strength you will need. Trust in the Lord, it will give you hope and it will give your wife the peace and strength to overcome.
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