I was watching the end of the Duke Miami game last night, always cheering for Coach Cut's team. Duke was down 24-12 with six minutes to go, rallied hard, and finally took the lead with only six seconds to go!
Difference is, yesterday's play Miami looked like it had been practiced and they were well rehearsed. I love how they got to the 35 yard line, went back to the 15, got back to the 35, then went all the way back to the 3 yard line, before finally turning up field.
Not so sure they practiced a bounce pass... But in general, yeah, they at least had some basic idea about what they wanted to accomplish. Seemed like the plan was to set up a cross-field throwback a la the Music City Miracle, and to keep trying that until a guy got free long enough to break one. took some patience, but they made it happen.
It was a remarkable play, albeit one the officials screwed up pretty royally in the end. It would have been karmatic justice if Miami would have lost because they had players run onto the field without helmets on while the play was ongoing.