Well - numerous programs have shut down or paused activities because kids have tested positive, so can we say for sure they didn't get the virus from playing in a game???? And saying "no kids have gotten sick" is very short sighted. That is a "me first" perspective. Let's assume you can keep the kids safe, better than they are now - but you know the games will be on TV and people will congregate to watch the games. So while the players are safe - your helping promote the spread of the virus.
Not to mention - you have to consider the steps necessary to keep the kids safe in order to play games. Your talking about putting them in a bubble for 4-5 months. No contact with family, no contact with fans, playing in empty gyms, no contact with non-basketball players on campus, no in person classes, etc. And yes - the kids will say yes to all that NOW because they want to play games but ask them again in 3-4 months. After months of empty gyms, constant pausing and restarting, and no contact with anyone but the same 12 guys over and over again.
All for what - the money grab by the NCAA to survive? And if the schools and NCAA do need the money that badly - doesn't that point to a bigger issue - that the system before COVID was not sustainable. All it took was a cancellation/pausing of 1 season - maybe 1.5 and everything crumbles???? The arms race that was college athletics spending was out of control and now we are seeing the effects of that.
Its just like the public school system for HS and elementary kids. Everyone wants their kids back in person with school. And will say its safe. But they speak as if the old model was perfect and we had the best education scores and system in the world. New flash - we don't - we are average as a country when it comes to education and many are ahead of us. So why not take a step back, keep the kids safe (both school and sports) and take this opportunity to rethink and change the model going forward. Not just wait for the vaccine and jump right back to the "old way". Cause I hate to break the news to everyone - this probably is not the last virus like this we will have to deal with.