Northam to cancel winter sports?

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Not a good point. Nothing “scientific” about it. Big Gov saying that their subjects arent mature enough to behave after a certain hour. How parental of them. Sure glad the Gov’s of these Dem states know what is best for us and how to keep us all obedient and safe. God bless them for us minions cant think or act appropriately without their guidance and control.
If most people did the smart/mature thing and what is best for them/everyone most of the time, than the pandemic wouldn’t be raging at the moment.
It’s up to vulnerable people to stay away from people to managed their risk. It should not be 20 somethings responsibility to give up their lives to protect the vulnerable. Let them play
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name the athletes who have gotten sick playing games.. I will wait...
Well - numerous programs have shut down or paused activities because kids have tested positive, so can we say for sure they didn't get the virus from playing in a game???? And saying "no kids have gotten sick" is very short sighted. That is a "me first" perspective. Let's assume you can keep the kids safe, better than they are now - but you know the games will be on TV and people will congregate to watch the games. So while the players are safe - your helping promote the spread of the virus.
Not to mention - you have to consider the steps necessary to keep the kids safe in order to play games. Your talking about putting them in a bubble for 4-5 months. No contact with family, no contact with fans, playing in empty gyms, no contact with non-basketball players on campus, no in person classes, etc. And yes - the kids will say yes to all that NOW because they want to play games but ask them again in 3-4 months. After months of empty gyms, constant pausing and restarting, and no contact with anyone but the same 12 guys over and over again.
All for what - the money grab by the NCAA to survive? And if the schools and NCAA do need the money that badly - doesn't that point to a bigger issue - that the system before COVID was not sustainable. All it took was a cancellation/pausing of 1 season - maybe 1.5 and everything crumbles???? The arms race that was college athletics spending was out of control and now we are seeing the effects of that.
Its just like the public school system for HS and elementary kids. Everyone wants their kids back in person with school. And will say its safe. But they speak as if the old model was perfect and we had the best education scores and system in the world. New flash - we don't - we are average as a country when it comes to education and many are ahead of us. So why not take a step back, keep the kids safe (both school and sports) and take this opportunity to rethink and change the model going forward. Not just wait for the vaccine and jump right back to the "old way". Cause I hate to break the news to everyone - this probably is not the last virus like this we will have to deal with.
I really enjoy everyone’s basketball takes on this board but is there a way to block everyone’s Covid takes?

Asking for a friend...
You’re right Coach K should not be talking about canceling the season
Well - numerous programs have shut down or paused activities because kids have tested positive, so can we say for sure they didn't get the virus from playing in a game???? And saying "no kids have gotten sick" is very short sighted. That is a "me first" perspective. Let's assume you can keep the kids safe, better than they are now - but you know the games will be on TV and people will congregate to watch the games. So while the players are safe - your helping promote the spread of the virus.
Not to mention - you have to consider the steps necessary to keep the kids safe in order to play games. Your talking about putting them in a bubble for 4-5 months. No contact with family, no contact with fans, playing in empty gyms, no contact with non-basketball players on campus, no in person classes, etc. And yes - the kids will say yes to all that NOW because they want to play games but ask them again in 3-4 months. After months of empty gyms, constant pausing and restarting, and no contact with anyone but the same 12 guys over and over again.
All for what - the money grab by the NCAA to survive? And if the schools and NCAA do need the money that badly - doesn't that point to a bigger issue - that the system before COVID was not sustainable. All it took was a cancellation/pausing of 1 season - maybe 1.5 and everything crumbles???? The arms race that was college athletics spending was out of control and now we are seeing the effects of that.
Its just like the public school system for HS and elementary kids. Everyone wants their kids back in person with school. And will say its safe. But they speak as if the old model was perfect and we had the best education scores and system in the world. New flash - we don't - we are average as a country when it comes to education and many are ahead of us. So why not take a step back, keep the kids safe (both school and sports) and take this opportunity to rethink and change the model going forward. Not just wait for the vaccine and jump right back to the "old way". Cause I hate to break the news to everyone - this probably is not the last virus like this we will have to deal with.
You talk about keeping everyone safe as a reason to shut down the games, yet what you describe for the players to play would make them the safest people on earth and a threat to no one. Wear a mask, wash your hands often, limit close contact and deal with it.
Many states are enacting or have enacted these types of measures. Governors are trying to balance the desire to allow as many businesses (specifically restaurants) stay open in some form with the desire not to overwhelm hospitals. You have a better chance getting people in restaurants to comply with distancing and masking guidelines over dinner at 8 than you doing with a bunch of wasted 20-somethings in a club at 2 am. That's the point.
The bars are already closed, and nobody can serve alcohol after 10. So what's the point again?
Since HIPAA and other privacy laws stop schools from releasing names, I cannot.
If a player got seriously ill from COVID, trust me, we would know. I think there was a Utah football player who got really ill from COVID earlier this year. Could happen, but if it does, it is extremely rare.

That said, 3,000 people died yesterday from this, hospitals are at capacity and overflowing in some areas so saying this overblown hysteria and we should just let nature take its course is really cruel. Protecting public health is one of the most basic functions of government, so if the governors were sitting back and doing nothing they would be completely abdicating their responsibilities (and some have)

But also need to follow the science, COVID is at most a mild flu/cold for people under the age of 25 (with rare exceptions). So, the closing of public schools and colleges kind of defies logic. Keep em open but mandate safety precautions be taken to minimize spread. UR has done a commendable job in this regards.
The bars are already closed, and nobody can serve alcohol after 10. So what's the point again?
No bar in Virginia is closed. Bar areas of restaurants are closed, but in Virginia every bar is open, unless they voluntarily chose to close.
Let's assume you can keep the kids safe, better than they are now - but you know the games will be on TV and people will congregate to watch the games. So while the players are safe - your helping promote the spread of the virus.

I've heard this before I think from a Pentecostal preacher. Then he brought out a lot of snakes. The games are on TV run for your lives! It's spreading the virus! Shut down all TV. One the one hand I won't be able to see some Spiders games. But on the other...I don't have to see my wife watching Grey's Anatomy. Tough call.
I’ll admit that I’m ignoring some posters so I may have missed key arguments but is there any discussion that the act of playing a basketball game involves more than just college kids? Last I checked there were coaches, trainers, refs, etc that are above college age. And while things could be safe if people isolated in a bubble (see the NBA), it doesn’t seem that we’re doing so well at that. As mentioned, hospitals are packed and overwhelmed. Think there’s an element of thinking about others, acting more to help your neighbor than yourself, etc. Realize that for 2000 years the notion of helping the sick, putting others first, etc has been labeled as crazy, but I think there’s a holiday upcoming that may suggest that is what a lot of people believe should be done.
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Just since it’s the topic of the thread, but what exactly do the new restrictions yesterday actually do? Seems like really not much of a change as seems like most things are exempted out. And there’s no enforcement. Yet I keep seeing headlines.
I really enjoy everyone’s basketball takes on this board but is there a way to block everyone’s Covid takes?

Asking for a friend...
If you design a mask for a message board, let me know...

But maybe a keyword ignore feature would be interesting...
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Just since it’s the topic of the thread, but what exactly do the new restrictions yesterday actually do? Seems like really not much of a change as seems like most things are exempted out. And there’s no enforcement. Yet I keep seeing headlines.
Depending upon who you ask, they either attempt to minimize the number of drunk people gathering in large groups after midnight who are likley to spread the virus to millions of people immediately, or they are a direct attack on personal liberties and the foundation of our nation and demand an immediate call to arms. I think that about covers it.

More seriously, however, there's of course no way the state could enforce every instance of someone breaking the curfew. So it's an attempt at an honor system. The irony is that a lot of the people who are criticizing the move for that reason (you can't enforce it, so why have it?) are the same ones arguing that they don't need to be treated like children and should be trusted to do the right thing. The problem is that half the state thinks the right thing is to go about life normally, and the other half doesn't. We'll be stuck this way for awhile.

Go Spiders! Musket-slap the Mountaineers!
If most people did the smart/mature thing and what is best for them/everyone most of the time, than the pandemic wouldn’t be raging at the moment.
That is such bull shit!!! Absolutely no evidence that people arent following the rules. I guess you dont go outside. People/businesses have been following the rules for months and months. You are very wrong!!!!
That is such bull shit!!! Absolutely no evidence that people arent following the rules. I guess you dont go outside. People/businesses have been following the rules for months and months. You are very wrong!!!!
I live in South Boston and see people every day not following the rules (mask off, not socially distant, groups of people, etc), never mind sitting in crowded bars inside. Maybe people are better where you live.
I live in South Boston and see people every day not following the rules (mask off, not socially distant, groups of people, etc), never mind sitting in crowded bars inside. Maybe people are better where you live.
Not wearing masks inside stores, restaurants??? I doubt that. I was in Florida and even there everyone was wearing a mask in stores and restaurants.
I was in a 7-Eleven last week and in the 5 minutes I was there, 3 guys came in, shopped, made purchases and left without wearing masks. Of course the one employee there didn't say anything – and this is the case at most businesses. Are you going to spend time getting into arguments with potential customers? Probably not. And so it just happens and there are no consequences. Not to mention the people who wear a mask only over their mouths but not their noses, which is probably at least 30%.

I think MOST people are doing the right things, but unless everyone is, the virus spreads. Restaurants are a big outlier because obviously you can't eat or drink with masks on, so everyone in there is taking a calculated risk. The bigger issue is people getting together with families over Thanksgiving and now Christmas, thinking that because you're related, you can't pass the virus. No shock that cases per day in metro Richmond have doubled in the past week.
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Governors are power drunk. Let's build them all castles so they can more properly manage their fiefdoms. No masks required inside the castle.
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Governors are power drunk. Let's build them all castles so they can more properly manage their fiefdoms. No masks required inside the castle.
Rick - are you saying that they should build a wall?!?! Sorry - couldn’t resist.
Where is the evidence that non-mask wearing people in public are spreading all the COVID? I know, I know, that many SAY that people without masks are the filthy spreaders, but what actual evidence is there to back up this claim? There is none, because we don't REALLY know exactly who, (or when, or how) the spread is occurring.

Data that I have read indicates nearly all of the recent cases report that they have been wearing masks faithfully. The same data sources tell us that most people are now getting exposed from within their close circle (frequently family). If these facts about the spread are accurate, then the overwhelming majority of the spread has almost nothing to do with the rare individual who doesn't wear a mask at the 7-11.

I suspect that Coach K's decision has little to do with safety. More likely it has everything to do with the fact that he (and others) couldn't get their one and done rookies ready for competition. What he should have been quoted as saying is "We have lost our home court advantage, and we're getting our ass handed to us regularly, so in order to protect my legacy I am VERY concerned about the health of our student athletes." "I will not stand for my reputation to be sullied, (and the NCAA will give us what we want anyway), so I want the kids to be with their families." :)
Many states are enacting or have enacted these types of measures. Governors are trying to balance the desire to allow as many businesses (specifically restaurants) stay open in some form with the desire not to overwhelm hospitals. You have a better chance getting people in restaurants to comply with distancing and masking guidelines over dinner at 8 than you doing with a bunch of wasted 20-somethings in a club at 2 am. That's the point.
Stop making sense.
I find it not ironic that prior to the pandemic, the two posters that annoyed the holy $hit out of me with nearly every post they wrote about Richmond basketball were VT-712 or whatever his prior moniker was, a close second was fatherspider, and then a couple others tied for a distant third.

Reading their views on the management of Covid, the two posters that annoy the holy $hit out of me with nearly every post they write about Covid are VT-712 and fatherspider.

I'm thinking the two things are related.
I find it not ironic that prior to the pandemic, the two posters that annoyed the holy $hit out of me with nearly every post they wrote about Richmond basketball were VT-712 or whatever his prior moniker was, a close second was fatherspider, and then a couple others tied for a distant third.

Reading their views on the management of Covid, the two posters that annoy the holy $hit out of me with nearly every post they write about Covid are VT-712 and fatherspider.

I'm thinking the two things are related.
And you think I give a shit what you think about my posts. Give it three years and every politician who took these “measures” will be looking like complete assholes and will be the venom of society.
First time I totally agree with Coach. This is these kids very limited time of life than can chase their dreams. I doubt any of them are in at risk situations, and if their parents/ grandparents are,, I’d be willing to bet they would forego seeing their son or grandson so the team members can continue to chase the dream,
Now that is a very sensible reply and very true, I have been pretty harsh on CM the past six years but he totally gets it regarding his answer to Coach K and the current situation these kids are in. These kids need to play ball!!!!! This is insane!!! Its their only shot at greatness for most and many of you dismiss it like its nothing.
Could you imagine Whittenberg missing his senior year and not leading NC State to the Championship? Who can name more...? Thousands. Ask my bball hero Randolf “the chill” Childress where he would be if he didn't have his senior year. Think of the thousands of college bball players over the decades who turned their college years into lifelong accolades what they would think about missing those years. MAN so many dismiss this as nothing. Really??? Who the F are you? Your views and your concerns are all that matter?
Someone on here said "I want my 80 year old mother to live another 20 years" as reason why KIDS shouldn't play basketball!!!!! How selfish is that????? I bet his/her 80 year old mom would NOT agree or at least Id hope.
Just worried about your health. Hope you don’t have any heart issues. Would you feel the same if one of those who died was a family member?
Just worried about your health. Hope you don’t have any heart issues. Would you feel the same if one of those who died was a family member?
Yes i would feel the same. Life is life. Humans arent indefinite. Ive lived 50+ good years and I want those behind me to live theirs to the fullest also. No other generation had to stop living to keep everyone else from dying. Its illogical, irrational, and selfish.
Well - numerous programs have shut down or paused activities because kids have tested positive, so can we say for sure they didn't get the virus from playing in a game???? And saying "no kids have gotten sick" is very short sighted. That is a "me first" perspective. Let's assume you can keep the kids safe, better than they are now - but you know the games will be on TV and people will congregate to watch the games. So while the players are safe - your helping promote the spread of the virus.
Not to mention - you have to consider the steps necessary to keep the kids safe in order to play games. Your talking about putting them in a bubble for 4-5 months. No contact with family, no contact with fans, playing in empty gyms, no contact with non-basketball players on campus, no in person classes, etc. And yes - the kids will say yes to all that NOW because they want to play games but ask them again in 3-4 months. After months of empty gyms, constant pausing and restarting, and no contact with anyone but the same 12 guys over and over again.
All for what - the money grab by the NCAA to survive? And if the schools and NCAA do need the money that badly - doesn't that point to a bigger issue - that the system before COVID was not sustainable. All it took was a cancellation/pausing of 1 season - maybe 1.5 and everything crumbles???? The arms race that was college athletics spending was out of control and now we are seeing the effects of that.
Its just like the public school system for HS and elementary kids. Everyone wants their kids back in person with school. And will say its safe. But they speak as if the old model was perfect and we had the best education scores and system in the world. New flash - we don't - we are average as a country when it comes to education and many are ahead of us. So why not take a step back, keep the kids safe (both school and sports) and take this opportunity to rethink and change the model going forward. Not just wait for the vaccine and jump right back to the "old way". Cause I hate to break the news to everyone - this probably is not the last virus like this we will have to deal with.

I will try the football or basketball player, who tested positive, that has been hospitalized?How many of the + tests are people really sick? I will wait.

Also, who do you think the NCAA is made up of? The schools that are trying to play the games...

Dude, there are viruses every year. This one happened to happen in an election year..... By the way, what happened to the Flu this year? Magically disappear?

If you are vulnerable or are afraid stay home and protect yourself.
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Jeez, after reading this thread, with varying degrees of patience, it seems COVID is more than a highly contagious virus.

It is also an acronym for "Cause of Very Intense Discussion."

Let's play basketball! Winning basketball!
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