Disagree. Play the games. The kids dont get sick. Its beyond irrational to think that by not allowing 18-22 year olds to play basketball we are somehow stopping the spread of this virus. Give me a break!!! These poor kids and the kids of our entire country have suffered enough. Supporting these decisions is insane at this point. We gave this shutdown bullshit a shot and it obviously hasn't worked (and dont dare say its because people havent obliged).
We need more coaches and sane, rational people to start standing up and saying enough is enough like the Alabama coach. "We 100 percent should be playing basketball."
HAHAHAHA off topic here but how the hell does a curfew from 12 midnight until 5am stop the spread of the virus???? Rules that make no efffen sense only confirm the complete idiocy of the whole stupid process. Just like having kids who have practiced together for hours a day, showered together, had meetings together, traveled together of buses and planes, suddenly on game day have to sit 6 feet apart on the sidelines, lol. Its all one big effen joke and anyone who supports it without questioning the reasoning is a brainless sheep (not particularly you Trap).
Also how dumb does someone need to be to see that the “record increase in cases” is because we are FORCING millions of people to get tested. Millions. And of course the 9 month old virus has spread through the population and many will have traces in their system. Its the same reason some 60M Americans are said to have been infected w Swine flu. Effen unreal how so many can be lead away from the obvious so easily. Open your damn eyes people.