Northam to cancel winter sports?

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Graduate Assistant
Aug 20, 2017
The Doghouse
According to my sources, Gov. Northam will make announcements today at 2, which will include a shut down of fall/winter sports. It is not clear that this point to what extent this will affect college athletics. I hope this is wrong. I also hope this will not affect the Spiders.
On ESPN - there is a good article about Coach K saying the season should be suspended. I think this would be for the best. Games are being cancelled nightly, teams are picking up games like it is an open gym at the YMCA and there is no clear set of guidelines. Look within our own league - Fordham, Bonnies, and UMASS have yet to play a game. Meanwhile you got St. Louis at 4-0 along with UR and VCU has played 6 games. This model is not sustainable and I think your asking "amateur" athletes to make a huge sacrifice simply so schools can generate some revenue and so that the NCAA can recoup money through the tourney. But really for this to work - your asking these kids to play in empty gyms, stay away from all contact with outsiders - which includes no fans, no seeing family, no mingling with other students on campus - and likely not attending class in a classroom but rather staying in their dorm rooms and doing online class. All for what - so the school and NCAA can make some $$$$. Its one thing to ask Pro athletes making millions of dollars to make such sacrifices - but asking college kids to make it, many of whom will not play professionally for millions of dollars - is ridiculous.

I don't think Northam shuts down college sports - but I can see HS sports and below being shut down. But my guess is he is too weak to pull that off. I think he will simply shut down indoor dining for the time being.
Didn't high school sports just start back on Monday? Seems odd to make a decision now rather than before things got going again. Trends have't changed that much in just a few days.
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Coach K is whining because he is losing in my opinion. His 1 and done blue chip model is at a severe disadvantage this year. Usually the tables are turned. I dont feel bad for him or Duke at all.

Regarding Northams restriction edicts, rather or not you think these restrictions work, I feel terrible for small business owners. Such a shame. Northam has yet to miss a paycheck sitting in his vacation house in Pirates Cove. Meanwhile, restaurants are getting crushed all over Virginia. Its a tragedy and I hope he doesn't try and shut down sports like he has the restaurant industry.
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Coach K is whining because he is losing in my opinion. His 1 and done blue chip model is at a severe disadvantage this year. Usually the tables are turned. I dont feel bad for he or Duke at all.

omg Coach K says something it must be true! Lot of reaction like that out there but I agree w u frankly Coach K is being a little disingenuous. Time for a K "back injury" to void losses. Maybe things will be shut down I hope not but idk. But fact is football went through the same. Wasn't close to equal. Lot of schools didn't play, some leagues started late, but they made it work.

This stuff about getting the kids home for Xmas and stuff. 1 the student athletes overwhelmingly want to play so they'd rather be at school. 2 they are in a bubble sending them away from bubble into the wild wild west and then back is much less safe and 3 most importantly imo when has Coach K ever cared about time at home in the past. BBall players always miss Thxgiving, many don't get home at all for Xmas, and those that do it's for like 3 days. But now, when they still aren't "allowed" to do anything at home either it's so important. Sure K.
Didn't high school sports just start back on Monday? Seems odd to make a decision now rather than before things got going again. Trends have't changed that much in just a few days.

I'm sure there are others doing the same.
According to my sources, Gov. Northam will make announcements today at 2, which will include a shut down of fall/winter sports. It is not clear that this point to what extent this will affect college athletics. I hope this is wrong. I also hope this will not affect the Spiders.
Pretty sure this will not be college athletics but I could see him doing it for high school and more recreational sports. Too much $$$ in college athletics for this to happen.
I’ve seen a number of people calling to postpone the basketball season and it makes some sense. If you can vaccine everyone associated with the programs by the end of February (supposedly they can - we can debate elsewhere if right for them to have priority), why not play a season March to May/June? Risk would be gone. Everyone on the same page. Maybe even some of us regular folks could get vaccinated and be able to attend games. I’m sure there is a downside but I’m not seeing much of one. And don’t tell me it’s because college kids wouldn’t be in class...we’ve long ago turned MBB into a semi-pro organization.
I am not a coach K fan - but if you don't think trying to get this basketball season is anything more than a money grab by the NCAA then I don't know what to tell you. There is no reason to be playing these games under the current format. It just doesn't work. And the scary part is almost all schools have sent home their regular student's for semester break - it is only going to get worse when those kids return. And that is when conference seasons usually begin and you lose much of the flexibility you have now to move games and pick up games on short notice.
Only way I think this has a fighting chance is that you have to bubble the basketball players on campus - meaning they have absolutely zero contact with people outside the basketball program. They don't attend class. They don't eat in the dining hall. They don't go anywhere but there dorm rooms and the gym. And this must be the same rule for the coaches and anyone who will be travelling with the team on a consistent basis (radio, trainers, managers, etc). Otherwise - your going to continue to have these cases where someone tests positive - then you must pause for a few days to a week to contact trace and assess everyone else on the team. Also - testing must be done every day. Not 3 times a week like the NCAA says. Some schools are doing everyday cause they can afford it - others can't - so they do 3 days a week.
And most importantly - no students can return to campus. You do that - and your basically just hoping college kids, including athletes will not mingle. That is not going to happen.
But everyone knows this is impossible to achieve. Schools can just quarantine basketball players. And if you don't let regular students return - your admitting as a school college basketball is more important that academics. No one will do that.
The kids want to play. I bet if you asked them, bubbling up is a small sacrifice to make in order to get the season in.

If I were a betting man...<cough>...most schools will be virtual for the second semester, anyway.
I'm curious as to how many basketball players have actually gotten sick. In the past, there have been numerous instances in which the flu bug would hit this team or that, and NOTHING ever got cancelled. And those kids were really sick, not just some positive results on a piece of paper. I think the focus should be on the illness rate and not as much on who's testing positive. Also I would like to know what the false positive rates are. I certainly agree with SpiderB, people are losing their livelihood, careers, and life savings through declarations by some power hungry politicians who have felt zero pain from any of this. THAT part is unAmerican...
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The kids want to play. I bet if you asked them, bubbling up is a small sacrifice to make in order to get the season in.

If I were a betting man...<cough>...most schools will be virtual for the second semester, anyway.
Hell ya, the kids want to play. Not just men's hoops but most college sports are competing now. Every D-1 athlete had the option to opt out this year, how many took them up on that. Very few. And you know what, if they weren't playing now, they would be essentially locked down in their rooms with the most college students are or going all virtual and being home, where they would be more likely to infect their families and people really susceptible to COVID. College sports is not some super spreader of COVID, in fact, you could probably argue that with all of the protections and protocols it probably is one of the safer environments to be in right now.
Northam speaking now and doesn't appear to be canceling school sports. Putting some more limits on number of spectators, but that appears to be it.
Trap my comments were only in relation to K. But Chop has a good point. Many schools will be all virtual 2nd semester. U have them on campus now. But I have no idea what will happen it's always changing. False positives shut us down for very little to no reason so yeah they could easily do something even more drastic. Frankly they shut down basketball last year too early when it clearly could have been played safely with no fans so maybe they'll be more patient this time.

One question what is the money grab by NCAA? What $ are they making now? I thought their $ overwhelmingly came from the tournament, which I don't think anyone is saying dump that, maybe delay it. And reg season TV money goes to leagues not NCAA. Not sure I'm seeing how playing is a NCAA money grab but I could be missing something.
Trap my comments were only in relation to K. But Chop has a good point. Many schools will be all virtual 2nd semester. U have them on campus now. But I have no idea what will happen it's always changing. False positives shut us down for very little to no reason so yeah they could easily do something even more drastic. Frankly they shut down basketball last year too early when it clearly could have been played safely with no fans so maybe they'll be more patient this time.

One question what is the money grab by NCAA? What $ are they making now? I thought their $ overwhelmingly came from the tournament, which I don't think anyone is saying dump that, maybe delay it. And reg season TV money goes to leagues not NCAA. Not sure I'm seeing how playing is a NCAA money grab but I could be missing something.
Even if it is an NCAA money grab, so what? If they don't get the tourney money this year, the college sports apocalypse that has already begun will accelerate and the ramifications will last for decades.
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Trap my comments were only in relation to K. But Chop has a good point. Many schools will be all virtual 2nd semester. U have them on campus now. But I have no idea what will happen it's always changing. False positives shut us down for very little to no reason so yeah they could easily do something even more drastic. Frankly they shut down basketball last year too early when it clearly could have been played safely with no fans so maybe they'll be more patient this time.

One question what is the money grab by NCAA? What $ are they making now? I thought their $ overwhelmingly came from the tournament, which I don't think anyone is saying dump that, maybe delay it. And reg season TV money goes to leagues not NCAA. Not sure I'm seeing how playing is a NCAA money grab but I could be missing something.

K can’t win at Cameron Indoor this season because Dook relied on 7,000 screaming crazies with over-the- top courtside support.No home court advantage this year.Cry me a river,K.
What’s been K home winning %.? Winning 15-20 games there was a given.

buck up,K.This season is tough on everyone.Wrap yourself up in a nice warm Nike blanket.
K can’t win at Cameron Indoor this season because Dook relied on 7,000 screaming crazies with over-the- top courtside support.No home court advantage this year.Cry me a river,K.
What’s been K home winning %.? Winning 15-20 games there was a given.

buck up,K.This season is tough on everyone.Wrap yourself up in a nice warm Nike blanket.

Nate Oats Alabama...

"Do you think if Coach K hadn't lost his two nonconference games at home that he would still be saying that?" Oats said at a news conference Thursday, adding, "We 100 percent should be playing basketball."
So they're just going to pre-emptively cancel games that are already scheduled? That makes no sense.
I am not a coach K fan - but if you don't think trying to get this basketball season is anything more than a money grab by the NCAA then I don't know what to tell you. There is no reason to be playing these games under the current format. It just doesn't work. And the scary part is almost all schools have sent home their regular student's for semester break - it is only going to get worse when those kids return. And that is when conference seasons usually begin and you lose much of the flexibility you have now to move games and pick up games on short notice.
Only way I think this has a fighting chance is that you have to bubble the basketball players on campus - meaning they have absolutely zero contact with people outside the basketball program. They don't attend class. They don't eat in the dining hall. They don't go anywhere but there dorm rooms and the gym. And this must be the same rule for the coaches and anyone who will be travelling with the team on a consistent basis (radio, trainers, managers, etc). Otherwise - your going to continue to have these cases where someone tests positive - then you must pause for a few days to a week to contact trace and assess everyone else on the team. Also - testing must be done every day. Not 3 times a week like the NCAA says. Some schools are doing everyday cause they can afford it - others can't - so they do 3 days a week.
And most importantly - no students can return to campus. You do that - and your basically just hoping college kids, including athletes will not mingle. That is not going to happen.
But everyone knows this is impossible to achieve. Schools can just quarantine basketball players. And if you don't let regular students return - your admitting as a school college basketball is more important that academics. No one will do that.
Disagree. Play the games. The kids dont get sick. Its beyond irrational to think that by not allowing 18-22 year olds to play basketball we are somehow stopping the spread of this virus. Give me a break!!! These poor kids and the kids of our entire country have suffered enough. Supporting these decisions is insane at this point. We gave this shutdown bullshit a shot and it obviously hasn't worked (and dont dare say its because people havent obliged).
We need more coaches and sane, rational people to start standing up and saying enough is enough like the Alabama coach. "We 100 percent should be playing basketball."
HAHAHAHA off topic here but how the hell does a curfew from 12 midnight until 5am stop the spread of the virus???? Rules that make no efffen sense only confirm the complete idiocy of the whole stupid process. Just like having kids who have practiced together for hours a day, showered together, had meetings together, traveled together of buses and planes, suddenly on game day have to sit 6 feet apart on the sidelines, lol. Its all one big effen joke and anyone who supports it without questioning the reasoning is a brainless sheep (not particularly you Trap).
Also how dumb does someone need to be to see that the “record increase in cases” is because we are FORCING millions of people to get tested. Millions. And of course the 9 month old virus has spread through the population and many will have traces in their system. Its the same reason some 60M Americans are said to have been infected w Swine flu. Effen unreal how so many can be lead away from the obvious so easily. Open your damn eyes people.
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Coach K is basically throwing in the towel. Going to look for the asterisk on the season record. Figures he may as well be “nice”, since his team doesn’t really stand a chance this year. As others have pointed out, this is a very tough year for the one and done programs because they didn’t get the needed development time, scrimmages, and easy wins to help get the team conference ready.
This is a good one - never imagined the Duke Blue Devils would be scared to play Gardner Webb, Elon, and Charleston Southern? How about the integrity of scheduling a game and then refusing to play it? It is one thing to have a game postponed or cancelled because of Covid, quite a different thing to back out. Those games should be counted as forfeit losses for Duke and wins by forfeit for the scheduled teams.
This is a good one - never imagined the Duke Blue Devils would be scared to play Gardner Webb, Elon, and Charleston Southern? How about the integrity of scheduling a game and then refusing to play it? It is one thing to have a game postponed or cancelled because of Covid, quite a different thing to back out. Those games should be counted as forfeit losses for Duke and wins by forfeit for the scheduled teams.
Totally agree but he is trying to push the snowball down the hill and hope other coaches w bad teams follow his cowardly lead. Then profess it as a necessity for the safety of the players.
This is the biggest DICK move the biggest DICK in college hoops has ever made. Ratface strikes!!!

I think some of those players Gregg Marshall abused would like a word with you regarding the biggest dick in college hoops.

Or Mike Lonergan, and that one was in our own backyard.
Of course - it doesn’t matter. NCAA will give Duke a high seed in the tournament.
Disagree. Play the games. The kids dont get sick. Its beyond irrational to think that by not allowing 18-22 year olds to play basketball we are somehow stopping the spread of this virus. Give me a break!!! These poor kids and the kids of our entire country have suffered enough. Supporting these decisions is insane at this point. We gave this shutdown bullshit a shot and it obviously hasn't worked (and dont dare say its because people havent obliged).
We need more coaches and sane, rational people to start standing up and saying enough is enough like the Alabama coach. "We 100 percent should be playing basketball."
HAHAHAHA off topic here but how the hell does a curfew from 12 midnight until 5am stop the spread of the virus???? Rules that make no efffen sense only confirm the complete idiocy of the whole stupid process. Just like having kids who have practiced together for hours a day, showered together, had meetings together, traveled together of buses and planes, suddenly on game day have to sit 6 feet apart on the sidelines, lol. Its all one big effen joke and anyone who supports it without questioning the reasoning is a brainless sheep (not particularly you Trap).
Also how dumb does someone need to be to see that the “record increase in cases” is because we are FORCING millions of people to get tested. Millions. And of course the 9 month old virus has spread through the population and many will have traces in their system. Its the same reason some 60M Americans are said to have been infected w Swine flu. Effen unreal how so many can be lead away from the obvious so easily. Open your damn eyes people.
NC is moving to a curfew of 10pm-5am tomorrow.
NC is moving to a curfew of 10pm-5am tomorrow.
Ok... so thats more rational? Lol. Id love to hear some one can explain how that stops covid. If you have an explanation please educate us all. Ive sent an email to Gov. Cuomo asking the same and havent gotten a response.
Disagree. Play the games. The kids dont get sick. Its beyond irrational to think that by not allowing 18-22 year olds to play basketball we are somehow stopping the spread of this virus. Give me a break!!! These poor kids and the kids of our entire country have suffered enough. Supporting these decisions is insane at this point. We gave this shutdown bullshit a shot and it obviously hasn't worked (and dont dare say its because people havent obliged).
We need more coaches and sane, rational people to start standing up and saying enough is enough like the Alabama coach. "We 100 percent should be playing basketball."
HAHAHAHA off topic here but how the hell does a curfew from 12 midnight until 5am stop the spread of the virus???? Rules that make no efffen sense only confirm the complete idiocy of the whole stupid process. Just like having kids who have practiced together for hours a day, showered together, had meetings together, traveled together of buses and planes, suddenly on game day have to sit 6 feet apart on the sidelines, lol. Its all one big effen joke and anyone who supports it without questioning the reasoning is a brainless sheep (not particularly you Trap).
Also how dumb does someone need to be to see that the “record increase in cases” is because we are FORCING millions of people to get tested. Millions. And of course the 9 month old virus has spread through the population and many will have traces in their system. Its the same reason some 60M Americans are said to have been infected w Swine flu. Effen unreal how so many can be lead away from the obvious so easily. Open your damn eyes people.
As I have said for a while; these measures don’t actually do anything but are just meant to make people feel more comfortable and feel like they’re doing something. The curfew from 12 am to 5 am is really comical to me, they make it sound like the virus is some sort of boogeyman that just comes out after dark.
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Many states are enacting or have enacted these types of measures. Governors are trying to balance the desire to allow as many businesses (specifically restaurants) stay open in some form with the desire not to overwhelm hospitals. You have a better chance getting people in restaurants to comply with distancing and masking guidelines over dinner at 8 than you doing with a bunch of wasted 20-somethings in a club at 2 am. That's the point.
If schools go all virtual the 2nd semester - which with the way the numbers are trending seems to be the smart decision - you don't think there will be an outcry from the regular students and their parents? Take UR for example - your a parent paying 50K or more a year to send your kid there, and your kid is taking virtual classes and you turn on the TV and there is UR playing on ESPN? And for how many sports do you try to play? Everyone knows only men's hoops and football make money (and not at every school). So what do you do with Swimming? Wrestling? Women's Basketball? Indoor Track? Do you tell those sports they can't play - we just need men's basketball to make the money to survive?
Not to mention - how do you begin to navigate the various states and their own rules. Look at the SF 49ers having to move to Arizona to play "home" games. If New York or NC go into lock down - do those kids just play road games?
I want sports more than anyone and want normal more than anyone - and we will get back there, soon. This is not forever, this is just for now. And now - it just doesn't seem to be working and doesn't seem to be worth it.
Many states are enacting or have enacted these types of measures. Governors are trying to balance the desire to allow as many businesses (specifically restaurants) stay open in some form with the desire not to overwhelm hospitals. You have a better chance getting people in restaurants to comply with distancing and masking guidelines over dinner at 8 than you doing with a bunch of wasted 20-somethings in a club at 2 am. That's the point.
Not a good point. Nothing “scientific” about it. Big Gov saying that their subjects arent mature enough to behave after a certain hour. How parental of them. Sure glad the Gov’s of these Dem states know what is best for us and how to keep us all obedient and safe. God bless them for us minions cant think or act appropriately without their guidance and control.
Not a good point. Nothing “scientific” about it. Big Gov saying that their subjects arent mature enough to behave after a certain hour. How parental of them. Sure glad the Gov’s of these Dem states know what is best for us and how to keep us all obedient and safe. God bless them for us minions cant think or act appropriately without their guidance and control.
I'm not a governor, I'm just explaining to you what they (Democrats and Republicans) are attempting to do. Let's face it -- no matter what any of them do, they're going to be called the anti-Christ by 50% of the people. Thankfully we are still allowed to have college sports nationwide. It would be nice for that to continue, but the way cases and deaths and going, it highly wouldn't shock me if things come to a halt.
I am not a coach K fan - but if you don't think trying to get this basketball season is anything more than a money grab by the NCAA then I don't know what to tell you. There is no reason to be playing these games under the current format. It just doesn't work. And the scary part is almost all schools have sent home their regular student's for semester break - it is only going to get worse when those kids return. And that is when conference seasons usually begin and you lose much of the flexibility you have now to move games and pick up games on short notice.
Only way I think this has a fighting chance is that you have to bubble the basketball players on campus - meaning they have absolutely zero contact with people outside the basketball program. They don't attend class. They don't eat in the dining hall. They don't go anywhere but there dorm rooms and the gym. And this must be the same rule for the coaches and anyone who will be travelling with the team on a consistent basis (radio, trainers, managers, etc). Otherwise - your going to continue to have these cases where someone tests positive - then you must pause for a few days to a week to contact trace and assess everyone else on the team. Also - testing must be done every day. Not 3 times a week like the NCAA says. Some schools are doing everyday cause they can afford it - others can't - so they do 3 days a week.
And most importantly - no students can return to campus. You do that - and your basically just hoping college kids, including athletes will not mingle. That is not going to happen.
But everyone knows this is impossible to achieve. Schools can just quarantine basketball players. And if you don't let regular students return - your admitting as a school college basketball is more important that academics. No one will do that.

name the athletes who have gotten sick playing games.. I will wait...
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