Mo Allie Cox

is her saying it happened enough probable cause? I'd think not, right? they must have more than that, no?
Speaking of Nelson-Ododa, I wonder what he's been up to lately? I'm sure some Tick fans know by now. ;)
is her saying it happened enough probable cause? I'd think not, right? they must have more than that, no?
As long as her story is not inherently unreliable (she was intoxicated, a known liar, contradicted by physical evidence, etc.) a magistrate will issue a misdemeanor warrant based upon a sworn statement.
Words do not change meaning - politicians attempt to label opponents by claiming the meaning of a word has changed. This is as preposterous as calling criminals - the "gentleman" who committed such and such criminal act. But semantics do not an argument make.

And K your post is great for a laugh...........

Some folks like the Oakland Raider bad team reputation. Maybe the black and gold will replace the black and silver.

Why on earth is my post great for a laugh? "Words do not change meaning" is certainly laughable, but I don't see what was funny about my post? There are hundreds of webpages that talk about words that have changed meaning over time. For example, what politicians were out there deciding to change the meaning of 'basement' from 'toilet' to 'underground floor of a building'?

This goes back to Richard Sherman too. He said he went to a good school how could anybody call him a thug--must be racist to do so. As if having a good education precludes one from being called one of many variants of an ahole. Knew plenty of white fratguy thugs and meatheads, and have hear it in reference to brutish police officers, white and black, as thugs. Speaking of "meatheads" is that or the word "douchebag" racist? I only hear it when spoken about white aholes. I've heard thug, though more commonly goon referred to hockey aholes. Is goon racist since most hockey goons are white? Or is thug racist against white people when spoken about a hockey player? Is the fact the President used the word thug recently, now mean it's a word only one race can use about themselves? Should whites be mad when nonwhites use the words goon or douchebags? Are only whites "entitled" to those words or does entitlement itself preclude them from using any bad words to describe an ahole of another race? (These are rhetorical questions but many would tell you the answer to the last one is yes.) Aholes, black, white, brown, blue whatever are aholes. I'll continue to call them that. Variants of that word like thug, goon, douchebag whathaveyou that don't have racist origins should be fair game, too. Yes, language is fluid, but I never use the word "n***" and I've never sought out a substitute and resent the suggestion that a perfectly good word used to describe aholes of every flavor can now be used to indicate racism. Every race has aholes, which may soon be the only word we have left to use to describe an ahole of a different color, because no matter what amount of debate somebody will have with you it will never change the fact we all have an ahole and therefore we all can be one.

Funny that you bring that up, Vault. You reminded me that there was an mildly entertaining essay regarding 'douchebag' by a Berkeley prof. His whole argument

Anyway, my initial statement stands. PC or not, "Thug" is a word that can/will cause more trouble than not these days. Best be aware of your surroundings before tossing it out there flippantly anymore.
Do we now need to distinguish between Kweaver & SpiderK?
pretty sad reflection on the times in which we live, our language being hijacked and put off limits by some.
being overly sensative to a word gives it power. I'm sure cracker is meant to be offensive, but call me cracker and I'll just laugh at you. I've never been called a thug, but it's not because I'm white. Bill Laimbeer and Rick Mahorn were both thugs as far as basketball goes. Doesn't matter if one's white and the other's black.
Why on earth is my post great for a laugh? "Words do not change meaning" is certainly laughable, but I don't see what was funny about my post? There are hundreds of webpages that talk about words that have changed meaning over time. For example, what politicians were out there deciding to change the meaning of 'basement' from 'toilet' to 'underground floor of a building'?

K. Weaver - agree with you on that about my posting being good for a laugh - I was referring to Spider K's post about the Oakland Raiders being good for a laugh. Too many "K's".................... I will have to read every "word" more carefully before posting............
There have been some great opinions, and some good comments, posted on this board regarding the incident. What we have to wait for is the witnesses to appear at the trial. Was one or both girls drinking? Who was drinking and who was not? Was Cox breaking up a fight or did he see his girlfriend get her hair pulled and actually punch the other lady? How do you pull someone's hair accidentally? Lots of questions need to be answered at the trial.
I get that this is news but does it bother some of you Spider fans that there is so much VCU talk on this forum? Three of the top-four threads are currently about VCU.

Well we haven't had much going on with us lately, and by golly it's damn fun to watch VCU burn like a Waste Management dumpster (no offense to our friends at W&M, who get called Waste Management quite often ). Now that Ododa has announced he is transferring, the pendulum will swing back to us.
Well we haven't had much going on with us lately, and by golly it's damn fun to watch VCU burn like a Waste Management dumpster (no offense to our friends at W&M, who get called Waste Management quite often ). Now that Ododa has announced he is transferring, the pendulum will swing back to us.

There is much schadenfreude in Richmond right now.
Does this mean that Mo Alie will not be Phi Beta Kappa? Oops, no chapter at vcu.
I will say it again Ulla, give it a break. The Spiders have issues they need to deal with.
Big day for Mo Alie, assault and battery hearing was scheduled for today a 9:00AM.
Arraignment, not trial -- may be the end, they may work it out -- I really don't expect much to happen
bb, you are a guest here and have no right to say anything to a SPIDER poster. just stay on your board and post there and am sure that they will love it, no need for you to be here at all other than to read, if that is your desire.
Spinner, you are telling me what my rights are....? Even after I log in?

He's telling you that you are a troll, an obvious one at that. He's making a suggestion, not telling you what your rights are.
Who ever heard of a 72 year old troll? What is the average life span of a troll anyway??
I figured every vcu fan would have the outcome by now. But this was reported to be just an arraignment day, not the trial.
Trial begins on June 15th. Between keeping up with where all of their decommitted recruits are going and the assault trial of one of there players, VCU should get lot of media run over the summer. Knowing how much VCU loves to be in the media, this should be great news for there program.
was there a grand jury hearing earlier? doesn't a grand jury decide if there's enough evidence to indict, then you go to the arraignment hearing?
Agree charges will probably be dropped but "playing along" with the channel 6 news report above that the charges could result in a 12 month jail sentence predict that in the very remote chance there is jail time - am sure some political friend of the fan district school could arrange "work release" so Cox could still play basketball........................................
In District Court you go to arraignment, then trial, no jury allowed at this level. BTW very often the "victim" is told not to appear at an arraignment. No surprises today. I think this will be "worked out" and likely never go to trial.
who gives a rat's a$$ what happened to Mr Mo? Only a Ram should care about what happens to him. I agree we have enough happening or not happening with us.
one of our players will do something stupid before it is all over---knock on wood
Nothing to see here.

There is no grand jury, no such thing as an indictment, and no such thing as a jury trial in General District Court for misdemeanor charges in Virginia. All 3 of those events are only in play regarding felony charges.

If the accused is found guilty of a misdemeanor at the General District Court hearing, then he/she has the right to appeal to the Circuit Court. It is possible to have a jury trial in Circuit Court following conviction of the misdemeanor in lower court.

Today's appearance would have either been to assure that Cox had an attorney (if he wants one), or, one side or the other asked for the case to be continued to another date (could be for a multitude of reasons). The courts almost always grant 1 continuance with no questions asked. If this continuance was agreed to in advance by the Commonwealth, the accuser would not have to appear at the hearing.

As stated before, this case will either be dropped, or it will be plea bargained away to a bunch of nothing. It is nearly a certainty with a minor, fight type charge against a high profile athlete. If there is punishment, it will consist of nothing more than probation and/or community service.
Words do evolve/devolve. They change meaning over time. Not to get into a PC argument. But the history of words shows that they change meaning whether we like it or not!
PC police BS. Thug - somebody, especially a criminal, who is brutal and violent. Mo problem isn't one but the word means what it means no what your mind thinks it means. Bill Lambeer was probably the original basketball Thug.
this really sounds like a case for judge judy, no wonder our courts are clogged. take it to the flat screen and get some face time. on here bb, you have no rights, just fade away........SOON
Ha! Bringing that up again? Use your brains. Meanings change. Whether you like it or not.
Weaver, if you are politically correct, then YOU have to accept it and get used to it, if not, like me, do not. there are those who attempt to control others, can only happen if you let them, sorry if you do but your choice.

bb, sorry, you do have the right to remain silent, which is what we want, so go talk, discuss, your team with your fans and all will be good.
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BB, MacAuthur said "an old troll never dies, he just lies under a bridge and plays with sheep."

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