Totally agree with you Dad and this is something that never happens with a Mooney team. If you can execute the offense, then you are going to play. If you are a turnstile on defense, no problem.
All that being said, it does seem to me that Mooney is trying some new things this year and seems to be looking for the right combinations for certain situations. As others have said, he is terrible at making adjustments in game, so he is going to make all sorts of mistakes in these early games to find these lineups. One thing is certain, Nick Sherod cannot play the 2 spot. He doesn’t have his legs yet. I think Mooney knows this as well because Nick is seeing the bench early. But Mooney is loyal and trusts Nick and so he keeps putting him back in, even though it is detrimental, Hopefully Nick gets back to some version of his former self, but he isn’t remotely close at this point in the season.
I have seen promising signs from Wilson and Crabtree, so hopefully they are able to work out the kinks and contribute more. I think they have what we need on the defensive end, but need to contribute just a little more on the offensive end. Not that the team needs them to play a major role, just that that have to contribute something so that defenders can’t cheat.
Matt Grace is playing great on the Matt Grace scale, but a great defender he is not. He does seem to be playing a bit tougher though, so that’s positive,
The biggest disappointment is easily Cayo. All his improvement on the free throw line seems to have disappeared, he is not playing tough, and he is getting blown by on defense. My hope is Nick gets his legs back and he plays down low on defense and is used to spread the floor on offense. We know Mooney doesn’t coach offensive rebounding, so having Nick instead of Cayo should work. We just need to hope that Nick can make some strides physically.