Whatever. I don't think FCS football players should expect to get much NIL. If football is the main sport, maybe, but it is not here. What do they really expect? Do they think they can just go anywhere in our conference and get money from other programs?
I usually let stuff like this go but will speak up this time.
Maybe football should be the main sport. Sure, it is FCS but over the years has proven much more a contender in its own right at it's level. Football has put more players at the NFL level than any other sport has put at respective top professional levels just as a general observation and that is at least some exposure for RIchmond. Multiple conference championships are exposure and A National Championship at any level is great exposer. Being one of only three private schools to win a National FCS Championship is a great recruiting tool for players that are smart and good to great, but not elite athletes, thus exposure.
Richmond's "flagship sport" getting in the NCAA tournament one of ten years (and no the NIT does not count as FB does not have a second chance at an also ran tournament) and taking three G League or maybe NBA level players (two of which were sixth year) to do it certainly was more exposure but does not move the needle much towards keeping Richmond in the conversation, when they follow up as a bottom feeder in a one bid conference the next year. Dang the roster has an open scholarship spot, last I saw, damn recruit a two-sport guy and release him to the FB team until Nov 1 (just kidding).
Of course, these are my opinions and I know they are not the prevailing thoughts of the University or fan base, but slighting FB will not help the BB program.
Now to the point of the reply, I read the tweet to mean the players were not aware the program even existed, so they did not know they could even apply. The loyal player(s) being referenced that are near finishing up their time at Rickmond and are guys that could have gone FBS in a flash for their final year or two, no question, but they were loyal to their teammates, coaches, and school and stayed for their final year (to their credit so did the basketball guys the one year and so did Burton this past year). This particular player mentioned in the tweet was just named the number one returning player in FCS to wear his number by Hero Sports and one of football's other guys (a couple more will be contenders with their number as well) will likely get the same recognition from that same organization in a few weeks. The football team lost a grad last year that just got drafted in the third round of the NFL draft but I did not get the impression NIL had anything to do with that one, and 5 more grads this year that will start or at the very least be in the two deep for their new FBS schools, those type players are game changers at the FCS level, and if a little NIL fund like the group is trying to get up will help keep them here, I commend the folks making the efforts if they pass some on in these situations. Our football players seem to come here and hang around to get a Richmond degree (they did lose an undergrad a couple of years ago that will likely end up in the NFL but made sure he was also in Dave Clawson's good hands to get prepared to get ready just like Coby Turner last year, who is mentioned above, so they both ended up at a great academic school for their degrees or masters work ), but some of the players are showing they are willing to start and/or get a master's degree elsewhere and football redshirts more than other sports when possible, so fifth year grad players will always be around in FB once covid years expire. If NIL keeps players here the coaches want or need for what should be their most productive football year to start and/or get a master's degree more power to the guys that make the money happen and I hope it gets recognized as a way Richmond can compete and win conference championships and be in the national spotlight consistently like the late 2000s and 2010s.
I could be wrong, but I again I believe that is what was trying to be conveyed about loyalty and the player not even knowing about the new program and he obviously did not, I suspect and hope the problem was more early program communication than intentional because if it was intentional, it was certainly a mistake, IMHO.
I do not think our players expect they can move around in the conference and get NIL money, but I suspect they would like to be appreciated and respected enough that they are told if there are options available (if they actually do exist) to them if they decide to stay here.
Many people who follow FCS football closely at a national level (me included) are seriously worried about FCS being an FBS minor league to draft players from as it is with NIL floating out there, and our football head coach has clearly stated he wants a traditional HS recruited football team, with a transfer mixed in once in a while to fill gaps. That makes Spider FB even more susceptible to the FBS draft when they find the undiscovered talent.
I give you Coby Turner and Savon Smith as examples of undiscovered talent, both walk-ons, one going to the NFL the other the Spider starting RB this coming year. Throw in Malik Mustapha mentioned above now at Wake Forest as another our coaches recognized when no one else did and likely going to the NFL. The no sit transfer rule was bad enough, now they can buy them, so yes loyalty matters.
I will return to the FB board and stay in my lane again.