Intelligence Investigation


Graduate Assistant
Gold Member
May 8, 2003
I expect that most posters are by now familar with the serious investigation into intelligence leaks now being conducted as a joint House and Senate effort by members of the Select Committees from both bodies. (D) Dianne Feinstein and(R) Saxby Chambliss from the Senate and (R) Mike Rogers and (D) Dutch Ruppersberger from the House have all been on TV this week speaking about their intent to undergo an investigation into the source of recent leaks about an undercover agent in Yemen who gave us info on the non metalic bomb which Yemen has developed; the fact that Pres Obama has final say on drone targets and Cyber attacks on Iran.

If there is any good news in all this it is the fiercely stated intention that this will be a nonpartisan effort to seek out and punish someone within our government who has weakened important intelligence operations. Mike Rogers(R) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D) the ranking members from the House Committee were on Meet the Press today to announce that members of both parties were united in the intention to punish those responsible regardless of party affiliation. Dianne Feinstein(D) and Saxby Chambliss(R) made a similar statement for the Senate Committee. Chambliss said that the committee had put aside politics to do similar work during the Bush/Chaney years and he had no doubt that all would be committed to finding and punishing the leak this time. It is thought that it is a strong possibility that the leak may have come from a Democrat seeking to give credit to his party in this election year.

It was uplifting for me to see and hear members of both parties standing side by side and saying that members of these committees put country ahead of politics and we'll get the person responsible and see that he/she is punished. I believe they will. I felt gratified to see that there are still members of our Congress who see their first loyalty lies to their country and not to their political party. If they are successful, I hope that their work is praised by the media and that the Pelosis and Boehners of our Congress are criticised for their failure to work in a similar fashion to solve the critical problems our country faces in other areas.
that sounds good on tv T, hope that is does not bog down into partisan mud-slinging and don't care who did it, they should be punished. hope we do not end up with a special prosecutor, that always turns political and also hope we don't end up with perjury charges only instead of going after the original charges. the last time, the SP knew who had done what and it was not the guys who some wanted prosecuted for it and the person was not even a covert operative, just a waste of millions of dollars trying to get to the white house. this one should not be that way at all, follow it, when you get who did it, go after them. if all you can find is someone fibbing under oath, drop it and close it.
or the guy from chicago who was the SP on that fiasco. just hope we don't get to a SP this time around. it probably will get political before it is over no matter what they do. need fewer bureaucrats with access and fewer political people with access to this vital data.
Yellowcake Chaney is still walking around free, oh thats right that information wasnt factual.

We have a history of leaks that proved to help the country; Deep Throat and Daniel Ellsberg.

Of course it will get political and of course it will cost us.
except deep throat never got to the real culprit of watergate, why it happened and that guy walks around free.
I was in a dinner in Roxboro, NC and was leaving when the owner came out and asked me for my autograph. Since it was my first time in there, I asked him if he knew me and he stated he had been watching me on TV for months. Puzzled I said what show and he stated the news. He thought I was Kenneth Starr. I thanked him and suggested he may want to look into new glasses.
Gosh, Carolina, when I first met you I thought that you looked a lot more like Ringo than Kenneth.
Well now after my son's wedding in Philly two weeks ago, I am known as Frank the Tank. I am so confused , who am I?
Gen'l you got me on this one. Who ya referring to?
This post was edited on 6/13 9:20 AM by Anachnoid
see, you thought all that happened was in the ny times, washington post. a lot more to the story but you will have to find it, is out there. you need to get your blinders off, find other sources of news, comment and an entire world will open up to you. dan rather is gone and we know why.
Well gosh Gen'l you pay me high compliments. Those are some of the readings of my better half. I usually stick to Mad and Nat'l Lampoon and when I really feel intellectual, Punch. Now as to the electronic media, I will say that based on the nasty nasty political ads on the tube the last two days, I may retreat into on demand and cooking shows until November. A Virginia delegate finally got something right and has become a leader from the rear as he actually investigated an issue after voting on the emotional side. Too bad more people wont adopt the philosophy of Mr. Jaggers.
not in VA any longer, those are your probs and we all know who votes on emotion and not common sense. need to flush out all career politicians and let them get other jobs but they will not. need to make those jobs very undesirable, no pay, no power, no women, no campaign funds.
Ok gotcha now. Hes been on tv lately with more about Watergate. As to Mo, gracious what more of a hook for a teenage boy to watch Congressional hearings...
have seen nothing on tv about watergate, my info is from books. a good read is THE DARK SIDE OF CAMELOT by pulitzer prize winning, ny times super journalist seymour hersh. the kennedys made nixon look like an amateur pickpocket, when it came to dirty tricks and buying votes, elections, amazing but guess if no journalists are interested in taking you down, you are never caught and if you are, they look the other way. was a big jfk guy but this book made me think a lot.
I'm still trying to figure out what Nixon did wrong in Watergate. That looks like playground stuff compared to what's going on in the Whitehouse now.
nixon did things completely wrong but had a guy who had his ear who was the culprit but he did not have to listen to him, yet did. all administrations have whacky things going on, some legal, some not but really depends on if the press cares, dem, they do not, republ, they want to get him or her, just the make up of the press. does not matter, if you break the law, you should pay, no matter what party.
Thats a stretch Rick but remember the bar was set low by the previous administration fictionalizing an excuse for war, not knowing how to finish the war he started and bailing out wall street.
Ok Gen'l you got me thinking during my lawnmower therapy session. Do you think RMN had a thing for Mo?
Noid, kind of think that was how people raised money and still do, under the table and hiding it, dirty tricks on opponents. watergate had nothing to do with any of that. if you read the kennedy book and see what they did, much worse than anything nixon did, just what those who wanted to win did to win, i guess. sad but how it was and is.
Has the NYT retracted the piece regarding the leaks yet? Either the NYT or WH is lying. Not much gray area there.

It's odd that this deal isn't getting more play on state run media. Certainly seems like a big deal.

Maybe their scooter is currently in the shop with a 'busted' axel rod?

This post was edited on 6/17 7:21 AM by MolivaManiac