Greg Beckwith

Besides his obvious legendary status as a player; of the top ten single game assist record list for a Spider he owns half of them, as well as the top single season assist record, and a pioneer in the NCAA's for us. Beck and Black were an institution. He will be greatly missed. Condolences to the family 😔
You don’t even have reverence for a man that loved Richmond Basketball and friends with the coaching staff. You’re not a nice
person by keeping that billboard up on your profile.
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Certainly did not expect to see this news. Personally devastating. My family and I had a special connection over the years. When Greg arrived in the fall of 1982, my wife and I were assigned to be Greg’s “foster parents” when sponsor programs were allowed. We enjoyed watching Greg and his new teammates John Davis, Johnny Newman and Robert Tucker grow up to be great men in college and beyond. Greg and J D lived with us for a year plus as graduates. Our thoughts are with Greg’s wife Julie and the Beckwith children Brittany and B J. The Beckwiths moved into our neighborhood in Midlothian where Greg became a role model for my sons. In more recent years I stayed in touch with Julie with whom I once worked professionally. Greg’s brother Brian left this world prematurely as well. This loss is hitting me hard. So unexpected.
Thanks for sharing this.
Here are some links I found:

Heartbreaking. Only met Beck once or twice, but he exemplified class and everything else that personifies UR. And it speaks to the fragility of life. Beck for all appearances was a very healthy individual one day and then is gone the next. Give credence and meaning to living every day of your life to the fullest because no tomorrow is never fully promised. Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.
So sad for posters here who knew/met him and of course family and close friends! Liked his calm demeanor as a color man. Was fair and respectful when describing bad calls going against the Spiders or even admitting ones the team got away with. Even rooting for my fav teams never liked listening to an annoying 100% homer not looking at it objectively.
Looks like they’re going to be streaming the celebration on June 3, and in true UR athletic PR form, they’re calling it a “celebration of live.”

You'd think that they would do better. It borders on ignorance and is certainly embarrassing.
It is habitual and certainly embarrassing when done on normal basketball posts. Whomever supervises our social media postings needs to implement some institutional controls requiring proofreading of all posts. They needed to do that several years ago .

But messing up the Celebration of Life You Tube posting for a Richmond icon, if that does not move the needle and require some additional proofreading checks, they are just saying we don't really care that much.
Sorry for just now posting this message. I listened to Greg on many of broadcast and always had the deepest respect for his comments and analysis of the game. And what a player! All of us in Ram Nation were saddened by the news of his very untimely passing. Prayers for his family and for all of the fans in Spider Nation. God bless his soul and may he find some awesome pickup games in heaven!
Did anyone attend the service today? I would have attended if not out of state on vacation. I
can only imagine that Canon was packed and there were a lot of good stories shared and a lot of tears.
Went to RC and watched live stream, very well done and heart touching words by many. John Davis and Dooley spoke as well as Bob Black. His children, BJ and Brittany, as well as Julie, his wife. She questioned why onw so young had to go and then spoke of how many people had been touched by his positivity and good nature, the "Beck Effect", she hoped that all would try to incorporate more of the Beck Effect into their lives and he would live on. She felt that was the reason he left so young.
The post RC event was packed, current and past players and coaches. Spoke to D'Lo he said he had only been here a short time, but loved the place, said they were putting in the work. Several players spoke of building on last years success. Spoke to Mike, said he had learned much since a FR, felt the game had slowed down for him, was looking forward to playing hard, knew teams would be gunning for us, but felt we could be good. Roche said he felt good, Ryan was sans boot.
I attended the service. It was packed. Very nice and very well done. I am always so impressed that people can give such touching tributes without breaking down.

I was seated near the back so I could not tell you who was there if they were not part of the ceremony. Except for Grant, who I believe was sitting with his family.
I just got finished listening to the broadcast and it really touched me and made me realize
that the little things we do for others and take for granted, can have a lifetime affect. The
“Beck Effect” needs to be contagious and make me and this world a much better place.