Hunter Biden: 3 Charges, 3 felony convictions


Graduate Assistant
Aug 20, 2017
The Doghouse
Hunter Biden now has 3 felony convictions, the first time a child of a President has been convicted of a crime. Unlike the show trial in NY, the facts and the law were clear.

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Juror said Hunter was guilty of lying​

Speaking to CNN after the verdict, Juror 10 said that Hunter Biden was "just like anybody else".

He told the outlet that his decision was based on Biden knowing he was an addict when he purchased the gun in questions.

"We all knew he was a drug addict," the first juror said. "In his mind, how could he not know he was an addict?"
What now, brown cow? Well, Well, poor little Hunter was convicted by a Delaware jury of lying on an application to purchase a fire arm. What a scum bag. Daddy kept bailing out wee wittle Hunter. Hunter Biden is an adult. He has to accept responsibility for his behavior.

"Someone finally held Hunter Biden accountable. All along, it should have been his father. But a jury had to do it.

No one can fault Joe Biden for pouring affection on his children after the tragic car accident that took his wife and daughter. And when eldest son Beau died of cancer, most of the President's fatherly love was projected into Hunter.

Here's the problem: Unconditional affirming—which Joe Biden does to Hunter, whom he calls "the smartest man he knows"—becomes enabling. Loving your child is an admirable trait, of course, but in those times of struggle, some parents wisely choose tough love.

Addicts need that to help them through their substance abuse. But Joe Biden ran in the opposite direction, often seeking to shield Hunter from the natural results of his bad choices. That's not tough love; it's parental butt covering."

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Ah yes, of course everything about this trial was fair and just, but nothing about Trump's trial was. Got it.

Interestingly, none of the Bidens threw hissy fits about the outcome, or called the attorneys, judges or anytime else vile names or anything of the sort. Imagine that.
Ah yes, of course everything about this trial was fair and just, but nothing about Trump's trial was. Got it.

Interestingly, none of the Bidens threw hissy fits about the outcome, or called the attorneys, judges or anytime else vile names or anything of the sort. Imagine that.

No the case went to trial, because Hunter wouldn't make a reasonable plea agreement. He was hoping Daddy's lawyers at the DOJ would rescue him. Hunter decided to go to trial, because he did not want to face the consequences of his behavior.

Hunter Biden and the DOJ tried to enter into a lifetime immunity agreement, until the judge asked a few simple questions. The article states that the prosecution was trying to hide the ball from the judge.

"Will Scharf, a former federal prosecutor, framed it as an attempt to "hide the ball" from the judge."

The plea agreement

"states that the government would "agree not to criminally prosecute Biden outside of the terms of this agreement for any federal crimes encompassed by the attached statement of facts, Attachment A to the Diversion Agreement, and the statement of facts attached as Exhibit 1 to the Memorandum of Plea Agreement filed this same day," the judge read in court."

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The article continues:

Attachments to the deal described how, in the period from 2017-2018, Hunter Biden "continued to earn handsomely and spend wildly" the large sums of money he made from business endeavors in Ukraine, China, and Romania -- some $2.6 million in 2018 alone.

"However ... in the throes of addiction, Biden essentially ignored his tax obligations," Leo Wise, the lead prosecutor, told the judge.

By 2019, Hunter Biden had "spent almost the entire sum" of his 2018 income "on personal expenses, including large cash withdrawals, payments to or on behalf of his children, credit card balances, and car payments for his Porsche," Wise said.

Those outstanding tax obligations -- ultimately totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars -- went unpaid until 2020, when a third party paid the IRS more than $2 million to relieve Biden of his tax burdens, interest and penalties. ABC News has reported that Kevin Morris, an attorney and confidant to Biden, made those payments.

In the courtroom, Judge Noreika repeatedly criticized the deal's "form over substance" and puzzled over whether the two documents -- the plea agreement on tax charges and the diversion agreement on the felony gun charge -- were linked or separate.

It gets worse...

Prosecutors included details about Hunter Biden's foreign business endeavors into the plea deal on the misdemeanor tax charges, but wrote the immunity standards into the diversion agreement -- the much-cited Paragraph 15 -- which would include "any federal crimes encompassed" in the statement of facts for the plea agreement.

I'll be sure not to vote for him.

Remind me again, which election did he try to negate, and which government did he try to overthrow?

Was juror 10 the one who said the whole trial was a waste of time and taxpayer money?

What are you guys going to use as viagra now that Hunter's been convicted?
I'll be sure not to vote for him.

Remind me again, which election did he try to negate, and which government did he try to overthrow?

Was juror 10 the one who said the whole trial was a waste of time and taxpayer money?

What are you guys going to use as viagra now that Hunter's been convicted?
You must have missed the article that detailed the efforts Biden Justice took to let him off. The only way that scumbag will learn anything is by spending time in jail. Daddy has been protecting Hunter for his entire life. Hunter was counting on his daddy to bail him out. Why else would Hunter plea to a lesser charge?
You must have missed the article that detailed the efforts Biden Justice took to let him off. The only way that scumbag will learn anything is by spending time in jail. Daddy has been protecting Hunter for his entire life. Hunter was counting on his daddy to bail him out. Why else would Hunter plea to a lesser charge?
Daddy didn't bail him out because he forgot who he was.
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In all fairness, smack his hand, and move on. No one got hurt, unlike the mother in Newport News whose son shot a teacher,. I can’t see why jail time solves anything. Hunter screwed up, knows he screwed up and it’s not happening again. He has bigger problems ahead, but this shouldn’t be one.
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In all honesty, this is the best thing for Hunter Biden. He should go to jail and then directly into Rehab. That is the only way to address his addiction. I am not sure he has ever been in Rehab. And maybe that was a choice by the elder Biden.

Hunter is certainly old enough so it should make a difference. People change only when they hit bottom. Addiction is a terrible condition that is hard to beat.
Apparently, Hunter has gone to rehab multiple times, but not recently.

"According to the magazine, Hunter first relapsed in November 2010, after seven years of sobriety, and then again in 2013. He returned to Crossroads after the 2010 relapse and then, after the 2013 relapse, sought out a Mexican clinic that used the psychoactive substance ibogaine as a form of treatment. He also met with an expert in Vedic meditation in Arizona. In the fall of 2014 he went to a 12-step retreat and in 2015 he went to rehab at a center out of the University of Pennsylvania followed by an inpatient program and another program in Washington, D.C., that required a Breathalyzer. He returned to the 12-step retreat in February 2016 before entering another rehab in D.C. That same year, he went to Grace Grove."

Of course he has been in rehab. He had recently finished that's why he felt justified in saying he was not using and not an addict on the application.

Two months after a stint in rehab in 2018, Hunter Biden purchased a handgun - what his defense team maintains was an impulse buy, under pressure from a pushy gun store owner.
Apparently, Hunter has gone to rehab multiple times, but not recently.

"According to the magazine, Hunter first relapsed in November 2010, after seven years of sobriety, and then again in 2013. He returned to Crossroads after the 2010 relapse and then, after the 2013 relapse, sought out a Mexican clinic that used the psychoactive substance ibogaine as a form of treatment. He also met with an expert in Vedic meditation in Arizona. In the fall of 2014 he went to a 12-step retreat and in 2015 he went to rehab at a center out of the University of Pennsylvania followed by an inpatient program and another program in Washington, D.C., that required a Breathalyzer. He returned to the 12-step retreat in February 2016 before entering another rehab in D.C. That same year, he went to Grace Grove."

Substance abuse is an epidemic in this country. How does this make him different from millions of others in this country who have been through rehab several times? He's tried to get help, good for him. If it was easy, no one would need rehab help more than once.

Traumatic events in one's youth can have terrible effects on people as they age and help lead to poor outcomes.

Betty Ford was an alcoholic. So are Laura Bush and George Bush. So, by many accounts, were Pat Nixon and Mamie Eisenhower.
Of course he has been in rehab. He had recently finished that's why he felt justified in saying he was not using and not an addict on the application.

Two months after a stint in rehab in 2018, Hunter Biden purchased a handgun - what his defense team maintains was an impulse buy, under pressure from a pushy gun store owner.
The addict always claims it was someone else's fault. This is the first time Hunter has been held responsible for any of his actions. How many times has Hunter been let off, because of his father?

Hunter needs to go to jail and he needs to grow up.
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Substance abuse is an epidemic in this country. How does this make him different from millions of others in this country who have been through rehab several times? He's tried to get help, good for him. If it was easy, no one would need rehab help more than once.

Traumatic events in one's youth can have terrible effects on people as they age and help lead to poor outcomes.

Betty Ford was an alcoholic. So are Laura Bush and George Bush. So, by many accounts, were Pat Nixon and Mamie Eisenhower.

Laura Bush an alcoholic? what? & I know about her childhood accident but that sounds like Hillary and the pizza thing.

Now regretting opening this thread.
Gallipoli, yes HB is now a convicted felon. I have no issue with the verdict. Unlike TFG who is a convicted felon due to his own actions, HB has a severe underlying addiction problem and is fortunate to still be living.
I recently finished a book Demon Copperhead, about a kid growing up in the addiction rattled Lee County, Va. Although, fiction, it struck me sadly as really non-fiction and really I felt a deep disdain for big pharma and how that one family got off so easy with the oxy settlements.
Addiction is all around us and saddens me to know families who have lost loved ones in early ages. They sometimes establish scholarships in their deceased kids names associated with the decedents sport or favorite activity. It will never fill the void.
Laura Bush an alcoholic? what? & I know about her childhood accident but that sounds like Hillary and the pizza thing.

Now regretting opening this thread.
Laura Bush made George quit drinking. She also brought him to Christ. He needed that strength and character to bring us through 9/11.

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