Coronavirus Impact on NCAA Tourney - No Fans Allowed

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So did St John's beat Creighton? Leading by 3 at half which then became the end of the game................Wonder how the risk level changed from the start of the game to halftime? "Official" score says game was cancelled no game took place ..............

Guess letting them reach halftime was better than Wall Street's "trading suspended" approach?
They stopped the game at halftime??? Hahahaha Were fans and players collapsing all over the place? Man, the world has finally gone mad and the madness has just begun.
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They stopped the game at halftime??? Hahahaha Were fans and players collapsing all over the place? Man, the world has finally gone mad and the madness has just begun.
A fan from threat level 3 Iran got to the game during half time and they had to cancel. :)
Yep... hundred of thousands. Thats a definite. So many got sick at all of the games held last night, right? Woooo Thank god the rest of the games have been cancelled or maybe twice as many would have gotten sick.. So happy that the media has made us so afraid of this illness that we now dont want to go near one another, or do anything. Its so great that they care so much about our well being. What would we do without them?
So what if it were much less? Say a mere 3,000? Would that have made the cancellations not worthwhile?
we have all these super smart people who know what to do now right? That's true we do have super smart people. Just asking why couldn't these same people get much farther ahead of this earlier. We should have shut down all international arrivals 2 months ago and we'd be in a much different place. I would have been fine with a complete temporary international travel ban. All these super smart people were kind of twiddling their thumbs for far too long. I don't know, is that wrong, I'm asking. Not interested in making this political.
GKiller, it is all political. The President took the gutsy unprecedented move of shutting down travel from China and quarantining incoming travelers for 14 days. He was absolutely killed for it. He was called xenophobic and racist. What else can the man do? Seems this country could come together for something, but no.
So, who are you has nothing to do with the other.....No one is blaming him for the ban now....that should have been done months ago as well as obtaining the test from WHO.
we banned travel from China, yet a man travelling from China to Mexico through LAX infected an entire plane a few days ago.
And when we recalled students studying in Northern Italy, they were sent home. Picked up by their parents at the airport. No quarantine. Asked to self-quarantine. not sure we could have done much more, but that's not effective.
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Hey i mean they haven't cancelled the NIT yet so if we can somehow win that then we are national champions
Massachusetts has 138 cases so far. 104 of the cases are tied to a meeting at a Boston hotel from Feb 24-27. Everyone please be smart out there.
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Massachusetts has 138 cases so far. 104 of the cases are tied to a meeting at a Boston hotel from Feb 24-27. Everyone please be smart out there.
Wow VT, thanks. I haven't heard anyone tell me to be smart out there yet. So appreciative. Damn I dont know what we would all do without you. The media never tells us about these harrowing stories. You're the best VT.
Massachusetts has 138 cases so far. 104 of the cases are tied to a meeting at a Boston hotel from Feb 24-27. Everyone please be smart out there.

Talk about sad irony-Biogen execs meeting at Marriott Hotel

Seventy-seven of the 95 confirmed cases in Massachusetts have been linked to a meeting of executives with Biogen, a company based in Cambridge, next to Boston, that develops therapies for neurological diseases, state officials said.
77 out of 95 was from a few days ago. The numbers are now 104 tied to the meeting and 138 overall, and will likely continue to increase. 175 people were at the meeting and so far 104 have the virus. Hopefully, this is a big time wake up call to many.
77 out of 95 was from a few days ago. The numbers are now 104 tied to the meeting and 138 overall, and will likely continue to increase. 175 people were at the meeting and so far 104 have the virus. Hopefully, this is a big time wake up call to many.
Please look at these stats...
Out of all of the cases, 10... yes that is right 10 are considered serious. Less than .01% of the cases
Are serious. Why the death toll is hardly rising at all. Does this matter at all VT? Probably not to you. You are ok with the country going into lockdown over 10 cases being serious in a country of 400 million?
Why are these stats not being reported. Case numbers going up is the only thing shown. Not that nearly all are MILD. But, I know VT, if a 90 year old gets it it could be fatal and “1 death is too many”, right? So lets bankrupt half of America and put the mental health of the whole country at risk to save these ten people.
Simply inaccurate. Congress's personal physician estimated that 70 million to 150 million people in the US will get this thing. We are at the very beginning of the outbreak. Wait a few weeks before you suggest that this is much ado about nothing. Even if he's off by a bit, let's say 50 million people get it and 1% die from it. That's 500,000, or just about twice the population of Richmond.

Those are just the people who die directly from the virus. A bigger issue could be that all the hospitals become overloaded, and people who would otherwise need hospitals for heart attacks, broken legs, pneumonia or whatever have to be turned away, and some of them die too.

You may not personally believe this will happen, but I'm trusting the scientists and doctors who are telling us that it will. I hope they are wrong, but I'm not willing to wait around doing nothing in order to find out.
Simply inaccurate. Congress's personal physician estimated that 70 million to 150 million people in the US will get this thing. We are at the very beginning of the outbreak. Wait a few weeks before you suggest that this is much ado about nothing. Even if he's off by a bit, let's say 50 million people get it and 1% die from it. That's 500,000, or just about twice the population of Richmond.

Those are just the people who die directly from the virus. A bigger issue could be that all the hospitals become overloaded, and people who would otherwise need hospitals for heart attacks, broken legs, pneumonia or whatever have to be turned away, and some of them die too.

You may not personally believe this will happen, but I'm trusting the scientists and doctors who are telling us that it will. I hope they are wrong, but I'm not willing to wait around doing nothing in order to find out.
You're conflating numbers in your equation there. We have no idea what the denominator should be, as this virus has a very large asymptomatic rate. The mortality rate will be nowhere near that number on people who "get it."

China has already passed its inflection point. They have 81K confirmed cases. If 100X that many people were infected (and it's possibly higher), that's 8.1 million.

Ohio's Health Director says that approximately 100,000 people in OH are infected (as of two days ago). They have 37 cases and 0 deaths. What numbers are you supposed to use?

Look at the stats from the Diamond Princess and the numbers coming out of South Korea.
It is right to be concerned, but that data should give us some hope (and some prevention tactics if we're smart about it).
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Still a lot of unknowns that will play out in time. Really thankful that we were able to finish the regular season. Going to the Robins Center this year was terrific. Like the team chemistry and the "never say die" attitude. For everyone of you want the best for you and your families as we are in a time of uncertainty. Reminds me of Dr. Clarence Jung's favorite economic maxim: "The only thing that is certain is uncertainty."
You're conflating numbers in your equation there. We have no idea what the denominator should be, as this virus has a very large asymptomatic rate. The mortality rate will be nowhere near that number on people who "get it."

China has already passed its inflection point. They have 81K confirmed cases. If 100X that many people were infected (and it's possibly higher), that's 8.1 million.

Ohio's Health Director says that approximately 100,000 people in OH are infected (as of two days ago). They have 37 cases and 0 deaths. What numbers are you supposed to use?

Look at the stats from the Diamond Princess and the numbers coming out of South Korea.
It is right to be concerned, but that data should give us some hope (and some prevention tactics if we're smart about it).
Agreed that things could fluctuate, and I hope the numbers are all on the low side. I'm just relaying what the top Congressional doctor predicted and using the 1% mortality rate that most scientists and doctors are using.
I don't understand the China numbers. 80,000 cases and only 36 new ones? either nobody is allowed out of their houses including to get tested, or the numbers aren't real. or they have a vaccine, which they don't. this didn't just run it's course.
Still a lot of unknowns that will play out in time. Really thankful that we were able to finish the regular season. Going to the Robins Center this year was terrific. Like the team chemistry and the "never say die" attitude. For everyone of you want the best for you and your families as we are in a time of uncertainty. Reminds me of Dr. Clarence Jung's favorite economic maxim: "The only thing that is certain is uncertainty."

“Reminds me of Dr. Clarence Jung's favorite economic maxim”

Soft spoken,unassuming,nicest guy,extremely knowledgeable.His communication skills were excellent.
Launched my interest in Mathematical Economics and Finance to which I refer quite often and for which was used as an underpinning in running various telecom companies.He was likely directly responsible in the future success of many UR students.
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I don't understand the China numbers. 80,000 cases and only 36 new ones? either nobody is allowed out of their houses including to get tested, or the numbers aren't real. or they have a vaccine, which they don't. this didn't just run it's course.
I am a bit perplexed by them as well, but when you read about what they did, it was pretty draconian. They shut everything down. And of course over there, it's a little different than here because you are probably going away for awhile if you violate that type of decree. They didn't mess around with things once it started to spread. We have been much more nonchalant about it until recently, but we still haven't shut things down nearly to the extent they did.
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Way too nonchalant. That and the lack of and the late testing just so "the numbers won't be too high" has put us so far behind. When we did not have to be. Such a shame. Just have to smh at those that still think this is no big deal.
“Reminds me of Dr. Clarence Jung's favorite economic maxim”

Soft spoken,unassuming,nicest guy,extremely knowledgeable.His communication skills were excellent.
Launched my interest in Mathematical Economics and Finance to which I refer quite often and for which was used as an underpinning in running various telecom companies.He was likely directly responsible in the future success of many UR students.

Totally agree - one of the most encouraging people I have ever known. Remember well if any student gave a totally wrong answer to a question Dr. Jung would say, now Mr. ______, that's not exactly what I had in mind....and from there would explain the correct answer.
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What scientific and/or mathematical model has the physician of Congress used for those predictions? Saying publicly that the U.S. could reach 150 million cases when the country of origin has only 80,000 (as virus is in decline) is unrealistic at best.

Country of origin 3208 deaths (to date)(while virus is in decline), so the U.S. will have 500,000 deaths? Simply not based in reality. Classic case of incompetent bloviating by the Dr. if we want to be very generous, promoting fear-mongering and driving an agenda if examined with a more skeptical eye.
What scientific and/or mathematical model has the physician of Congress used for those predictions? Saying publicly that the U.S. could reach 150 million cases when the country of origin has only 80,000 (as virus is in decline) is unrealistic at best.

Country of origin 3208 deaths (to date)(while virus is in decline), so the U.S. will have 500,000 deaths? Simply not based in reality. Classic case of incompetent bloviating by the Dr. if we want to be very generous, promoting fear-mongering and driving an agenda if examined with a more skeptical eye.
That's why I questioned the math. That many people in the US may well get infected/carry the virus but most won't ever know it.

It still needs to be taken very seriously but those types of numbers are irresponsible without context. 150 million cases here would equate to what...750 million in China?
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I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but I will trust the leaders in both of those realms when they say 150 million people here may get it. If you do the math and see how quickly it can spread once it gets to a certain level, I don't think it's much of a leap IF we don't treat it seriously now. They say the number of people infected doubles every 6 days unless you take significant precautions. So it 9,100 people have it today and we do nothing, in 84 days (three months), 150 million people will have it.
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The key is taking the precautions. If we all ignored it, I would think there's a good chance a hundred fifty million could get it. Look no further than at least 108 out of 175 people at a meeting in Boston getting it. I just wish we as a country would have been smarter about this a couple months ago when we had the chance to be.
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I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but I will trust the leaders in both of those realms when they say 150 million people here may get it. If you do the math and see how quickly it can spread once it gets to a certain level, I don't think it's much of a leap IF we don't treat it seriously now. They say the number of people infected doubles every 6 days unless you take significant precautions. So it 9,100 people have it today and we do nothing, in 84 days (three months), 150 million people will have it.
Who is saying anything about doing nothing? I think it's very plausible that 150 million could get infected. Many of us are probably going to get it. I said it needs to be taken seriously. These same leaders are saying 85% will have mild or no symptoms.

If you do the math in Ohio, for instance - if you accept their statement that 100,000 Ohioans were infected as of 2 days ago, which was extrapolated (they only had 37 positive tests) from the very same models the leading scientists are using - then the math (6 day progression, known infection times) says that there have to be at least 10,000 people in Ohio alone who have already had the virus and didn't get sick. It's just math.

I don't understand the China numbers. 80,000 cases and only 36 new ones? either nobody is allowed out of their houses including to get tested, or the numbers aren't real. or they have a vaccine, which they don't. this didn't just run it's course.
Many US doctors and the red cross have confirmed the situation in China. You seem to believe all of the experts in the USA, I think you should then believe these as well.
Many US doctors and the red cross have confirmed the situation in China. You seem to believe all of the experts in the USA, I think you should then believe these as well.
You're missing the point. China literally shut down entire cities to stop this thing from moving. We did not and have not. There comes a point of no return as far as containing it, and we are pretty close to missing the boat on that one. You can't on one hand say "Look at China, it didn't really spread too much there" and then on the other suggest that we are overreacting to it here. They stopped it from spreading BY "overreacting." That's the point.
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