Coronavirus Impact on NCAA Tourney - No Fans Allowed

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My dream is better................ Richmond squeezed by Dayton and won the automatic bid....................
Big East going ahead it looks like. St. John's and Creighton have tipped off.
Is this data and reasoning being spread thru any outlet in the mass media? Of course not. Its not their narrative. Sad how this data and info is so attainable yet no outlets want to mention it.
But enjoy the misery guys and dolls.
That's actually a very informative article. Thanks for sharing. I've bookmarked his link to the WHO's daily sitreps.
The bottom line is that the nation cannot afford to simply go about daily life as if NOTHING is happening. It can't. Because the healthcare system would completely collapse. Some or many of us posting on this thread will get the coronavirus, and it's likely that we will all recover and be fine. But some of us or some others we give it to might have to go to a hospital for treatment. Multiply that times every jurisdiction in the nation? Big problem.

But even if you were to discount all the people who would have coronavirus at that point, who is going to care for the people who have every other type of illness or disease? That's the issue here. So you can try to blame it on whomever you would like, but the reality is that there is no other option. It sucks in a major, major way, but this is what needs to happen.
Won't be surprised if in the end this virus is proven to have not been anywhere near the threat that it is being made out to be.Time will tell.

Not disagreeing with you, but hopefully, perhaps because of the measures taken, we will never know what the potential sickness and death toll would have been. There will be no way to prove or disprove whether these measures, which some consider unwarranted, were significant in saving people from illness and death or to what extent.
As much as I was looking forward to viewing in person the Spiders' postseason action in Brooklyn and the NCAAs, I think it is wise to err on the side of caution.
Pac 12 already canceled.
ESPN Scoreboard still had OSU/Oregon at 3pm among the Big East games instead of with the Cancelled games.
The update hadn't gone through at that time.

Still, I've seen the scoreboard show one team's final score and their opponent's halftime score, so there is that...
Huh, No fans I can get but playing, even with no fans, would still generate tv revenue, it fact it might enhance it
PGA will not have fans for the remainder of TPC, and subsequent events. I was thinking that golf fans, even though outdoors, would be more at risk because they're so packed together in the gallery.
NHL and MLB suspending ops.
And when all of this dies down in a month and we realize their isnt much of a threat, the geniuses who cancelled everything will say “See... our panic worked.” Lol and VT will believe them hahahahahahaha
And when all of this dies down in a month and we realize their isnt much of a threat, the geniuses who cancelled everything will say “See... our panic worked.” Lol and VT will believe them hahahahahahaha

You have issues man. I hope you get well.
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So did St John's beat Creighton? Leading by 3 at half which then became the end of the game................Wonder how the risk level changed from the start of the game to halftime? "Official" score says game was cancelled no game took place ..............

Guess letting them reach halftime was better than Wall Street's "trading suspended" approach?
I don't get why everyone is at odds with each other.

If you don't think publicity concerns plays a part...
If you don't think financial concerns plays a part...
If you don't think legal concerns plays a part...
If you don't think medical concerns plays a part...
If you don't think health concerns plays a part...

I'm not sure you are thinking it through.

Personally I can see all these issues interacting with each other. (Hope they don't catch something...)
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in this link, view the serious/critical condition percentage of active cases and death the percentage in closed cased. then scroll down to the linear charts. do you see it slowing down? no, me neither.

you want to talk about the media lying to us, I'm with you on the financial experts. they're telling everyone to hold. it's almost criminal, but I get it. they can't say the truth that this is going to have a massive global economic impact. they'll try to get people to buy the dips to avert a crash. but they know it's coming. tax cuts and helicopter money will prop the market up for a day here and there, but it's still going to get bloody. hope you all have some dry power. at some point we'll have the buying opportunity of a lifetime. but not for a while in my opinion.
Serious question: How will one ever know that the actions taken didn't save countless lives?
Yep... hundred of thousands. Thats a definite. So many got sick at all of the games held last night, right? Woooo Thank god the rest of the games have been cancelled or maybe twice as many would have gotten sick.. So happy that the media has made us so afraid of this illness that we now dont want to go near one another, or do anything. Its so great that they care so much about our well being. What would we do without them?
in this link, view the serious/critical condition percentage of active cases and death the percentage in closed cased. then scroll down to the linear charts. do you see it slowing down? no, me neither.

you want to talk about the media lying to us, I'm with you on the financial experts. they're telling everyone to hold. it's almost criminal, but I get it. they can't say the truth that this is going to have a massive global economic impact. they'll try to get people to buy the dips to avert a crash. but they know it's coming. tax cuts and helicopter money will prop the market up for a day here and there, but it's still going to get bloody. hope you all have some dry power. at some point we'll have the buying opportunity of a lifetime. but not for a while in my opinion.
whatever... I hope you built a bunker for yourself.
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