Coronavirus Impact on NCAA Tourney - No Fans Allowed

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So Fred Hoiberg decided to coach tonight even though he felt sick. Had to leave the game early, and apparently now at the hospital.

Not at all saying he has the coronavirus, but if he does, would not surprise me one bit to see the NCAA call everything off at this point.

When we’re all stuck at our houses was hoping to be able to watch some good basketball. Not looking very promising. But seriously - do hope for everyone’s well being. There’s no reason to risk lives for sports (and yes I know I’m more likely to die in a car accident driving to the grocery store...)
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When we’re all stuck at our houses was hoping to be able to watch some good basketball. Not looking very promising. But seriously - do hope for everyone’s well being. There’s no reason to risk lives for sports (and yes I know I’m more likely to die in a car accident driving to the grocery store...)
Omg give me a break
So Fred Hoiberg decided to coach tonight even though he felt sick. Had to leave the game early, and apparently now at the hospital.

Not at all saying he has the coronavirus, but if he does, would not surprise me one bit to see the NCAA call everything off at this point.

Whether he does or not... this tourney isnt happening imho
Listening to the sports analyst, its obvious a memo has gone out on exactly what to say. Group think on the grandest scale. No one dares having an opposing position. Its professional suicide.
Listening to the sports analyst, its obvious a memo has gone out on exactly what to say. Group think on the grandest scale. No one dares having an opposing position. Its professional suicide.

Because certainly they would all agree with you if they weren't told what to say, right?
Because certainly they would all agree with you if they weren't told what to say, right?
No but absolutely some would. Does everyone you have spoken to in the real world agreed with this position? No!! But ironically every single news person and sports analyst has exactly the same position. Now please respond and not just disappear.
Is this data and reasoning being spread thru any outlet in the mass media? Of course not. Its not their narrative. Sad how this data and info is so attainable yet no outlets want to mention it.
But enjoy the misery guys and dolls.

Wow. Thanks so much for sharing an article from 10 days ago. How stupid of the media for not making a 10 day old article written by a single person about something we are still trying to figure out their top story, right?
No but absolutely some would. Does everyone you have spoken to in the real world agreed with this position? No!! But ironically every single news person and sports analyst has exactly the same position. Now please respond and not just disappear.

Respond to what? This post? Some people I have talked to might have had opinions close, not like, but close to yours a week or two ago because they admitted they did not know enough about this. But, I don't know anyone that feels like you do now. I really don't. Everyone I have talked to realizes how serious this is, cares about their families, and just wants to be as cautious about this as possible. And, pretty much everyone I talk to loves sports like I do, and thinks it stinks if games are cancelled or if fans cannot go to the games, but they all understand why these decisions are being made.

As for news people, I would be shocked if any had an attitude like yours. That would be like a meteorologist telling people not to worry about a hurricane headed their way. What do you want them to say?
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Is there a chance you two could swap emails or numbers and have this conversation in private and not here? Don’t know about others but right now I’m so excited about Richmond basketball and this is bringing me down
Is there a chance you two could swap emails or numbers and have this conversation in private and not here? Don’t know about others but right now I’m so excited about Richmond basketball and this is bringing me down

? Did you think we were on a different thread? There have been 50 some posts on this thread about this, but you wait till I post something to say this?
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Respond to what? This post? Some people I have talked to might have had opinions close, not like, but close to yours a week or two ago because they admitted they did not know enough about this. But, I don't know anyone that feels like you do now. I really don't. Everyone I have talked to realizes how serious this is, cares about their families, and just wants to be as cautious about this as possible. And, pretty much everyone I talk to loves sports like I do, and thinks it stinks if games are cancelled or if fans cannot go to the games, but they all understand why these decisions are being made.

As for news people, I would be shocked if any had an attitude like yours. That would be like a meteorologist telling people not to worry about a hurricane headed their way. What do you want them to say?
You and your friends keep listening to everything the media tells you to be afraid of and try to enjoy your life VT. After this pandemic there will be another catastrophic fear they will throw at you, and after that, there will be another one. In two, three or four months time when the media has had its fill with this crisis, they will let us all breath for a week or two before they grab onto another. I get it that your generation is lost, but mine remembers when we could think for ourselves. Good night. Im taking plydoggs advice.
Wow. Thanks so much for sharing an article from 10 days ago. How stupid of the media for not making a 10 day old article written by a single person about something we are still trying to figure out their top story, right?
Are articles ever written by more than a “single person”?
There are many more like it VT. The opinion of mass media is not the onlyone that exists. I know they didnt teach you that at UR but its true. And did you read the damn thing? The facts in the article have not changed, especially the part about hysteria being the more serious fear because in ten days its obviously becoming true.
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You and your friends keep listening to everything the media tells you to be afraid of and try to enjoy your life VT. After this pandemic there will be another catastrophic fear they will throw at you, and after that, there will be another one. In two, three or four months time when the media has had its fill with this crisis, they will let us all breath for a week or two before they grab onto another. I get it that your generation is lost, but mine remembers when we could think for ourselves. Good night. Im taking plydoggs advice.

It's not the media I am listening to. It's the experts. Meanwhile, you have been listening way too much to someone who hates the media, and for some reason continue to blame them, even though so many of your earlier comments have been proven to be so ill advised. I didn't realize it was the media who made the NBA suspend their season or make the NCAA play games without fans. Silly media, right?
It's not the media I am listening to. It's the experts. Meanwhile, you have been listening way too much to someone who hates the media, and for some reason continue to blame them, even though so many of your earlier comments have been proven to be so ill advised. I didn't realize it was the media who made the NBA suspend their season or make the NCAA play games without fans. Silly media, right?
The “experts” are hand picked by the media. Do you trust Dr. Drew? Is he an expert?

Yea the media did. The media controls all decisions. Just watch how this situation has progressed within the media and what they have stated or written and its not hard to see how quickly ever organization followed their narrative. There is no way they want to fall victim to the wrath of the media.

No one has told me to blame the media. Those of us who have witnessed the transformation of 24/7 news coverage know first hand how destructive the media is and anyone with any honesty over 40 will tell you that this is the single greateSt example of how destructive they can be. Is there a concern here, yes. Should we be in the hysteric state we are in... absolutely not. But hysteria gets ratings, chaos gets ratings, despair gets ratings.
Do you know that when AIDS first came about many thousands of people were dying from the illness? It was an almost 100% fatality rate. Imagine that fear!!

Magic Johnson was diagnosed with having AIDS. Did the NBA cancel all games and suspend the season? Did they even tell him he couldnt play? NO. Did any event or season get cancelled because of this 100% fatal disease? NO. Did we survive, yes.
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I have to say right now I would be surprised if the NCAA Tournament happened this year. Luckily Fred Hoiberg did not test positive but I truly believe if he had them we would wake up to news of conference tournaments being all cancelled. If one player on any team has it that means that any player on their team could also. And any player on a team they’ve played against, and then any team that team has since played against. And that isn’t including coaches, press, team personnel.

This is the reason the NBA did this, and with how quickly a decision was made it would appear Adam Silver was the judge, jury, and executioner and the decision was entirely his. There was no time for full meetings and proper decision making. I haven’t had any strong opinion one way or the other on this but right now it would be alarming to put making money over the health of people.

Edit: before an argument starts, I’m not trying to change anybody’s mind or convince anybody I am right. This is just something that seems a very real possibility now.
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No argument Ply... its called a debate, when good at it you receive a college scholarship, so it is not a bad thing to be good at.

Your viewpoint is valid and there are concerns but there are also historic presidents that are being entirely ignored. We have gone through many pandemics and diseases much worse than this illness and never got to this stage of hysteria.

Difference is that at those times the 24/7 news had not taken hold yet. Now they are fully loaded and all consuming.

Argue if you like that this pandemic is worse than the twenty we have already survived but the evidence points directly to the contrary.
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Fwiw social media has certainly had a big impact. If this were a dozen years ago we r not in this situation imo.

Great time to get Masters tickets they ain’t canceling

When the NCAA announced no fans I was telling wife the news & I help me if they cancel NCAA when Spiders finally get back in. She says that’s because u care more about the Spiders than public health.
Is there a chance you two could swap emails or numbers and have this conversation in private and not here? Don’t know about others but right now I’m so excited about Richmond basketball and this is bringing me down

Just our luck. The ONE year we are in the spotlight and VCU isn't, they will probably wind up and cancel the whole thing...
If they are talking about playing at smaller sites anyway, maybe they could postpone it for a few weeks, and at least see how things looks then instead of cancelling right now. Then, if they still think it is best to cancel, cancel.
If they are talking about playing at smaller sites anyway, maybe they could postpone it for a few weeks, and at least see how things looks then instead of cancelling right now. Then, if they still think it is best to cancel, cancel.

Sounds like an idea. For me, too cold for baseball in April.
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As VT mentioned, this was the women's game against Grand Canyon that was postponed. Buck and the Bakersfield men's team take on UTRGV tonight.

The WAC is holding men's and women's tournaments simultaneously at Orleans in Vegas. Women's quarterfinals were yesterday (other than the postponed one), men's today. Then men's and women's semis tomorrow and finals on Saturday.

As VT mentioned, this was the women's game against Grand Canyon that was postponed. Buck and the Bakersfield men's team take on UTRGV tonight.

The WAC is holding men's and women's tournaments simultaneously at Orleans in Vegas. Women's quarterfinals were yesterday (other than the postponed one), men's today. Then men's and women's semis tomorrow and finals on Saturday.
Oops, got my Grand's mixed up...

Don't know the difference between a Valley and a Canyon...
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If you don't believe that the "hysteria" of the current situation hasn't been contrived by the media then you don't understand how the media makes money. "If it bleeds it leads" is not just a slogan for media. The bigger the event (crisis) the more people watch. The more people watch, the more $$$ the media makes.

Media revenue (advertising dollars) is directly tied to the number of viewers. The way that the media generates viewers (portrays the news) is no accident. They understand that they have enormous influence and control over public opinion. They use the power for social influence, AND to make money. If you have ever had any close connection to the media model, then you know this to be accurate.

It seems from the data that coronavirus is a legitimate concern. Appropriate precautions clearly wise. However, the current pandemic is nowhere near the mass, nor the threat level of several pandemics of the last 20-years. Swine flu just one example.

Add to the mix the overprotective mindset in today's world, and the overall wussification of society and you have the response that we are seeing.

Doesn't mean that society should do nothing. This post is not an attempt to minimize this virus, seems that it is a concern to public health. But, Fatherspider's (and a few others) expressed opinions regarding a contrived crisis are legitimately rooted in real-world economic behavior.

Won't be surprised if in the end this virus is proven to have not been anywhere near the threat that it is being made out to be.Time will tell.
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SEC, AAC, and B10 have cancelled their conference tournaments.

A10 surely will follow. As of now I’d assume the ncaa tournament is cancelled/postponed
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