Coaching News

But, hey, if a bunch of one year wonders (even that's debatable) float your boat, have a happy voyage. As an alum, I guess I'll have no choice but to sail with you.

Lol it looks like my very innocent comment got deleted by mods.

“The Regatta?!? Where at.”

- John Hardt.
I would buy basketball season tickets again if JH would 'own' the Regatta deal and had this song played over the PA when he entered the arena.

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Some people realize that Rolovich was fired because he wouldn’t get vaccinated.,Gallipoli was suggesting that we’d have a lot of coaches to chose from, and I was pointing out that wasn’t necessarily the case.
But of course you couldn’t figure that out, could you?
Can't imagine giving up $9 million in contractually obligated money because I was afraid of getting a shot. But hey, it's a free country.
Only one call to make. Dave Clawson.
-Won everywhere (Including Fordham) at different types of schools and levels
-About to win the ACC with sub top 50 recruiting classes
-Wins more with less
-Has ties to VA an important lifeline to the success of the program
-No scandals
-Turns programs perceived weaknesses into strengths

As good a job VT is it does have its disadvantages which I am sure Clawson would be been to overcome with his proven track record. Even with those disadvantages, it still has more to offer Clawson than Wake would if he wants another challenge.

Had Dave Clawson stayed 2 more years at UR he would still be the head coach at UVA and they would be far more nationally relevant over the past decade than they have been.
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I thought delusional was paying him a $10 million buyout today vs a $7.5 million buyout in a month...

It goes down apparently the day after the Dec 15 signing day. So I guess trying to get new coach in before that and not screw over bunch of kids either right after they sign. VA Tech AD said the buyout was actually 8.75 mil. Maybe him & Fuente made a deal & split the difference as it gives Fuente better shot at other jobs.
Hugh Freeze now getting over $4M/yr from Liberty. Online learning is paying off for the school.
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