Astronaut Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on moon, dies at age 82

grew up with the space program, nasa was located in hampton before moving to texas after lbj became president. my mom kept all of the original astronauts' kids, except for alan shepard, a principal in our high school's husband was the voice of nasa. we soaked all of that stuff up. remember watching the walk on the moon from my frat lodge that summer. every step of that mission was scary, particularly when the two guys got back in the lunar module to attempt to take off and return to the apollo capsule, just did not know if it was going to work. his death is getting huge coverage here in houston, home to nasa now. amazing that all these men and women get into these firecrakers and sling into space, real heroes and spawned a number of young folks to do dangerous things, like our buddy Fluco.
Neil Armstrong spent his lfe giving credit to others, epitomized humility, shunned the limelight, and is a great example.