Assassination Attempt on Trump

Sorry, it's not horseshit. I guess if you don't believe that covid was real, then sure. Otherwise, the way he downplayed it and downright made things up about it directly caused people to die who didn't need to die.
Sorry, it's not horseshit. I guess if you don't believe that covid was real, then sure. Otherwise, the way he downplayed it and downright made things up about it directly caused people to die who didn't need to die.
Everyone knows the Chicoms created Covid in a Wuhan lab. The deaths were caused by the Chicoms. The real crime is that Biden didn’t do anything about it. Your guy let them off scot free. He did nothing because he was afraid to. Just like he is afraid of Putin. He is a weak leader and a weak man.
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Way to stay on task. I don't recall Biden being president when covid started, but perhaps you are living in an alternate universe.
This is pretty bad.... what did the Secret Service know and when did it know it?

"the local sniper observed Crooks looking through a rangefinder, an instrument routinely used by marksmen to determine the distance of a target, and he immediately radioed to the command post, according to the local law enforcement officer. The local sniper also attempted to send the photo of the gunman up the chain of command."

Well, it happened again. There has been another assassination attempt on Trump. The divisive rhetoric from the left accusing President Trump of being Hitler must stop.
And the right calling for civil war, Harris is a socialist or Communist, is turning our country over to illegal immigrants, and who is going to turn us into Venezuela is bringing us together.

But I do agree NO room for violence from either side. Appears all shots were Secret Service shooting at suspect before he fired.
And the right calling for civil war, Harris is a socialist or Communist, is turning our country over to illegal immigrants, and who is going to turn us into Venezuela is bringing us together.

But I do agree NO room for violence from either side. Appears all shots were Secret Service shooting at suspect before he fired.
Every statement in this post is correct.
Every statement in this post is correct.
The guy who took the shots in Pennsylvania was a registered Republican. The latest nut job was a former Trump supporter who soured on him when Trump turned against Ukraine. Sorry, these guys aren't "leftists," as much as you may wish them to be. But they did have easy access to military-grade assault weapons, which many seem to support.
The assassin's son even talks about how bad Trump is....It sounds like the entire family should be in jail.

"Oran said his father hates Trump as “every reasonable person does” adding, “I don't like Trump either.”“He's my dad and all he's had is couple traffic tickets, as far as I know. I know my dad and love my dad, but that's nothing like him.”

“'I hate this game every four years, and think that we all do, and if my father wants to be a martyr to how broken and disassociated the process has become from the real problems and practical solutions, then that's his choice.”'I'm not saying that's what he's done or what he's about, that's just my own rant being fed up with it all for my entire adult life.”

The people in Florida realize this is a set-up... Explain this: Routh traveled from Hawaii, got a car and had an AK-47.

Sheriff Snyder said “How does a guy from not here get all the way to Trump International, realize that the president, former president of the United States is golfing and is able to get a rifle in that vicinity?

Harris is a socialist or Communist, is turning our country over to illegal immigrants, and who is going to turn us into Venezuela is bringing us together.
Harris is a neo-marxist. She has allowed more than 10 million illegals into the country, which is larger than the population of Virginia. They have taken over.... Springfield, Ohio.

Her actions are straight from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
And the right calling for civil war, Harris is a socialist or Communist, is turning our country over to illegal immigrants, and who is going to turn us into Venezuela is bringing us together.

But I do agree NO room for violence from either side. Appears all shots were Secret Service shooting at suspect before he fired.
Political violence doesn't belong anywhere, but if anywhere should be limited to Russia, China or other dictatorships, and certainly not here.

Trump himself is guilty of festering more political violence than anyone. He singles out individual politicians (Whitmer), judges and their family members, prosecutors and their family members, and even 2 totally innocent poll workers in Georgia, among others, to his followers, and then some of his crazy followers make these peoples' lives a nightmare. A Trump supporter attacked an FBI office and was killed. A Trump supporter severely injured Paul Pelosi, and Trump has joked about that several times ( hardly hilarious that an 80 year old man got beaten with a hammer).

Trump has praised his January 6 rioters who beat the crap out of 140 police officers, and has said he will pardon them if elected. To my knowledge, he has never even acknowledged the suffering that these officers endured, and he is the law and order candidate? And just this weekend he posted that he" hates" Taylor Swift. I'm sure this will result in harassment and death threats, but Trump will be happy if it does.

There are dangerous nut case followers on both sides, and some Supreme Court Justices, among others, have been harassed by the Left. The difference is that the call for this harassment does not come from the top of the Democratic party. Trump, the GOP leader, incites more violence than any other politician because he names and berates individuals. You'd think that after these 2 assassination attempts he would dial back his rhetoric but I'm sure he won't. If Gally or another Trump supporter is aware that Biden or Harris has specifically identified and berated an individual and it has resulted in death threats or violence against that individual, please post, because I'm not aware of it. And no, I don't think the left's rhetoric resulted in either of these Trump assasination attempts based on the existing evidence known to date.
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The people in Florida realize this is a set-up... Explain this: Routh traveled from Hawaii, got a car and had an AK-47.

Sheriff Snyder said “How does a guy from not here get all the way to Trump International, realize that the president, former president of the United States is golfing and is able to get a rifle in that vicinity?

If indeed its determined this was part of a conspiracy, I hope the parties are caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I want Trump to lose at the ballot box, not lose his life. And it was good to hear from the Secret Service that after the last attempt, Biden authorized more protection for Trump.
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Routh and chef Jose Andres both advocated very strongly for support of Ukraine. Hardly a radical thing.

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