Assassination Attempt on Trump

Sorry, it's not horseshit. I guess if you don't believe that covid was real, then sure. Otherwise, the way he downplayed it and downright made things up about it directly caused people to die who didn't need to die.
Sorry, it's not horseshit. I guess if you don't believe that covid was real, then sure. Otherwise, the way he downplayed it and downright made things up about it directly caused people to die who didn't need to die.
Everyone knows the Chicoms created Covid in a Wuhan lab. The deaths were caused by the Chicoms. The real crime is that Biden didn’t do anything about it. Your guy let them off scot free. He did nothing because he was afraid to. Just like he is afraid of Putin. He is a weak leader and a weak man.
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Way to stay on task. I don't recall Biden being president when covid started, but perhaps you are living in an alternate universe.
This is pretty bad.... what did the Secret Service know and when did it know it?

"the local sniper observed Crooks looking through a rangefinder, an instrument routinely used by marksmen to determine the distance of a target, and he immediately radioed to the command post, according to the local law enforcement officer. The local sniper also attempted to send the photo of the gunman up the chain of command."


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