OK, for those who do not view the weather channel, there is a disturbance in the southern gulf of mexico, not named yet because not strong enough to be named but they have the name harvey waiting in the wings to be used. computer models have it mostly arriving in houston this weekend as a cat 1 hurricane or a tropical storm, either of which can be pretty bad. depending on where you might be staying here, you could have probs since houston, particularly downtown, has street flooding even with a thunder storm. if you are staying north of the city towards huntsville, should be in much better shape. everything now is just a prediction or guess but the local weather people are saying we could have 10 inches of rain and if so, flooding will most definitely be a prob and don't do something stupid like driving your car or rental through deep water in the road, which residents do here each and every time it rains hard. am sure jim cantori and his buds are in their rain and wind gear and probably already on a galveston beach just excited beyond belief. just keep up with the storm and its timing and your flight schedule which might be changed or cancelled.