Wednesday in Brooklyn

Rhody @ SJU tomorrow night is a very big game! Perhaps we should get a live updates thread on the message board for that one.
Rhody @ SJU tomorrow night is a very big game! Perhaps we should get a live updates thread on the message board for that one.
I suggest a watch party. Maybe Mooney can get the team together as well. Kind of like when coaches get their teams together to watch the NCAA bracket to see where they are playing. This effects our seeding for our big end of year tournament that we hope to compete in.
So, does playing on Wednesday and winning against Fordham and then losing the next day look better or worse than not playing on Thursday and losing our first game?
Better for CM because it adds another win to an otherwise really crappy record.
Brooklyn is the perfect venue, the mecca of Basketball that is New York City. Great Media presence also, its not even a debate.
Brooklyn is the perfect venue, the mecca of Basketball that is New York City. Great Media presence also, its not even a debate.
yeah it is over priced, with the Big East going on at the Garden we won't even be the head line in the local news. DC or Pittsburg better choice.
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My only Brooklyn a10 experience was watching the Great Charlotte Meltdown. So, a bit tainted for me.
In did see that Sal’s brother was at the game Saturday. At least he saw us play a decent match.
Didn’t put 2 and 2 together but I saw him and I guess his Mom as well. He had a Harlem hoodie on and his Mom was actually wearing a gold shirt. Probably didn’t know opposition’s colors , but let’s start a rumor that she is a Rams fan.
Didn’t put 2 and 2 together but I saw him and I guess his Mom as well. He had a Harlem hoodie on and his Mom was actually wearing a gold shirt. Probably didn’t know opposition’s colors , but let’s start a rumor that she is a Rams fan.
Yes that was then. She was cheering loudly for Sal and for the Spids. Oumar seemed interested. Tall kid.
Think right now we are looking at 11 seed. Which actually might work for us. First game would be against 14 seed - right now that is Fordham and should be a win. Then potential setup with George Mason - another team I think UR has a realistic chance at beating. After that - I think fatigue sets in.

We have good enough 3 players in Gilyard, Golden and Cayo to ride them in the A10 tourney. Problem is - they have to play perfect and play about 40 minutes a game. So unfortunately - that really hurts our chances at making a deep run.
There's a banner for every occasion. I think this year's banner is more of a participation banner. Maybe coach will take the kids out to Glory Days at the end of the year for competing well all season.
I love that the game is at 330 on Wednesday. Who else is taking the afternoon off from work???

I have Thursday and Friday off...wondering what the odds are now that we'll even be playing Thursday much less on Friday
Friday is probably zero chance now that we lost tonight. Having to win two games in a row.
I have Thursday and Friday off...wondering what the odds are now that we'll even be playing Thursday much less on Friday
We have beaten 5 A-10 teams. Now we play one of them on Wednesday and Thursday.
If we win...

Think that was the strategy the last 2 minutes tonight...
I think they easily get by Fordham but believe St Louis will be tougher to beat than say if it was GM. Looking at ST L box Mooney's team shot 64% with 2PTA and 44% with 3PTA. Need to shoot like that again plus Bills had 21 offensive rebounds so losing that game meant they made very few put back attempts. Oh, Spiders also were 17-18 from the foul stripe.

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