VA--Save Our Country!!!!

After last night's debate it is now clear to all>>.we NEED Mitt ROMNEY to be our next President!!!!!

ROMNEY/RYAN to Save The Nation!!!
Anybody believe the phoney employment numbers the obama government put out today?
those typically are new claims, the country still has 20% of our population out of work. hope it gets better soon but not looking good.
The figures are accurate, but misleading. The key is how they are calculated. They do not include those unemployed who have chosen not to seek work any longer. When you include those who have simply dropped out of the workforce, the unemployment rate is 11%+.
If you believe the numbers in the jobs report are valid read Jack Welch's op ed piece in today's Wall Street Journal and you will be enlightened!
VA won't even matter in this election in the end, unless Obama loses Ohio which is unlikely.
if anyone here believes any of the polls they are hearing, forget about it. a ton of what you hear is the mainstream press only providing dem leaning polls to try and make it seem obama has a chance. only wish our country was not divided by two really stupid parties and voted for the best candidate, not a party who could give a flip about anything other than winning an election.
Romney will win the Popular Vote by roughly 52-47 and will gain somewhere around 325 Electoral Votes including FL, VA, OH, IA, WI. GOP will keep the House and Dems will narrowly maintain the Senate. Check back here in a week.
^^Glad I'm not a betting man any more.

Congrats to those that got the result they were looking for.
We MA voters know how such a phony Willard is having followed him as Governor where he spent most of his term positioning himself to run for Prez and moving from a moderate to a conservative. He could do well as chief contortionist. And, I believe the Republicans should listen to Michael Steele rather than the Tea Party activists and open the doors to center or right of center Republicans - versus the Far Right.
Win or lose, time to put away the partisanship and vote for the citizens of our country.
This post was edited on 11/7 6:42 AM by URFan1
Brockton, if the dems will do the same, move to the center, we have a deal, let's do it. think we both are living in a dream world though.
But the Massachusetts voters saw no phoniness in Teddy K as he championed women's issues while driving them in the water and groping them in bars all over the country. I do agree with the comments about Michael Steele though. Congrats to the winners.
Originally posted by spiderdukes:
But the Massachusetts voters saw no phoniness in Teddy K as he championed women's issues while driving them in the water and groping them in bars all over the country. I do agree with the comments about Michael Steele though. Congrats to the winners.
Here lies the reason we will never get beyond this broken party system. In the statement above we have grouped a state, an votng group and a forty year old issue that are all irrelevant to this election and today's metrics. We will always have our opinion on the issues. We will forever believe ours is the party of hope and change. Everyone knows what has to be done but we all know it will never happen. For what it is worth, I am not a Democrat or Republican. I did not vote Obama because he is the greatest thing since fire. The other side just never conveyed a true, consistent and believable message that stuck. Unless the GOP and Dems wake up these elections and their antics will forever be irrelevant. I bet the founding fathers never expected us to turn the elections into billion dollar freak, circus like side show.

PS. Classy reply my texting friend.

This post was edited on 1/27 3:15 PM by paward
Sorry that you feel I am the problem. The calling of Mr Romney a phony got my guard up a bit and I responded with my opinion. I agreed with his comments on Michael Steele and offered my congratulations to the winners and I hope all the winners do a great job.

This post was edited on 11/7 11:25 AM by spiderdukes
Pa is completely accurate. I said the same thing a few months back in another thread, but we will never return to true bipartisanship in this nation, and that is a real problem for all of us. The hatred that you see for Obama in certain circles now is not too different from what you heard eight years ago the other way when GW Bush was re-elected. Both sides will have now had a taste of each other's medicine for eight years, but all that has done is made both sides seemingly hate each other that much more.

No one will be willing to compromise on anything. Republicans believe everything Obama does is destined to destroy the country or set us back decades, so why would they compromise with him? Instead, they want to see him fail and probably will spend a lot of effort trying to stonewall him. It's not a lot different from what Democrats felt and probably tried to do with Bush.

No one wants to be seen as the weak side that gives in to the other side. And the side in power wants to use its power to accomplish its goals ? not to reach across the aisle and give its opponent what it wants. But even when the side in power does reach across, it's usually stonewalled anyway. And then both sides can just blast the other for being too partisan. The cycle will never end.

It's a sad commentary on our political system.

This post was edited on 11/7 12:58 PM by Eight Legger
Spiderdukes I was not saying you are the problem. I said the statements like the ones quoted was. We look to compare people with one party and the party with certain incidents. Then we cry foul when the other is not mentioned enough or spinned to our satisfaction. GET THIS all politician are not worth the salt that goes in bread. We are trapped by a bad system that has taken an evil money tone for decades. Think about it do you think the GOP establishment has ever been happy with Romney. No it was their hate for Obama driving the ship. Point two the Dems were not happy with Obama. It was their quest to have one of their on in the whitehouse. This system is broken. It stinks and it is not global warming, not jobs, not gay marriages, not education, not family values, not the fiscal cliff, not Jesus, Joeseph or Mary that will doom us. It is our inability to work for the good of this country. We cry exceptionalism. I would agree exceptional in the way we have learned to destroy everything we so wanted and needed and was endowed by our creators.
Well said Paward. That is also the reason we saw our bond rating dropped by one of the agencies.
Sadly, most of the "hate" I see is spewed is in our media. How does this get fixed?

I don't hate President Obama. I respect him as a husband and father and for his office. I didn't vote for him yesterday because I don't trust his stewardship of our stagnant economy and because he spent his 1st Term force-feeding the Affordable Care Act on an electorate that did not want it.

But I get painted as an 'angry old white guy' by the media. Why? Is it just easier to paint things that way?
Just to further my query about 'hating the President'.

Is this 'hate', 'a playful joke' or just an example of deteriorating society when Campaign Surrogates for the President behave this way?

I truly believe Conservatives "Hate" this stuff far more they they "Hate" The President.

President Obama Campaign Surrogates
heck, the main job of our house and senate is passing a budget annually, it has not been done in any of the past 4 years, even when one party ran everything, so why do we think that both parties, trying to work together, will do anything? unfortunately, it will take a "cliff" incident for some leader to step forward out of that chaos to bring us all together toward righting the ship. it is obvious that we cannot afford, pay for the type of government that takes care of everyone and everyone's problems so until we get everyone onto that page, nothing will be or can be done to bring us together.
What Miss B said is awful. But who among us have not said worse about someone. The attached t shirt is way over the top. As black american that grew up in a south Georgia town that would not let me try on shoes. Yes I had to trace my feet to buy shoes. I ask my father one day why. Can you imagne how he felt when he told me his baby girl circa 8 years of age that she could not because once you try them on they can not sell the shoe to a white child. This picture not only hurts it stirs emotions that are not warranted to who is best for the POTUS. I am a person of faith and will not let the ugly consume me then nor now. Heck some of my best friends are you guys and last time I looked I am a bit darker. We just have to look through and beyond the media.
PA, that shirt is certainly disgusting but that man is only a representative example of Romney voters if you choose to make him one.

Beyonce Knowles and her husband are surrogates of the Obama Administration.

Did you find it offensive when Vice President Biden suggested that the Romney Ryan ticket wanted to "Put Y'all back in Chains" at his stump speech in Danville, VA a couple months ago?

I'm really not trying to fan any flames here. Just trying to flesh out the 'Conservative people hate Obama' argument. That man in the picture isn't a Conservative. He's a racist.
I find it offensive whenever anyone, see me as anything other than good person. As for Biden comments, I felt it was race baiting for votes. It did not offend me because I have never been in chains. It is all politics and I see it all for what it is worth. BTW, I love the picture. Handsome like your wife, lol.

This post was edited on 1/27 3:34 PM by paward
The political struggle in the U.S. will continue and it is about the change of culture and ideology. The United States has peaked out on its claim of greatness in the world.
Healthcare will continue to decline because Obamacare further reduces payments to medical providers who are already limiting or turning medicare patients away due to lower reimbursements.Financial standing in the world is on a slippery slope and just today there has been a threat of further downgrade to the US bond ratings. China and international investors will have a field day.....most citizens don't understand these consequences,Education already has slipped and ranks around 25th in both math and science. Military power is still #1 in the world and hopefully remains there but I can imagine Iran licking its chops following the election.
US population has become a society that looks first to the government for help and entitlements. It is Obama's agenda to build a big government through class warfare and redistribution of wealth. Other countries around the world like us better now because we are becoming more like them.
Regarding compromise, i read this headline and article and felt a little better about things. Then I read some of the user comments and felt worse than I did when I started.

I am not sure the electorate deserves better than it gets from its elected officials.

Olive Branch
Although I 've never met him, I think Boehner is a good man that believes in doing the best for the country even if you have to give up some of the things you want. Unfortunately our parties are so divided now that people like him have a hard time getting and staying in a leadership posiiton. We need to vote out the ones that will not work with the other side, and that means from both parties.

BTW Pa, we love ya. Sorry you or anyone had to go through things like that as a child, or even an adult. Hatred is ugly and should be eliminated, it usually comes from a lack of knowledge.
No need to apologize. That story was an analogy when racism rear it's ugly head it brings out the worse in everyone. I would not give anything for my journey. Also I am from one of the nicest, prettiest places you ever want to see. It is my home and I love it. Thanks for all the honest dialogue. We knew joining UR would be a good experience for our family. Ok I am getting off this board. I am a football kinda gal.
There are plenty of idiots on both sides of the aisle, and in the third party crowds too. You don't have to look far to find them. The problem is that their mob mentality is preventing actual work from being accomplished. One side gets sick of hearing its position and leaders criticized by the other side's idiots, and the tendency becomes: 'Let's stand up and rub it back in their faces every chance we get.'

Instead of listening and debating ideas, too many people just devolve into name-calling and worse. Both candidates were guilty of it in TV commercials, debates and speeches for the past two years. It's only natural that their supporters follow suit. People on all sides are too prideful anymore to acknowledge their own shortcomings and flaws or to give credit to the opposition when it presents worthwhile ideas.

The fact that each party has its own "TV news" network to propagate its message ? and to tear the other side to shreds whenever possible ? certainly is not helping matters. People today are used to being fed so much vitriol from one side or the other constantly that it has changed the way they think and interact. It's a highly divisive format, and you see the results.

How do we fix it? We stop watching or reading "news" from those sources, stop supporting their advertisers, stop rehashing their one-sided perspectives, or at least think about what the other side of the story might be. If Hannity and Olbermann ceased to exist, that would be a good start.
don't think one cable channel equals all of the biased network plus cable channels who favor one side but if you wish to say that each side has its own TV news, then at least be honest. yes, we are divided but we can survive or if not we can all go over the cliff together and that will be lots of fun for all. then we start over from scratch and the arguments will start all over again. we have half the country which wants the govt to be mommy, daddy and the problem solver for all and the other side who wants a smaller, leaner government that does what the constitution set it up to do. both sides think they are right and it is about equal so we are going to face this battle for a long time going forward. when i see so many people who just want to keep on raising the debt ceiling and just keep on going on, i wonder if any of our schools teach even basic economics or even math. our govt would never allow a corporation to run itself financially like it runs itself, heck, any corporation with this much debt would have gone under on its own long ago. it is just not sustainable, we can bury our heads in the sand but some day, we will wonder what happened but we will know.
Comparing the borrowing of the US economy to a corporation is a false analogy. US long term bonds are considered risk free. The US government has never defaulted on its obligations or even missed a payment. Individuals, corporations and other counties fall over themselves because they know US bonds are THE safest place to park money. Much of our budget surplus was spend basically on this notion (people will always buy US debt)

The fact that Republicans were using the debt ceiling, and its looming threat to downgrade the US's credit rating, was by far one of the most ridiculously short sided ideas from the last congress. Do not mess with our credit rating. Not only does it affect the borrowing costs of the US government, but US treasuries represent the benchmark borrowing rate for things like mortgages, corporate bonds and even municipal bonds.
our credit rating should have nothing to do with the debt ceiling and everything about how we run our financial affairs, our spending, our debt, both the side we fund with treasuries and the unfunded piece, which is enormous by the way. do you really trust the credit rating services? they had several of the entities which went under and those that had to be saved an A or even better on the day they failed, really accurate. the entities they rate pay them to do their ratings, don't worry, "nothing to see here". weiss, rates our govt at C+, a far cry from the AA+ or AAA which our paid services do and we are probably junk. we do have a printing press, most companies do not, that is the difference. instead of saying we are going to default on our debt if we do not raise the ceiling, we should say we are going to cut govt spending and that is what we would do, you are right, we would not default on our debt. that was such a bogus argument, we had the money to pay our debt, we just had to stop spending, cut spending. you cannot hide the pea NY with bogus arguments, we suck financially and the fact that the big services have us rated AAA does not make me sleep any better at night, does make me laugh though.
Originally posted by NyNjSpider:

The fact that Republicans were using the debt ceiling, and its looming threat to downgrade the US's credit rating, was by far one of the most ridiculously short sided ideas from the last congress.
Are you saying that it was the Republicans that changed our debt rating?
Originally posted by NyNjSpider:
The fact that Republicans were using the debt ceiling, and its looming threat to downgrade the US's credit rating, was by far one of the most ridiculously short sided ideas from the last congress. Do not mess with our credit rating. Not only does it affect the borrowing costs of the US government, but US treasuries represent the benchmark borrowing rate for things like mortgages, corporate bonds and even municipal bonds.
NYNJ, you do realize that the credit downgrade occurred after the debt ceiling was raised, right?
Originally posted by MolivaManiac:

NYNJ, you do realize that the credit downgrade occurred after the debt ceiling was raised, right?
Yea...S&P citied "political brinkmanship" in their downgrade
Correct. And in an earlier bullet point they state:

"The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's
medium-term debt dynamics."

The President told us in the Third Debate that Sequestration was an idea created in Republican Controlled Congress. It was not a true statement and refuted by Bob Woodward of all people.

The man needs to lead.

S&P Downgrade
Let's watch closely to see how Prop 30 plays out in California. If it really creates the revenue increases to pay for the schools, i'll gladly be proven wrong.

My guess is the high earners move to other states with more favorable tax rates and and it ends up being revenue neutral and Gerry Brown or his successor will need more money for schools again before long.

The high earners from deeply blue California will continue to move to other more tax-favorable (formerly Red States) nearby. I think we're seeing this in New Hampshire and Virginia.

I'm more worried that USA is turning into California than I am in it turning into Greece.

California Prop 30
I don't think you are ever going to convice me, that a downgrade of US sovereign debt is an acceptable outcome to obstructionism. I would wager that Congress thinks this NOW, hence our next debt ceiling will come and go with more political maturity.

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