UR Plates (Sorry Fan1)


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2008
Sorry Fan1 just came in the mail the other day and I had to show off. On my Harley I have WERUR1. What other UR plates are out there?
over the years have had: SPIDERY and SPIDS. here in texas a customized vanity plate is about $300 so will just stay with normal. do you owe Ron some fees for that plate?
the prisoners in tejas, those not being executed, are watching flat screens and working out in the spa/weightroom, no time for plate making, darn it.
T, admit, there are things, as husbands, we have to do for our brides but putting w&m on the license plate would not be one of them. come back on here when you have that rectified, corrected.
Fluco -- no harm, but you better show them respect.
Rick, i had it in VA with the UR plates with the spider on them with red screws that attached the plates, maybe a tad overboard but i was younger then. wish i could do plates here but am just too frugal, cheap, wise, whatever. now i just fly my SPIDER flag out front.
Yeah, Spinner somehow the recent trading of cars has left me driving my wife's old car which says "W&M Grad" and our trip vehicle says "W&M UR", but although my wife has won the battle of the plates, the flag out front proudly says "Richmond Spiders". I was hesitant to make too much of an issue about the plates. The wife was a classmate of Robert Gates and I didn't want to have to dodge CIA hit squads.
a funny Gates story. my son in law's aunt lived closed to him in nova when he headed the CIA, were friends. when he became prez of texas a&m, she got him to invite my daughter and rob, an aggie, to his box at one of their football games. had forgotten all about it, but was watching a game on tv and the phone rings and it is president bush 41 who identified himself and i just blew him off thinking it was a prank but he said, really, am having lunch and watching the a&m game with your daughter in the president's box. really glad i did not make a fool of myself, came pretty close but thought it was a nice thought by him to do that. if one has never been to an aggie home game, just a great experience, so many traditions and they do not boo the refs or opponents, very refreshing with all the drunken incidents that occur at so many venues these days. if your bride has a plate that is strictly w&m, then you need a UR or SPIDER only plate, tell her it is a prerequisite for SPIDER CLUB membership or something.
t - probably went down this road before but my sister was in the same class with Mrs. t and also Robert Gates. I attended that graduation in 1965 at W & M.
spider fan, My wife remembers a Mary(with your last name). My wife is a very good sport about attending UR functions and we have traveled far and wide to ball games. Reciprocity demands that I go with her to Homecoming on the Reservation when she is interested and that we go to an after game party at the Ukropps when the Spiders play the Tribe in Richmond. I have probably seen more of her classmates over the years than I have my own. UR does IMO a very poor job with Homecoming. The W&M Class of 65 is a very fine group of people.