Fan, you have your opinion and I have mine. Both are valid as they are only opinions. Here are some facts:
1. Mediocre teams don't finish 4th in a good league like the A10. Yes, this is not the best year for the league, but it is still pretty good.
2. We beat VCU twice.
3. We beat Davidson as badly as VCU did today.
4.We won 6 games in a row when we needed to. Only Davidson did better down the stretch.
5. We only lose one player. Granted, he is pretty good, but we add a recruit, a transfer, two redshirts and a medical redshirt. I like where we are.
6. An inside source told me at the beginning of the year that the team had great chemistry. Yes, we lost some games that we should not have lost, but the team regrouped and finished strong. That shows character and character usually comes from the coach. Mooney never lost the team.
7, Weare going to the NIT. The NIT used to be the pre-eminent tournament post season, eclipsing the NCAA. While clearly a second tier tournament today, it is still an accomplishment and it is not the CBI, in which I hope we never play again.
8. The fact that we were even in "the bubble talk" says a lot about the resilience of the team and the coaching staff.
9. If we played VCU tomorrow, we would win. . . . Ok, that is not a fact, but I truly believe after watching us play them 3 times, we are the better team. Our problem was losing several early games that hurt us.
9. Our defense is playing great right now.
We will just have to agree to dis-agree. I have been an observer of basketball for 50 years, played at the college level and coached at the high school level, so I feel that I have a pretty good feel for the game. In my opinion, Mooney is an excellent coach and I hope he stays at UR for many more years.