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Spider's Club
Gold Member
May 7, 2003
you would think, the way obama is crying wolf that the sky is falling. he is worried that $44 billion would be cut out of the budget this year ( and this is only cutting the growth in spending not actual spending) out of a budget of over TRILLION, it would hurt too much. for gosh sakes when will he tell the truth and not just him but dems and republicans alike, this is such a joke, this would be like warren buffet losing $100 on his G5 or something. i knew that we would never get any cuts at all, we never do. these so-called automatic cuts are a joke but at least a start, why does everyone in washington want to stop them? when will the press step in and call these guys on this mess?
Seems like you could talk about the baseball budget being cut as a part of this topic. That is what has happened this year, things are more lean than last year. One can only attribute it to the one thing that is different, Men's Lax. Clearly, it has cut into the baseball budget. What a shame. I mean, look at the schedule, no travel whatsoever.

In the words of Major League's Jake Taylor. "I guess there's only one thing left to do. Win the whole f__king thing."

You want budget money, obviously we will have to win the conference, win a Regional, maybe then UR will understand that baseball is one sport the school can be a major player in.

Let's Rock!
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