The Bonnies

I predict Bona will "inexplicably" shoot a crazy, uncharacteristically high percentage from behind the arc.

Yes sadly our opponents "go on a tear" against us from "beyond the arc"....would be great to see our defense figure out a way to stop that.................
This whole thing about teams getting hot against us and watching Charlie Brown singlehandedly defeat us reminds me of the "old fashioned" box and one defense. Very effective at shutting down a hot opponent.
I think it was DT that used it as one of many defensive strategies.
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I wonder if Mooney Thinks there's a reason that teams get hot from 3 against us every game or if he just thinks it's a coincidence. My guess is that he thinks it's a coincidence.
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One can always "dream" about what could addition to trying to maintain a sense of humor ..................................
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I’d be surprised if we won this game. Schmidt is a good coach. He wins at St Bonnie! They will outrebound us and get a lot of second chance points like they usually do against Mooney. Hope I’m wrong.
What does Mooney see re: Sal that fans don't? Not going to lie, the kid definitely needs to hit the protein and dessert line at the DHall. I can't imagine why he's not getting a couple mins. Actually, nevermind.....
I predict we either (A) lead most of the game and then go cold with about 3 or 4 minutes to go and lose narrowly .... Or (B) trail most of the game, fight back in the second half, pulling even or perhaps ahead late ... Then run out of gas and lose narrowly.

Mooney will be proud of the manner in which we competed and say we need to get back to work for a good practice tomorrow.
I know no one wants to hear this but at this point it's better that we just lose. This team isn't going anywhere and the only thing winning will do is increase the chance that Mooney stays, which long term is worse for us. In the short term yes losing sucks but it will help us out in the long term. Good things are coming with a new head coach.
What does Mooney see re: Sal that fans don't? Not going to lie, the kid definitely needs to hit the protein and dessert line at the DHall. I can't imagine why he's not getting a couple mins. Actually, nevermind.....
Coach Mooney should be smart and give JJ's minutes to Sal.

Oops, I said Mooney and smart coach in same sentence. I need to watch my language.
What does Mooney see re: Sal that fans don't? Not going to lie, the kid definitely needs to hit the protein and dessert line at the DHall. I can't imagine why he's not getting a couple mins. Actually, nevermind.....

There’s always one guy each year that Mooney forgets to play. Must be Sal this year.
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I know no one wants to hear this but at this point it's better that we just lose. This team isn't going anywhere and the only thing winning will do is increase the chance that Mooney stays, which long term is worse for us. In the short term yes losing sucks but it will help us out in the long term. Good things are coming with a new head coach.
If your source is credible, winning a game here and there shouldn't matter.

For the players' sake I hope they win.
I predict we either (A) lead most of the game and then go cold with about 3 or 4 minutes to go and lose narrowly .... Or (B) trail most of the game, fight back in the second half, pulling even or perhaps ahead late ... Then run out of gas and lose narrowly.

Mooney will be proud of the manner in which we competed and say we need to get back to work for a good practice tomorrow.
Mooney needs a win before Tuesday when Spider Jeff and Hardt kick back and reminisce about Hayden Fry.
Beautiful post from the Bonnie’s board:

Is any one else a bit annoyed at Richmond at this point? (Especially since while they have sucked have never been an easy game for us) If I was the A-10 commissioner I would be.

They have....
-Gorgeous Arena
- Solid if not great foundational fan base (albeit a bit old and Quiet)
- Great city for college basketball
- Perfect Student population for a basketball school
- Beautiful Campus
- A true bitter crosstown rival in VCU
- Top 50 national endowment (2-3 Billion)

Yet they continue to allow this joke of a coach stink it up for what a few million at the most left on his deal?

Say what you want about Fordham and La Salle (us 10 years ago). The biggest problem in The A-10 is Richmond. Not in the sense they should be kicked out but in the sense that they are squandering huge opportunities for the conference.

Richmond with all they have in this conference should be in the NCAA tourney conversation 4 out of every 5 years. They should be a blue blood in the A-10. VCU/Richmond game should be a national draw every time.

Time for Bernadette to kick Richmond in line.
Beautiful post from the Bonnie’s board:

Is any one else a bit annoyed at Richmond at this point? (Especially since while they have sucked have never been an easy game for us) If I was the A-10 commissioner I would be.

They have....
-Gorgeous Arena
- Solid if not great foundational fan base (albeit a bit old and Quiet)
- Great city for college basketball
- Perfect Student population for a basketball school
- Beautiful Campus
- A true bitter crosstown rival in VCU
- Top 50 national endowment (2-3 Billion)

Yet they continue to allow this joke of a coach stink it up for what a few million at the most left on his deal?

Say what you want about Fordham and La Salle (us 10 years ago). The biggest problem in The A-10 is Richmond. Not in the sense they should be kicked out but in the sense that they are squandering huge opportunities for the conference.

Richmond with all they have in this conference should be in the NCAA tourney conversation 4 out of every 5 years. They should be a blue blood in the A-10. VCU/Richmond game should be a national draw every time.

Time for Bernadette to kick Richmond in line.
I absolutely Iove this post. Every point is very true and is he fact that other fans see it should really tell us and more importantly our athletic department that we are a massive underachiever. I'm watching the Duquesne vcu game and they just showed the A10 standings with Duquesne and Davidson tied for the conference lead, that tells me that there is no excuse for us to be where we are.
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I predict we either (A) lead most of the game and then go cold with about 3 or 4 minutes to go and lose narrowly .... Or (B) trail most of the game, fight back in the second half, pulling even or perhaps ahead late ... Then run out of gas and lose narrowly.

Mooney will be proud of the manner in which we competed and say we need to get back to work for a good practice tomorrow.

Get out of here - you have been to or watched way too many Richmond games and discovered the constantly repeating pattern of the two ways Richmond has played basketball games this year. Your punishment is to be tied to a chair and to watch Mooney post game pressers in a repeat loop for one hour after every game..
Beautiful post from the Bonnie’s board:

Is any one else a bit annoyed at Richmond at this point? (Especially since while they have sucked have never been an easy game for us) If I was the A-10 commissioner I would be.

They have....
-Gorgeous Arena
- Solid if not great foundational fan base (albeit a bit old and Quiet)
- Great city for college basketball
- Perfect Student population for a basketball school
- Beautiful Campus
- A true bitter crosstown rival in VCU
- Top 50 national endowment (2-3 Billion)

Yet they continue to allow this joke of a coach stink it up for what a few million at the most left on his deal?

Say what you want about Fordham and La Salle (us 10 years ago). The biggest problem in The A-10 is Richmond. Not in the sense they should be kicked out but in the sense that they are squandering huge opportunities for the conference.

Richmond with all they have in this conference should be in the NCAA tourney conversation 4 out of every 5 years. They should be a blue blood in the A-10. VCU/Richmond game should be a national draw every time.

Time for Bernadette to kick Richmond in line.

God, that's beautiful.
Beautiful post from the Bonnie’s board:

Is any one else a bit annoyed at Richmond at this point? (Especially since while they have sucked have never been an easy game for us) If I was the A-10 commissioner I would be.

They have....
-Gorgeous Arena
- Solid if not great foundational fan base (albeit a bit old and Quiet)
- Great city for college basketball
- Perfect Student population for a basketball school
- Beautiful Campus
- A true bitter crosstown rival in VCU
- Top 50 national endowment (2-3 Billion)

Yet they continue to allow this joke of a coach stink it up for what a few million at the most left on his deal?

Say what you want about Fordham and La Salle (us 10 years ago). The biggest problem in The A-10 is Richmond. Not in the sense they should be kicked out but in the sense that they are squandering huge opportunities for the conference.

Richmond with all they have in this conference should be in the NCAA tourney conversation 4 out of every 5 years. They should be a blue blood in the A-10. VCU/Richmond game should be a national draw every time.

Time for Bernadette to kick Richmond in line.

Great post by the Bonnie fans. It has been something many of us have mentioned on here countless times and it's nice that other fans are seeing and saying the same thing.

The fact of the matter is that Richmond is perfectly suited to be a great basketball program and even nationally recognized (like a Butler or Creighton). We have a beautiful arena, facilities, campus. We are in a great city. We have a passionate fan base and we have one of the best mid-major rivalries (and rivalry in A10). We absolutely should be in the NCAA tournament at the very least once every 4 years.

We are not far away from that. I know things look bleak now, but we have all the necessary factors in place to be a great program. All we need is a coach to put the pieces together. It is beyond clear that coaching is the biggest thing holding us back and whenever we decide to fire Mooney and bring in a great coach, we will see the results immediately.
Perfect way for an opposing team to sum up our current situation.

Enjoy the game tonight. It’s another game my seats will sit empty. My son has a game at 6PM and I’d rather go watch a kid who’s motor never stops and is relentless on the glass.
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Only going by stats Bonnies are opposite of Mooney's team. Better on defense than offensive. Don't shoot many 3s and aren't good at it. Score most of their points from 2PT range and are good with FT shooting. Bonnies have 3 frosh who are involved and poor Sal can't see the light of day.

Just from what I have read maybe a zone could assist in a Spider win? Plus Bonnies seem to protect the paint well so will GG and Cayo be able to score inside? If not Mooney's team will have to shoot well from deep to win. Call me crazy but see a good 35+% with 3PTAs and enough made to get the W. Maybe I don't want Mooney to get it, but the kids NEED it! Special kindness has come over me as I type this. Go Spiders!
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Only going by stats Bonnies are opposite of Mooney's team. Better on defense than offensive. Don't shoot many 3s and aren't good at it. Score most of their points from 2PT range and are good with FT shooting. Bonnies have 3 frosh who are involved and poor Sal can't see the light of day.

Just from what I have read maybe a zone could assist in a Spider win? Plus Bonnies seem to protect the paint well so will GG and Cayo be able to score inside? If not Mooney's team will have to shoot well from deep to win. Call me crazy but see a good 35+% with 3PTAs and enough made to get the W. Maybe I don't want Mooney to get it, but the kids NEED it! Special kindness has come over me as I type this. Go Spiders!
Just wondering if VCUers will show up to laugh at us?
Comment by Beck on the broadcast: "be careful that the guys dont wear out in the M2M defense...cover way more ground in M2M".
Has our defense gotten better or have our opponents gotten dumber? Wasn’t it cake for teams to drive up the middle for an easy two?
Out of the blue Verbinskis dressed? One of the guys helping with shootaround looked like him.
Gave Gilyard a rest, playing Sal... what’s going on?
They are throwing money on the floor now. I knew they had to pay the students to be here.

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