Homer has vision while the rest of the world wears bifocals.
he made a statement that you think he only made to save his job. as if that would do it. fine. whatever. you say it's a fact so who am I to argue.
do you disagree with the statement?
next year's junior class. Golden, Gilyard, Cayo, Sherod and Francis. could that be the most talent we've had in a class? take into consideration that ...
that's irrelevant to the statement, which I happen to agree with and I get blasted for agreeing with.
No, I don't think this class is suppossedly the best ever. Here is why:
I would still take the Anderson, Harp, Geriot, Smitty class and here is why:
1. Defense: All of those guys could and would defend. Golden and Sherod are sub-par defenders, which detracts from their really good offensive abilities.
2. Toughness and heart: Geriot and Smitty were tough players and played with heart. Gilyard plays that way as well, but the rest of our team plays soft (that is not a criticism of their personal attributes but just how I see them play 0N THE COURT). They don't contest drives to the hoops, they get dunked on frequently, they aren't out there physically leading their teammates when they other team makes a run etc... Geriot would tag a guy in the nads at least once every other game just to show him whose boss. Was that dirty, yeah maybe a little, but man was it effective. Whoever had to guard Geriot knew they were leaving that game bruised and hurt.
3. Kevin Anderson: Guy is in our rafters for a reason. Gilyard and Golden might be the stars on this team, but Anderson is a legend at UR. He made every single guy on his squad so much better. We aren't hanging Gilly or Golden jersey in the rafters.
4. Athletic ability: Harp and Smitty could dunk on and over you. KA could make you look silly in any number of ways. That team also had Garrett as back up in the middle another really intimidating player. We have no one that is physically intimidating on this current group of players. That matters, a lot in my opinion.
The 2011 team would beat next years squad by double digits, nine out of 10 times.[/QUOTE]
That class had something that next years class will never have, mental toughness. When the going got tough they got going and pulled out a lot of really big wins for us. All of those guys, Anderson, Harper and I think Geriot and Smith especially had a ton of mental toughness. Throw in Gonzalez in there as well. No one on this team has any mental toughness except for Gilyard. I also don't see anyone on this team being a leader, once again except Gilyard. His comments after the URI game say a lot about this team to me. I'm glad he isn't afraid to share those comments.