UR expected to opt-in to the house settlement. One quote from the article “UR has invested too much in its flagship sport to proceed in any other direction, which would essentially equate to de-emphasis.” Love to see us committing to this. Sign that we still want to be serious program.
Bernadette says programs are expected to invest 1-3 million. Another quote that references UR sending out letters soon “He continues with an emphasized plea for increased financial support from Davidson alumni and fans. That sort of request will be circulated also at Richmond and dozens of other Division I schools.”
Another quote from the article that caught my eye. “Richmond's determination to remain in the Atlantic 10 Conference may not apply to league membership across the board, this year or in future years. The composition of the 14-school league (
Massachusetts, currently the 15th school, leaves in July for the Mid-American Conference) could change in response to revenue sharing, which at the A-10 level may be too expensive for some members” . Looks like this saying other programs currently in the A10, may not have the same determination as Richmond to remain in A10. What do you all think the A10 will look like in the next 5-10 years?