NCAA or bust
^^This is accurate but put me down for the NCAA as genuine. Also Philly I think at least half of the outsized expectations & rose colored glasses came from Ulla over the years. Maybe there was more of it, don't think too much last couple years.
I'll fly solo on this. But believe me I certainly get why others are not there. Think this is best team we've had in quite a while. One main weakness which is why I really wanted Mooney to fill that last ship with a grad transfer. Could bite us. Also why I wanted tougher schedule.
But mainly it has sucked going into a year with low expectations and feeling there is no real shot at an at large. That's no fun. In last 8 years I'd say I felt that once, maybe borderline another year at best. So heading into year 9 I'm excited that I think we have a team that can do it, been way too few and far in between.
Also Mooney feels NCAAA is reasonable. That's telling for a number of reasons. And program just doubled down on #bestclassever. There is no chance of bestclassever unless NCAA this year. So also excited that if we don't reach NCAA you can't bring a 0 for last 9 coach back after those gauntlets were put down...unless you have a bumbling goof of an AD.
So put me down for NCAA, and also put me down for zero circumstances in which Mooney should return if we don't get there. First team out? Sorry goodbye.
Go Spiders, get it done.
You're missing the point my friend. It's not the team, it's the coach. And it's not the recruiting so much as it is his in-game management. He's a bad sideline coach, period. You can change out the players and assistant coaches but as long as we have the same head coach we can forget NCAA.
He wasn't always like this. I really believe the Charlotte game changed him.